I’m not naming Heroes Rise as while the original trilogy did path the way for a lot of superior games in the genre, it is preachy and condescending if one does not agree first with the author’s idea of what makes a true hero, and then with his misinformed and harmful politicial views. Same goes for the author’s other series versus.
You can try the original trilogy if you like, but the rest is not worth it (also: no need to buy his in app purchases least you want to do so to support cog)
Political and social commentary aside, what about the quality of the game?
Definitely get choice of magics. The writing was much more enjoyable as the author had the opportunity to grow from his past games! (Never mind you playedbit already, but for others, I def recommend it too)
Id recommend Heart of the House too. Personally favourite due to its lovecraftian inspiration, prose, and overall uniqueness. (The climax was amazing! Foreshadowing everywhere too.)
If you do get Samurai of Hyuga, do keep in mind that if you find the story to be a bit linear, its because the author has planned like 3 more books for it.
Yeah I played that one already and it’s very good like I said. I suggest reading the whole thread (after the two year gap when I post) so you don’t suggest things that have already been suggested especially after replied saying I’d already read it.
Whoops didn’t even notice there was a two year gap in this
As I said earlier, Choice of Magics, Choice of Robots and The Lost heir trilogy are my top 3.
A samurai game doesn’t particularly interest me.
Heart of the House sounds intriguing though, I’ll keep that one in mind.
Yep although your repeat suggestion comes after the gap.
It’s one of the best-selling CoG/CoG series and has a pretty dedicated following on Twitter and Facebook so it absolutely has fans, but the first game was written 6 years ago and so has some somewhat egregious issues (mostly around railroading and some awkward writing). The trilogy gets better as it progresses, and for what it’s worth I enjoyed the two games that followed it (Hero Project Redemption Season and Open Season) but most of the response to them both was negative so I’m hesitant to recommend reading them
Hmm okay. Doesn’t sound promising.
As said: if you dont share the author’s ideas of how to act as a hero the game will scold, belittle and mock you for making the ‘wrong’ decision.
It’s extremely railroading and riddle with plotholes and inconsistent worldbuilding.
There’s tons of potential, but it still shows its age and that a ‘dedicated following’ can be a bad thing.
Sergi is by no means a bad author, but he has yet to learn to be more critical of himself and his work.
Silverworld was a good read and a fun adventure btw. Kinda disappointed about the lack of branching since it seems like you just pick A B C or D and your previous choices either increase or decrease the likelihood of it succeeding. I’d certainly recommend it overall for originality and quality or writing but I have a feeling that replay value is more flavour than impactful decisions apart from the very end. Maybe I’m spoiled from just coming off playing choice of magics half to death.
Personally, I really enjoyed it, but it has its flaws
The author has another series, Versus (about an alien planet that’s … kind of American Idol meets Battle Royale), that was started much more recently and that I recommend a lot more enthusiastically. There’s a lot of very dense worldbuilding that I’ve heard put people off, but I think it works really well
Ah yeah, that’d annoy me a lot actually. A narrator is supposed to be at least mostly neutral in a game like this.
I remember reading quite a lot of negative reviews about Versus where if what they were saying was true it’d probably not be great.
Fair enough. I thought it got a pretty good reception, but at the time it came out I wasn’t following CoG that closely so I might be misremembering. Just figured I’d toss in the recommendation–and I think all my other favorite games have been mentioned already, so I’ll just leave things here
No I appreciate it. Also overall most choice of games get good reception, even the bad ones because people who are easily entertained will shower 5 stars on mediocre stuff and honestly very few are actually BAD. So I read the more level headed written reviews and try to gauge it from there (this is from the google play store btw as it shows the most reviews, I actually BUY the games on Steam).
Yeah, steam is… in terms of reviews… a very mixed bag
Well I DO normally look at steam reviews but most choice of games barely get any reviews on steam at all. At least written ones.
unfortunately. And truth be told, HR (as well as some others) does suffer from the ridiculous ‘eeeewww sjws ruining gaming’ ones… Seriously, THAT there’s sociopolitical commentary in the games is not the problem. At least a good number of reviews do understand that (and do point out what about the kind of commentary is askew)
Going back to CCH: I still recommend getting and playing both games. CCH2 is a neat improvement over 1.
Wow. Fallen Hero was incredible and I’m really looking forward to the next one. It really tugged at my emotions at certain points. I think it warrants a second playthrough where I’m a murderous sociopath rather than someone who cares too much old friends. I think that version made for the best narrative though.