Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven -- set for release 10/28/16

Personally, I really like the third option because you pay one flat rate and get more frequent updates for free. People may be reluctant to drop $6 on an app, but wouldn’t we end up paying like $7 instead for the second option? I definitely wouldn’t go with the first option just because that means I have to wait until late 2016 :smile:

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Wait @jimD remember when you did pricing for ZE original one where the prologue or first chapter I think was free and then well when I read it really intrigued me and then you could buy the chapters when they came out I think it was like $2 or$3 for that chapter why can’t you do the prices like it was before. But I like the options you have now

I look forward to every update in the ZE universe. as for how its released, being someone who has bought the original 5 parts on both IOS and Google play & will show my support & buy it on steam once its released I am fine with any of the payment options, I feel quality work such as ZE should be supported in any way I am able.


@jimd will safe haven be bought in instalments like the first one

@fairlyfairfighter I am going with the simple restore password feature. And I have fixed the issues with the third floor :smile:

@jcury I get quite a few poor reviews for charging for each part (though not an overwhelming number), but I’d like to make a pricing structure that appeals to most people. Charging $6 in one shot may not make the most sense, but I threw it out as an idea. Tin Star and it’s massive word count at $5 is also a factor.

@killnsin yes, the overall cost will be close to $7 but I also wonder if it will push people to steal it or just pass it over.

@jcsunshine_3 I always thought a free game with in-app purchases made a lot of sense to potential customers, but the back when ZE first went live, advertising was an option. Now, the real revenue comes from sales. Plus, I want to cut down on negative feedback from people who feel I’m just baiting them to pay more.

@Lobo420 thanks for your support :smile:

@Lightsavior I have two options I’m kicking around.

  1. Release it as one app in 12 chapters for a fixed price in late 2016.
  2. Release the prologue and chapters 1-4 in an app for $3 in late 2015. Updates after that would be every 6 months, 4 additional chapters for $2. Each chapter is around 65k words, so each part would be 250-300k words.
  3. Release the prologue and chapters 1-5 for $6 in late 2015. Updates would be every 2-3 months, 2 chapters at a time for free.

7 to 8 bucks seems more than fair price to pay especially if you break it over the coarse of release say 2.50 per three to four chapters. Seeing a smaller price tag spread out over time is an easier thing for people to swallow rather than a large up front fee. Myself I do not care either way, once completed you got a sale here already XD (But I digress).

Even for people that might be monetarily behind the eight ball so to speak should be able to save up a couple of bucks every few months. But asking for it all upfront might be a different story all together.

I think that would be the ideal approach (Also a good thing for you for it would have a steady stream of income for you streaming in to motivate you more XD).

I’m not just saying this because I’m lazy,but:

Seems like a better idea, for 2ish reasons

  1. IAP’s (generally) increase bad reviews, which you wanted to avoid,
  2. People will likely forget after a few months and stop updating/ paying the IAP’s
    ish) I can’t get IAP’s on my phone.

@Pace675 exactly what i said, some people especially those who are not
with Jim’s work may hesitate to pay $7-8 for it, however braking it down
will not seem as much.

Or those who aren’t familiar with his work may not appreciate the hard work he puts into all of his games, and may feel that Jim is just trying to rip them off, by making them pay “extra” for something they, prior to finishing the first chapter, thought they had already bought.

Is there a poll of can use to vote if not I think option 2 is the best

Option two sounds like the best.

yeah option 2 sounds better :slight_smile: plus I take it you’re including achievments like most games do now? Because if you included some you could get at the beginning that would also give people something to do whilst waiting and increase the replay value exponentially and stop them forgetting about the game

Due to my work schedule changing at my primary job, I have to push the update to July 9th.

@Pace675 That pricing model is my favored one. It makes the most sense, and yes, motivation is a factor.

@fairlyfairfighter true, but pushing this out to late 2016 may discourage those readers of ZE I’ve retained. All of the reasons you list are valid and why I still consider it.

@CMR I am going to try to keep the price down and will discuss with CoG their thoughts on it to be fair to all.

@Lightsavior no poll yet but after I reach chapter 3, I’ll post one.

@Jaxx thanks for the vote.

@BrunoHill92 yes, lots of achievements. The game will be huge with lots of replay options.

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Hey, Jim! I just wanna tell you that I really loved Zombie Exodus and I gotta admit, I played it several times. I’m really looking forwards towards to playing Safe Haven. The demo itself seems super good and I wish you the best! :smile:

I would personally would go with option 3, that way we don’t have to wait as long for the game and you won’t bad reviews from people who feel you’re just baiting them to pay more. However, option 2 is still a really good idea. You should try to get a poll up for this.

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Hey-- long posts make the world go 'round!
But I prefer the first option, since I have had REALLY bad experiences with the option 2 stuff. I’d tell you, but it’s just too personal wipes tear
And with the the things people are saying, I’m not really hopeful that option 1 will be favoured anymore :crying_cat_face:

You aren’t the only one. There was a whole discussion about that on the ‘Most hated thing in choice games’ topic. (link or it didn’t happen)

And then specifically this part:

Which makes me wonder…
@JimD Why don’t you combine option 1 and 2? Like, you use option 1 for the initial release, and when it’s finished add the option to buy the whole thing in one go? It sounds to me like it’d prevent some trouble. (Or at least clearly state that you’re buying the game part for part. It doesn’t seem to have been that obvious to some people (I’m not sure how it’s stated though, since I never bought ZE))

In addition, he could say you could buy the entire game at once for £X, or buy each chapter for £X plus 50p in total, it’d me a great way to get more money and make it look like you’re not ripping them off!

I don’t know why people feel ripped off, when you download the game
it always says that this is a free chapter and you can buy the chapters
later or all at once now.

I just want to make sure JimD is always motivated to write more games by
making money.
There are a handful of authors COG has that i would be more than happy
to pay upfront
just to know they are working on a game and Jim is one of them

Sounds similar to Telltale’s model with episodic games. Buy all 5 episodes up front before they’re actully released, or buy them as you go. Buying them all up front ends up being cheaper in the long run