In addition: Part 1 is 20% off, and Part 2 will be going up in price from $3.99 to $4.99 on March 10th, so get it now while the price is lower!
Zombie Exodus Safe Haven: Part Three continues your story as you leave your hilltop outside Nightfall, Colorado with your group of survivors and travel to a new haven, a rural junkyard. Continue your story from earlier parts, or skip right to the new chapters with a new original or pre-made character!
With five brand new chapters and another 680,000 words, Zombie Exodus Safe Haven is now more than than 1,600,000 words in total! That’s 70,000 words each time you play Part Three alone, and more than 140,000 for the full game. Given the number of paths from beginning to end, you can have a unique story every time and still never see all there is in Zombie Exodus Safe Haven!
to express my feelings I shall quote my favorite youtuber famous line “ahem” Woo Yeah Baby! That’s What I’ve Been Waiting For That’s what’s its all about
In the middle of the coldest day of the spring, you ponder the Apocalypse. Whether or not the reports prove true seems too early to determine, but the news and social media buzz with the threat of a virus and the potential pandemic brewing in remote areas of the world. So-called experts span the news channels, attention-starved parasites stuffing the audience with fear before devouring them. *Is it really anything to be worried about?
This makes me feel nostalgic about beginning of 2020. Last time i played this was before Covid and it’s scary how this predicted the general events.
Looking at my dozen of save files, I would have thought that I would immediately delve right into part three, but I don’t really know where to pick up from from my several playthroughs lmao.
congrats @JimD!! i had no idea we were so close, let alone that it was literally coming out this week. there goes my weekend, can’t wait to settle down with Part Three
I’m a newbie in the saga so I was wondering whether the two games are connected to each other. If I create a character, will they follow the story from the first game to the second (safe haven: part 1,2,3)?