Looks awesome! I’m reading Superintelligence by Bostrom right now and I’m really curious to see where you take this.
Si quieres más diversidad de universidades puedes ver universidades de Latinoamérica, la India, o China. Mis sugerencias de mejores universidades de Latinoamérica para estudiar la IA y que incluso tienen reconocimiento internacional son; Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina y publica), 2 Universidad de Sao Paulo (Brasil y publica), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM por sus siglas en español y es una universidad pública), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (privada) y Universidad Nacional de Colombia (publica).
La universidad de buenos Aires está dentro del top 100 mejores universidades del mundo y además vienen muchos Estudiantes de intercambio de Norteamérica, Asia y Europa a estudiar allí. Es probable que para el futuro estás naciones sean más desarrolladas y sean piezas secundarias importantes para estudiar un tipo de inteligencia artificial en colaboración con una universidad importante ya seleccionada como la hay por ahora en tu juego.
There are some of the best Universities for the AI learning are in Germany, China, Japan too. There are couple crazy good Universities in Russia too.
Bueno es válido mencioné esas regiones porque he de suponer que esas naciones serán más desarrolladas para el futuro.
Germany has one the BEST Universities for AI courses…
Oh claro por supuesto
esta respuesta en diferentes idiomas es divertida
Thank you for listing some universities. I will look into them and add them after I finish up with character customization.
I would be glad to add some more universities from these countries. If you suggest some, I will look into them and add them after I finish character customization.
Note: When I add these options, I will make them available based on Emerson’s linguistic intelligence. All of the universities currently listed have curriculum in English, and attending one of these other options would require Emerson to be multilingual.
Lucky for you and us there’s already a linguistic intelligence option
Si quieres puedes poner algunas de esas universidades extranjeras por si quieres hacer una ruta donde tú inteligencia artificial aprenda otras cosas en colaboración con universidades estadounidenses osea puedes dejarlo como una próxima desicion después de diseñar tu IA en Estados Unidos y después te dan la opción de optimizar tu IA en el extranjero
posdata, a los Japoneses les apasiona la inteligencia artificial debido a que en su religión nativa del sintoismo creen que los objetos tienen alma y la IA es una forma en que está alma de los objetos se manifieste a los hombres para muchos japoneses.
How about making a mini computer host in the eye socket of someone and branch the AI inside with a fake eye capable of transmetting data to yhe brain like a real eye and making a link to the human brain in order to allow conversation between the ai and it’s/his/her host. And maybe allow the ai to project through the eye a projection of itself in the real world.
Like in “AI: the Somnium files”
Oi @Speedcubing_Gaming do we get to play as an evil AI?!?
That is the plan, you should be able to play from several different options including that one. I have not quite gotten that far yet, however.
Unfortunately, engineering college is taking up all of my time with assignments and tests so I hardly have any time to work on the story. Nevertheless, I will try my best to make progress when possible.
Thank you all for your continued support. I have successfully survived the semester of mostly online engineering college.
Funny story, when I went to work on the story yesterday, I noticed that all my files related to this project had been deleted. They probably got wiped out one of those times I re-installed Windows, due to some issues with my computer. I could have sworn that I backed everything up, however, these files were missing.
Luckily, I was able to recover most of the files from an old backup and from the true hero of the day, dashingdon.com. I will have to re-make the files I was using to generate the images for the game, but other than that, I have everything that I need to continue. I have learned my lesson and will be backing up these critical files separately.
In any case, I plan on making some progress on this over the summer, so that is something for us to increase our hope and excitement for by about 1%. I hope that you all are doing well, I probably am. Later.
Just posted a minor update to dashingdon. It consists of Emerson’s work experience and selecting a location for your headquarters.
The next updates should be the bulk of character customization including:
- Determining the initial client of the company that you will be working for
- Determining the initial stats and funding
- Customizing the location of your “Central Core” including security
- Customizing the appearance of your AI
After that, I will move on to Chapter 01. Hopefully, I will be able to do this in the next couple updates.
Please let me know if you find any bugs!
Hey there. I haven’t read through yet because I’m just about to go to sleep (but I definitely will later on), but I just wanted to say, I love the premise for this game! Very unique and I’m really excited to see how it goes. I wish you the very best of luck!))
@Speedcubing_Gaming How is it coming along? What has been the latest update? Really enjoyed the demo and excited for the paths that my A.I can take.
@Speedcubing_Gaming – When you are ready, contact the moderation team to reopen the WiP.