Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven: Part Three Discussion Thread

It’s not in the game yet, and I’m not sure if I want to implement it. There are lots of combos that can happen between multiple partners at the same time, and I’m not sure it adds to the overall story. In that specific scene, it was more to tease Jaime than to be a promise of something to happen.

I definitely want to make this happen in Part 4.


Can we have foursome in part 4 just ask :joy:

Bruh. If this keeps up, he might need to add a harem achievement. XD


Gina, Jillian support this endevour.

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Doubt it’s going to happen

Problem with the game on the omnibus app. It won’t let me restore the 25 skill points for playing the first zombie exodus.

I had that problem as well but that’s because I was clicking on the wrong option. If I’m thinking properly, there’s two restore options, one that specifically mentions restoring from the previous zombie exodus game and another general restore option, click The former

The only thing that’s happening is that, I get thrown back to the main menu. Also, when using the standalone app, you don’t have to restore The previous zombie exodus saved file, which is for the best in my opinion. It’s only the omnibus app that’s giving me problems right now.

Stop blowing holes in my harem ship!!!

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Is our old character from the first game going to influence this one if we linked it?

I doubt it, I don’t think the first game specifies the exact state in the US where it takes place but it’s implied it’s definitely somewhere else

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I think there was like, one line from one of the characters about the town you’re near in ZE1 that says it’s in California. Either way, we know it’s a coastal state because the MC’s home city is coastal, we leave it via boat, and the oil rig mission. Colorado is the very firmly established setting ZE:SH. Colorado is very much NOT a coastal state. So unless the group travels from where-ever-the-hell to us, doubtful.

I know my ending had the find a bunker of some kind and become a beacon of safety, but also that there’s other endings, like the one where you were a dreaming zombie in an experiment prior to the outbreak , which might also make it hard to have a real influence, especially beyond some minor flavor dialogue.


Safe Haven confirms it, temperance, the area where the first game takes place is in or around Southern California

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Man, ZE captures so well just how much California sucks.


I was there about half a month ago… I don’t think the existence of zombies would change it all that much… Except there wouldn’t be any taxes


Im wondering if anybody has an answer to this. For the longest time I didn’t choose the talking to people options at camp in say, part 2, because I thought it would pass too much time and there was a lot of setup i wanted to do to protect them. I discovered recently… you can still do a lot and learn about everybody. Is this true in part 3? In the segments where you have 4 actions? I wanna talk and get to really know these characters but also not screw up on protecting them.

I never talk to everyone, but I do manage to get to all my favored characters, honestly, there are times where I run out of things to do other than talk to people. And as long as your skills are high enough, they should be ok as far as I know.

That makes sense. I kinda feel like ive been missing out on so much but don’t wanna mess up XD

I usually prioritize talking to people and exploring first, improvements later, nobody important is dead yet


Yep with all that plot armour in the group there’s nothing to worry about apart an animal attack if u don’t set up good defences

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