An neverending medieval RPG

@Ramidel Same-sex romance (most especially of the male-male sort) was certainly frowned on, and neither Richard the Lionhearted nor Edward II were openly homosexual. Furthermore both were known to have mistresses with whom they fathered children, so both must have had a sexual interest in women. Whether or not they also had a sexual interest in men is open to debate. It’s certainly possible to make a good case that they did, but being able to make a good case is not the same thing as an established fact.

I just wanted to say:I really do not care, if I win ok, if I lose ok

I also want to add that Edward II was a -terrible- king, and rumors that this was due to his inability to say no to the outrageous desires of his male lovers made it easier for his wife and her allies to depose him.

@P_Tigras: You’ll get no argument from me regarding Edward II, but that’s the point. The problem wasn’t that he was sleeping with guys, it was that (among other things) he was pouring out too much of the treasury into them (and spending too much time at his carpentry hobby); that, combined with his military defeats in France and Scotland, was what got him tossed off the throne.

And the fact that people were spreading rumors about Edward II shows that homosexual liaisons most certainly did happen in the time period. They just weren’t talked about much in public. Civil sodomy laws, for example, weren’t introduced until Henry VIII.

Calling a King a homosexual during a coup d’etat was kind of like the modern equivalent of calling a father a child molester during a divorce case. It may be true, but then again it may not. Nevertheless the charge itself makes people think twice before supporting that person due to the fear that it may be true. There was a common perception that gay men were weakened mentally and spiritually by their descent into lustful depravity as punishment from God. And the whole concept of “divine right” suddenly gets voided when the King is engaging in “abominations” and violating God’s “natural law”. Even worse, when the country itself is suffering as in the case of Edward II, God’s punishment of the King is said to have spread to the country itself. It becomes obligatory for the people to remove their corrupted king to show God that he should not continue to punish them as well. It’s thus a rather convenient way of justifying a coup as being divinely supported.

Some people are more than happy to blacken some one else’s reputation in order to gain what they want. Just look at the silly rumors that the current US President isn’t really a US citizen which refuse to die. So it’s not entirely clear if Edward II was weak-willed, unwise and gay, or simply weak-willed, unwise and accused of being gay.

Did homosexual relationships occur? Most certainly. Nevertheless ever since the book of Leviticus was written, attaching the death penalty to the crime of a man lying with another man as if one of them were a woman, there have been extremely strong church prohibitions against male-male homosexuality. This taboo was strong enough that even Kings didn’t dare openly flout it. (Female-female homosexual acts that didn’t involve penetration weren’t considered sex for the longest time…) Now if a highly successful king who has produced several children, and donated large sums to the church, -discreetly- were to keep a few boys on the side, yes, most people who found out, including church officials, would probably have looked the other way. Even if they strongly disapproved of their King buggering other men in private, most people wouldn’t have picked a fight with a powerful King who could easily have accused them of lying and had them executed when the odds were not in their favor.

@QondasDyablo thanks for your feedback, and about slaves, it may be a good thing for a few of the villages included, I may consider it.

@817819 I don’t think I’m going to make it so that you can be the bad guy, but that may actually be a headstart for the second game of the series.

@Raven yes, I’ve been thinking about that too, I guess I’ll just have to name the game after I finish it so I have a few varieties of names to choose from.

@Person, diplomacy may sound like a thing to add, and I will consider it.

@Brimstone, for some of them, I may actually do.

@Heromaster, good to know someone expects the game!

@Havenstone, About the diplomacy, as I said above, I will consider adding it. And about the dreams; you will always have the option to wake up in a lucid dream, at any point, and since you can do anything, I don’t see it being boring. Even if it is, you can simply skip it. And about the non-interactive dreams, they’d just be a long paragraph of text (about 5 non-interactive dreams will be in the game), which you can read and then press next to wake up, or you can just press next to wake up without reading them. They’re just there for enjoyment, and Lucid Dreaming will be the last thing I will work on.

@Ramidel, @P_Tigras, @Havenstone, fine, I will add non-straight marriage in the game. In my opinion, someone straight can easily avoid it, and someone non-straight can easily get to it; and in fact, it’s easier for me to code the game, as I don’t have to make 2 parts based on the player’s gender about marriage and all that.

@Zach, what do you mean?

I must not forget to mention it took me 45 minutes to make the “Shipyard” building script; I thought it will take me less, but apparently it will take me a while. Just to mention, after I finish the first village, I will release a demo containing living in that village, doing anything you can do in that village only (excluding sieges, sailing, pirates, combat, and many more features, but also containing I think half of the features the game will have).

Also, if it happens for me to not be online for a day or two to answer to your comments, it’s most likely because of my internet, it’s having some problems recently. After I’ll fix it, I’ll be online daily here. Even if I don’t comment here or there, I will be still working on the game.

Cool it looks like it going to be a great game

@Brimstone I hope it will, after all, I’m putting a lot of time into this (as time is the only thing that’s keeping me away from releasing this sooner; it’s kind of easy to make everything in it).

I mean I do not care about the same-sex people being in love back then now

@Zach, oh, ok, well that’s not important for the game anyways as I’ve decided to add non-straight marriage, so that everyone’s happy.

Another feature idea: What would you guys think about adding jousting? If you have a horse and a jousting pole, you can go jousting with other knights. There is already an attribute for Knight Fighting, so it’d be rather easy to add this. Also, what about adding minigames, like poker or blackjack? You may suggest other minigames if you think I should add this (the minigames could double your money so that you can buy more stuff).

@AlexCosarca I think jousting would be cool but is it possible to combine the stats of knight fighting and horsemanship or agility.

Minigames could be fun if you can keep it easy to understand

I lost count of all the minigames

@AlexCosarca I wasn’t arguing for or against gay marriage in your game. I’m just a big-time history buff who enjoys discussing medieval history. Personally I tend to favor games with a heavy dose of realism, so I’m generally not a fan of games that ditch realism to make a social statement, but if an author can be more inclusive in a way that comes across as realistic, I think that’s great!

Jousting sounds fun, and is certainly in keeping with the spirit of knighthood. The Witcher, a somewhat different type of game, had arm-wrestling, boxing and dice mini-games so I can see how card games could work here just like the dice game did in the Witcher.

by betrial I mean a point were you can switch sides due to a change of heart or something

@Raven, currently, there are stats like Knight Fighting, Riding and Vigilance. I will probably combine them, but I don’t know how to make jousting actually not depend on luck…

@P_Tigras I will consider adding dice mini-games, but I don’t know how to add arm-wrestling and boxing, so I may keep them away. Thanks for your idea!

@817819 Perhaps I will add that, I just don’t know yet as I’m working on the game’s mechanics currently, not on its storyline.

I changed something about it, as it won’t have 3 factions but 4. What I would need however would be names for 2 of the factions (one will be neutral from your faction, and the other will be an enemy faction). I have the names for one evil faction and for your faction, and I need the other two (I just can’t think of any).

The Jousting if you win it could help your reputation if that is a stat

Yes, reputation in every village is a stat in the “Relationships” button (see the screenshot at the middle of the first page). By the way, I have to warn you, some of the art included in the game is made in paint, don’t get freaked out by it! That is, when I’ll release the demo, The demo WILL be here on the 6th of August!
