Community College Hero 2: Knowledge is Power (Would a Game Guide for CCH1 & 2 be helpful? post 1941)

I agreed with him on all of them. He’s got some good insight. Almost makes me wonder if he’s the deviant in disguise.


I just arrived to the part where you are imagining combos in my second playthrough.
I didn’t realize how ridiculously funny they were, but now I can’t shake off the picture of Mob (who’s Synergy ? :sweat_smile: ) brandishing Stoic like a plank while she remains… well stoic, all straight, and doing something like the whole situation did not concern her,like picking her nose or something…
And the hair combo… Picturing someone pulling tress’s hair all around a fog running while having to keep their hand close to the ground for someone to trip over…
I’m sure we’ll come up with something better into the next one


Hello, everyone!
New guy here writing from Brazil! =D
I was delighted to find CCH1 some months ago and was anxiously waiting for part 2. Played it many times already, trying the Zenith Path and have a question (with potential spoiler):

Do you have any way of actually getting powers in this part of the story? I got high grades and unlocked Prestige Cover the first time I played. For the second time I unlocked Savior Cover and made all options to increase my score with that school even promising I would let those creeps acces my brain. Eew! Also I defeated the Wyvern and let nobody die in both games.

Apart from that frustation, the writing is so great and immersive that I have to take some seconds every time I finish to “tune” myself to the real world again haha.

Grey Wolf here sending my best heroic regards to you all!


No unfortunately you can’t…

I feel you :astonished:

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Weird, I had the achievement and I still couldn’t get him to save her. Is that a bug or did I need something else for him to do it?

Also, someone mentioned it earlier, but please keep track of spoiler tags! Hedonist’s death, whether you like him or not, and same with Wombat’s, is a megaspoiler


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So who decided to go with Wyvern when he attacked the party? That’s the option i always pick just because it fits my MC’s personality best. And for those who do choose to fight how do you avoid capture?


It seems we may both be wrong. Upon further speculation it is, in fact, a nightmarish fantasy. All of those sentient spider-like little chunks of rock that once made up Hedonist now crawling upon your naked flesh. One could only imagine what those spidery rocks are thinking, are they biding their time? What are they waiting for? What indeed…
I’m stopping now. Move along, nothing to see here.

@RedRoses Do you have the option that says ‘This is out of control! I ask the Hedonist to intervene.’ after Tress screws up?

@Eric_Moser Sorry and a quick question if you don’t mind. During the spa scene with Crook, he mentions an impending divorce if you choose to not get a ‘rubdown’ from him while if you do he says he’ll talk about it later, but it never gets mentioned again in the game. Was that intentional, meaning Crook plans to bring it up again after a possible divorce or there’s been so much crap going on that Crook forgot to bring it up again?


Eh, either way. Things do get crazy after the party scene, and they don’t really slow down much after that. It could be reasonable that he just tabled the whole conversation.


My wife is SHOCKED at the poll results for the short stories, seeing as how it’s the exact opposite of how she would have ordered them. It will be interesting to see if the FB folks cut a different way.

But I am absolutely stoked to write any of them.



Have you considered writing full novels as well? I mean I like the games and all but after I finished Choice of the Deathless I actually searched for more of Max Gladstone’s works. And well…Yeah, now I own most of them except for Book Burners. Please just take my money.

I enjoy the writing but sometimes I feel like trying to tie up every loose end and cater to multiple people makes the story feel shorter somehow. The choices aren’t as important to me as connecting with the story and characters, dunno if that’s just me.

As always, thanks for all the hard work. Really appreciate the effort and how often you come back to keep in touch with the fanbase.

P.S. More Hedo


BR here too mate, no you can’t get powers in this game, the author probably saved that part for the third part. Now I really hope he don’t leave it for the last parts of book 3, ideally ,for me, he would address the power matter as soon as possible but i can understand the coding effort would be a lot bigger if he did that.
Anyway one of the main aspects of this series that i love is the recurring grey morality situations. Also Stoic best girl.


I absolutely loved this game.

I love that you wrote both Hedonist and Crook out of “creepy flirts” into more charming flirts. I was replaying the first CCH earlier this week and was cringing slightly at some of the dialogue from those two compared to it in this game. Crook really is bae. I am curious about his impending divorce and how it was never really addressed, unless I missed that scene. I just kind of inferred it based on the beginning and how all of a sudden he’s cool with sudden blowjobs and party hookups. It makes up for cockblocking me all last book. ;( I hope my character isn’t a home wrecker though. Though that would be good drama.

I also think having the three routes really ups the playability. I’ve found myself really trying to strategize how I’m going to make my next few characters. I think my first run was just lucky— I was shocked to read the spoilers!

I liked how Quickie described the Seven. Very accurate. I put in a good word for him with … myself. :wink:

I am curious about how the third book will play out. I wish you the best of luck in tying up all of these loose ends!

This was a great second installment. I can’t stop praising it. You’re incredible.


@Eric_Moser, I was looking over my copy of CCH on Steam to try and figure out why I wasn’t seeing my saves in CCH2 (I originally picked it up on IOS) and it looks like you aren’t asked to enter an email address like you are for CCH2 (which I ended up picking it up on Steam, too, haha), so you can only play your Steam saves in the second game if you also buy the second one on Steam. Could you look into fixing this?

So here’s my question for today, lol: I understand that picking Dr. Stench or Power routes won’t come to fruition till book 3, but I have a hard time picking anything but Tactics. If I was picked leader in the first game, can I still pick the ‘proper’ tactics choices for the gym battle if I didn’t go that route? Or are you pretty much set to fail all over yourself if you look into the armor or powers? Should I save those options for when I’m NOT the leader, so I can just let Tress mess up? (sorry this thread has been all over the place I’m not sure what should be considered a proper spoiler right now)

@simulated During the scene in the massage parlor, if you refuse his ‘massage’ and say you just wanna talk, he’ll tell you about how he didn’t go home for Christmas and it’s basically over with him and his wife. Now, I’m not saying we’re sure he’s 100% telling the truth and we’re not home wreckers, but I think we’re in the clear so far as our conscience goes so far…


I’m pretty sure that’s up to Steam and COG. The authors don’t have anything to do with saving systems, I’ve been told. If you have both games on Steam now, just run through it. It shouldn’t take more then like 15 minutes if you know what you wanna do.

They let you enter an email in the second game, though, so it’s very weird. Also, I’d like to be able to play while on the go as well, without using the level one default character or having to buy the first game on another platform. Plus, there might be other people who make the purchase like me and not all of those people may have the funds necessary to purchase it two times. American dollars are quite a bit of money in some countries.

…Well…shrugs Sorry but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re asking the wrong person for technical assistance. Just in future, buy series all on the same platform. Don’t trust Steam to share things with anyone or work with others.

How do you get an A in both Defence and Breaking People and Things? I’m playing as a Detective and Zenith powers route