WIP: The Trilogy of Blood and Marble Updated +5,592 17/4 (Greco-Roman Insipired Fiction)

Wait, are we the last surviving member of the family? Are we becoming monarch at like ten?

Typos and such

Little typo here, I believe it should be descendants.

I think the ‘could’ and ‘say’ should be switched, but perhaps it’s a stylistic choice.

edit: I think there may be a few errors in the capitalization after dialogue but I’m unsure since I don’t know all the rules in English.

This is a very interesting story! It’s sad how the family dies just after getting to know them.


Thank you for checking these! And I’m glad it was sad haha

MC will have a regent (someone that reigns until they come of age)


Sorry about that it should be fixed now

idk if anyone asked, but we have to choose our sexuality at age 7??

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Yeah, I want to know this too.

I feel a Pantheon disappearing

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Just like the god of war

Just went through the demo.It surely has a great potential.Hope the latest updates come soon

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wow That sounds like a lot of work respect the story concept is very fascinating
great cliffhanger Poisened wine classic

I eventually lost count who is who you have about 5 siblings? (thats what i think is the number of thme) none of them seem important do the MC Need all these siblings? Only your elder Brother the crownprice seemed to be important because 1. he is the heir 2.Hes the one with the storys

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Well I mean its common for kings to have many heirs in case something bad happens to them.


i Absolutly agree and you are right but i lost Count and they all died exept you maybe its because of the name or that you dont interact so much with them


True, I kind of wish we got more interactions but so far the story’s really good in my opinion.

jup i Agree nothing to say against the form or setting Both are Interesting (in my opinion ) but Like i said i quite Lost the over view over The MCs Siblings

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This was absolutely awesome loved it can’t wait for more :grin::grin:

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I definitely loved it! The only criticism that I could think of are a few grammatical and spelling errors, other than that, I loved every second I spent reading this demo.

An Update!!

  • 5,692 words minus code
  • Changed around some of the stats, I keep changing my mind about what I want in there

@LoneGrayWolf Sorry if this makes you guys uncomfortable, I agree that most don’t really know or think about it when your that young but its just that 2 of the RO’s are introduced when the MC is that age