Choice of the Vampire - community input [SEE POST 1305]

Ok, this scene killed me…

Compassion at 75? I truly was not expecting that.

After Clotho and Silas’s death MC has the choice to keep something of sentimental value. Would it be possible to keep West’s ashes? I know it’s weird but it really intrigues me. Obviously this choice will be only visible if MC is his progeny. Also if MC has a high relationship points with Memeskia as broodmates, it will only make sense to keep his too. If he dies in battle with West.
Keep it all in the same vial.:no_mouth:

In Clotho’s romance, when dominus demands MC to kill Clotho with his shaving things led to wonder…why does he have it? Vampires can’t grow hair right. I mean, vampires don’t need exist like Anne Rice’s vamps. Not an important question but rather a silly one.

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When you’re looking at the code, don’t forget that these are opposed stats and work a little differently. Compassion, for instance, is the name of the variable, but the number is representing where you are on a continuum between “callousness” and “compassion,” and it’s actually reversed from what you might initially assume.

At the start of the game, for instance, the code is *create compassion 35 which displays as that meter being 35% full - which equals “Callousness: 35% Compassion: 65%”

So choices that lower the “compassion” variable are actually making you more compassionate, and a high value for the “compassion” variable instead means filling up that meter towards being more callous.


Ok thank you

So, I murdered Pavesi's widow. Later, when Hiram asked how many people I killed, I answered "None" to see his reaction, which I took a screenshot of below. Considering how upset he was that I was when I offered to take out the widow, I don't think he'd forget something like that so easily. I'd love to see Hiram call us out on our BS, to be honest. Or at least mention that he knows I killed Pavesi's widow.


New Orleans, meeting Thérèse Maffi

New Orleans, meeting Thérèse Maffi: “Jesse, I do not know what your rôle in this was, but I do not think you should be opining at this moment.”

Memphis, before rendevous with Jesse. Mispunctuation? Not sure if the question mark was intended.

Philebus, at the conclusion of our conversation with Hiram?

"When I was aboard the Katerina, I doubled as a medic. They called me ‘Phlebus,’ because I was the most skilled at drawing blood."
Correct me if I’m wrong (I don’t know Greek), but isn’t supposed to be Philebus since that’s the name of the chapter?

St. Louis Fair Nights, asking Dido Applethorp about Fragalà at the Yoruba exhibit

Code typo, says 'sharm' instead of 'charm'

Weird little box appears after telling Aichinger to help out in the pandemic

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That’s a great catch.

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@jasonstevanhill I have a few lore questions:

1: Do Governors act as Quaestor of the city they rule from?

2: Why do the Freemasons seem to be Loyalists? My gut tells me they would be Revolutionaries.

3: How permanent is damage inflicted post-turning? If Sabine gets her eye gouged out will it grow back? If Yates got his limbs chopped off would they stay off? Are cosmetic surgeries an option for vampires?

  1. When I’m world-building, I try to think about what the vampires were doing 2000 years ago, and then think about how they would have adapted that system to the modern nights. Governors were Quaestors during the Roman Empire. Any city where a vampire would want to be—Capua, Ravenna, Massilia, Carthage, Cadiz—was ruled by a Governor appointed by Adonis. But when smaller, nearby towns began to have populations significant enough that a vampire could survive there…Adonis didn’t want to appoint dozens more Governors. Better to create a hierarchy. So he invented the position of Quaestor, giving Governors the authority to appoint someone to “keep an eye” on those smaller towns. So, yes, there aren’t Quaestors in the same city as a Governor. (If anything, that’s what a Tribune would be for.)

  2. I think that’s a coincidence.

  3. Damage is not supposed to be permanent. But West is ancient and powerful. The fact that Bécard can’t heal her eye is supposed to be terrifying.


Pronoun typo. This happens after throwing Maeve a birthday partyaret


Finding yourself relatively destitute, you’ve started stealing from those people you feed from. It’s mostly pocket change, but every once in a while you come across something more valuable, and unknown has to dispose of it on your behalf. Regardless, the thievery does improve your financial situation.

unknown likes being paid, but is not thrilled to be washing bloodstains from valuables only to turn around and fence them.

stlouis_hunting line 937: Bug: sleeping place in error?

Jesse knows exactly what he’s doing lol. He can be such a greasy bastard.

I’ve always wondered why sometimes the 2nd paragraph doesn’t comes up. Is it bug or does something trigger extra paragraph?

Did you use the Checkpoint system?

There are hundreds of lines in the game that only show depending on your stats, yes.

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In the St.Louis World’s Fair section, I feel like there should be different lines for the various ethnicities of the vampires when/if they feel upset by the mistreatment of the various tribes and their status as a sideshow.

A Choctaw vampire or a former slave vampire would feel the rage on a much more visceral level. A Yankee or Southern vampire would probably feel some level of embarrassment on top of their rage. A free person of color should have the option to feel either visceral rage or embarrassed rage. Immigrant vampires (French, German, Scottish, Irish) and Islenos should have the option to be appalled at American barbarism, or be embarrassed and angry at the same time.

I believe I was going back and forth using the checkpoint system, yes.

Which valet did you choose?

Can you please list specific moments with screenshots or clips of text?

Just a quick thought, but do you think you might ever add relationship bars to the vampires’ and mortals’ gallery?


Could someone please help me?
I was trying to follow this thread’s advice on how to get the Governor’s Favor achievement but I can’t seem to be able to have Status 2 and Creation 3 at the same time, not if I try to bring in new inventions to New Orleans.


Here you go. The character in question is a Yankee, and I have got the same options on a German PC playthrough. As he is also an American, I feel like he would phrase his anger at the mistreatment of the tribes differently–the character in question, who is pretty open minded and friendly to other ethnicities, would probably feel ashamed. Even vampires that are pretty callous and exploitative of humans (especially non-white ones) could have the option to blanch at the exhibition that is written in an “even I have standards” way. A vampire who is Choctaw, Free PoC or a former slave would probably feel a lot more than just anger over “savagery and limited imaginations”.

Screen Shot 2020-10-10 at 7.55.05 PM
Also, replace “damns” with “dams”. This is where the PC (same as above) reveals his affiliation with the Freemasons to Hiram.

I managed to go out with Amie Jones (married hirsute woman) after I killed her and her husband earlier.

I also got the event where Annie and my helper (Ernst, former Union soldier) got into an argument after she was killed by Wotton.

Also got the event where she decided to go for a walk in the morning (after the previous events I mentioned) and I got the opportunity to swear vengeance on the impostor once again.


Many of the patrons have left by the time you exit the club. They wend their way to their various homes, almost all within easy walking distance.

I think it meant to say went.


Good eye on those bugs.

Wend actually works fine here. While not used as often as ‘went’, it means people going to a location but in a slow or indirect manner.