Community College Hero 2: Knowledge is Power (Would a Game Guide for CCH1 & 2 be helpful? post 1941)

Probably Zenith Metabolism?

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True dat how is my mc alive thenā€¦:flushed::thinking:
Or maybe he is actually dead and everything he knows is a lie!!!:relieved:

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Hey everyone,

I love the conversations going on. I just have a request; try to make your posts as substantive as possible, and limit the back and forth short posts. I think all the little posts tend to bury everything else. I canā€™t begin to keep track of anything, and I donā€™t want new folks being too intimidated or lost to jump in.



Right right. Well whatā€™s a topic of cch2/3 we can discuss in depth. I think weā€™ve gone over Hedonist and his scummy behavior.

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How about hedonists tragic(not) death from the manipulator and getting revenge(Iā€™m a fanboy need dat autograph).

Hey, this may seem out of place, but I am failing horribly at getting Quickie and my MC out of Wyvernā€™s room. Itā€™s been only a day since I read the ā€œbeepā€ part. Any hints?

Iā€™ll bring the Hedonist marble remains and build a table so we can have a barbecue with my new team.

Sorry Dx Iā€™ll do better.

Mhnn, allow me to summarize thoughts so far:

  • Would love to see an ā€˜interludeā€™ in the epilogue where we work with the manipulator to scare the reporter into apologizing to tress.
  • Looking forward to see how things will play out with some pieces missing on the board
  • Rest in PM, i think (sorry for the tone there, I was very excited Dx)

And sorry for my tone in some posts here, as said, Iā€™ll do better.


4 digits aka 4 beeps

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Alright new topic what exactly do you love about your RO or and/or Besties?

Crook (bestie) he doesnā€™t hesitate to get da job done
DG: I love her brashness and rebellious nature
Stoic: sheā€™s stoicā€¦
Tress: is pretty annoying tbh she took my leadership!!!
The dozen: (Iā€™m a wannabe(soon to be) bestie)

Iā€™m saving my Stoic RO for when Book 3 is incoming.

But my MCā€™s mom is a Hardass. Her last words to her dad were"Youā€™ll be safe right?" Emotionally sheā€™s severely damaged and vulnerable. Dirty Girl takes the pain away and to quote Meatloaf ā€œShe used her body just like a bandage. She used my body just like a wound.ā€ My MC feels like sheā€™s free with DG she doesnā€™t have to put up a facade.


Lol stop giving me mental images :joy: ā€œDG and meā€¦ sitting on a treeā€¦ doing drugsā€¦ā€
But on a serious note I think there should be an epilogue with me convincing her to stop drugs
Me in the background: snort powder falls to the ground*

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I feel the only way she could stop was if she saw how it was hurting you. She doesnā€™t seem to care about her own well being.

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True so i will have to do it so much and keep hurting myself until she stopsšŸ˜Š
Why kids shouldnā€™t do drugsšŸ‘

Crook: shows up drunk to fight with criminal. Wouldnā€™t have survived if not for the Mc.

DG: still donā€™t take her job seriously. Savior was a good exemple

Tress: questions Mcā€™s leadership while consistently making poor decisions and going against their orderā€¦

Wombat and Mob: my boys. Very solid under pressure and trying to improve at any chance they get. They are the real satisfaction when you go down the Tactician path.

Stoic: my RO, I liked the interactions and loved how she was handled at the end.

Stunner: who ?
Quicky: he is the Longbottom to my Potter, canā€™t wait to see him and Friendzone integrate the rookies.

I guess what Iā€™m trying to say is that the 3 other core members of the 7 were not painted in a glorious fashion during this one. But thatā€™s okay, everything made sense so no complaints from me.
I sure hope they get a chance to evolve (for the better or the worse) and why not evolve in certain direction after some of our decisions in the third one, that would be compelling character development


Sorry for ruining the mood :frowning:

Wat do you mean??? Iā€™m still normalā€¦ as normal as a person like me can beā€¦:face_with_monocle::nerd_face::sunglasses: translated: mood is good

You donā€™t ruin the mood just because youā€™re a Hedonist fan. Weā€™re accepting of your Strange love here. This is a safe space.

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Thatā€™s definitely one of my biggest wishes for part III. Synergy has been consistently solid and I think Tress and Crook would also be great if they could work through self-steem/drinking problems (with the MCā€™s aid?). I imagine we can only have the ā€œGet your shit togetherā€ conversation if we have enough brownies points.

I also hope we can see an evolution of Quickie, I thought he was extremely obnoxious until he was candid about how shitty the Knights of Nebraska were to the Afterthoughts and I hope hope hope we can follow through on addressing that.

@No_This_Is_Patrick, I agree. It would be fantastic to recruit the Manipulator as an ace in the hole for the climax.