Fun and Games was submitted in September to Hosted Games! It contains 3 interactive stories exploring the adventures of the MC and the Speck kids taking place during various times in their freshman fall and spring semesters. It started out as an idea for a modest 10K-word supplement to CCH 2, but has since taken on a life of its own at 108,000 words, so it’s now a full-fledged game.
The tone is lighter, focused on…well, fun and games. I felt this was needed before I publish All Things End, because once I do that, that’s it, the whole story is done. No one wants to go back in time once the characters’ fates are sealed (I’m looking at you, MCU Black Widow). I wanted to spend a bit more time with just writing “fun content” for the gang.
The stories are:
“The Fury of Zarlor” (D&D-inspired, the gang plays a fantasy tabletop RPG)
“There’s a Monster on my Line” (Scooby Doo-inspired; the gang investigates a mystery monster in a small Nebraska town)
“Family Day” (The Dean invites students’ families to the Speck Campus for fun and games).
If you’d like support me on Patron, check it out here! Right now, I’m running a 16% discount for yearly pledges, so basically 12 months for the price of 10, for any of the 3 Tiers. Find project updates, polls, monthly work-in-progress links, RPG character sheets, in-depth articles about writing craft and sales, and more!
And @Bugreporter, “Zarlor” keeps getting longer and more complex and I realize now I could have easily written a 100k-word adventure with this set-up, but I must fight feature-creep and keep things as tight as possible. But it is fun as hell to write!
@Ben_Klemme @KingEneru @Libertynyan
Welcome aboard! When I get a bit more “Zarlor” written, I’ll invite everyone who’s commented to a private thread. The plan will be for you folks to test/review content as fast as I can get it to you. Helpful feedback will include suggestions on improving choices/balance, suggestions on improving overall flow and prose, catching continuity errors and bugs, finding typos and other glitches, etc.
And @Tristin_McComas thanks for asking! I started this thread partially to keep discussion of 2.5 separate from 3.0. As soon as I start the 2.5 private thread, you can discuss whatever elements of 2.5 you care to discuss! (obviously everyone from the first group will be invited too! I figured y’all knew that).
Alright thank you I just wanted to be sure Haha. Also if the beta test I’m currently in end by then I would like to beta test 2.5. The rules state we have to stick with one at a time correct?
If you’re beta testing for CoG yes I think they have a rule that says you can only test one CoG beta at a time.
But I don’t have any such rules, so feel to jump in if you like. And it’s not like I will be adding new content daily or anything. This will be a 45-60 day process and I probably won’t update with new content more than once or twice a week. I know people have lives!
It’s easy with practice. I had the privilege of beta testing a few of the big titles that choice of games has released. The writer will tell you all the feed back they need and then you just do the feed back
And @CaesarCzech, I appreciate you offering, but I really think it’s best that people are super familiar with all the stuff from Part 2 and know the characters pretty well. This is a very uh unique project…it’s all about knowing the characters.