Well, thanks for the replies, everyone!
Yeah, I didn’t think there would be too much of a problem with it, but I still had to make sure. Call it over thinking.
So, my game won’t have a regular stat system. Nope. I’ll just change it up a bit.
But in all honesty, if I really thought about it, then it wouldn’t have made much sense to have a traditional stat system in my game, since none of it would have virtually any meaning regarding gameplay. Thanks for giving your opinions though, now I can be sure there’s no real problem with my idea.
@LOR: Yeah. In a character-centric, character-driven game like this looks to be, it really only makes *sense* for past choices and prior relationship development to play a huge role in how the game plays out. If it’s really so sociality-exclusive, then physical and even most “mental” stats have no real purpose.
You could certainly argue that social or personality stats can help a player keep track of how they’ve been playing their current character, and that’s fair. But considering how you’re clearly developing the Valences as such distinct individuals with a wide range of personalities, interests, and opinions, it probably makes sense that a player could just as reasonably determine how their character has been acting by seeing which Valences they have the most approval or connection with. If that *does* make sense, I mean… =P~
So yeah. If non-relation stats are really just going to be superfluous, then you may as well save yourself the trouble.
I pretty much figured all of that when I decided that I’d use my idea instead of stats, haha. I’m the sort of person who values character development as well as storyline, so I guess that mirrors a lot in my game idea here. The idea of adding in personality stats did cross my mind, but being as new to coding as I am, I think that it’d be better if I didn’t do that for now. Of course, if I ever really wanted to add that later on once I’ve become more comfortable with coding, then maybe…
But for now, the thought of raging into one of my anger moments and screaming at my computer doesn’t sound too appealing to me, believe it or not, haha. Especially not over my spring break. That’s creativity/relaxing/lazy/writing/drawing time. Not blind rage time.
At hearing your voice, your friend looks over at you curiously.
"What's wrong,
*if gender = "male"
*if gender != "male"
The “!=” is what you probably want to use if the statement isn’t true.
And don’t forget the quotes around your strings (like when you define a variable as “male”). Causes nasty errors when you don’t include them. Also, keep an eye on your indentations.
There’s an easier way to handle names, if you just want to make a variable for the name and then use ${name} in the text. Something like this might save you some trouble in the long run:
*if gender = "male"
*set name "John"
*if gender != "male"
*set name "Jean"
At hearing your voice, your friend looks over at you curiously.
"What's wrong, $!{name}?"
Nope, you don’t sound pushy at all! I was actually wondering how you do the code thing. And thanks! I already have what I want in the demo written, now all I have to do is try to do the coding part
Ah ha, no, sorry, @Shenrai
For the sake of simplicity, that’s what the character’s default name is.
For playing a female character, the name is Sabré and for playing a male character, the name is Saber.
I guess I should’ve explained this before, sorry about that. The MC already has a default name and appearance, but that won’t affect gameplay. Choosing the MC’s actions, reactions, and everything that happens in the game is still the player’s choice. For a female character, the MC’s name is Sabré and for a male character, the MC’s name is Saber, that’s all. It all has a meaning, though, and Saber and Sabré are actually two different people, which will play a part in the game later on. Who you play as won’t make much of a difference, as I’ve said, but there’s reasoning behind it. And the MC having a default appearance has its own reasoning behind it, too.
I hope this isn’t a put-off for playing the game? Well, everyone has their own opinions and preferences. I just hope it’s not much of a problem.
Oh, and, yay! 90th comment
…My favorite/lucky number is 9, so…
Sooo…another coding question.
This is probably more of an extremely stupid-sounding one.
Ok, so when I try starting my game, it gets stuck on the loading part and won’t even try loading. So I’m wondering what I forgot to put in at the beginning of the game. Probably a line of code. The problem is that I don’t know what that line of code is. Any suggestions?
EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out.
Sadly, now I have a different problem…
If I don’t figure it out, then there’s gonna be a completely new coding question!..yay…
But, besides that, I should have a demo out relatively soon if my coding doesn’t completely fail. “Soon” meaning, in a few days. Yep. Pretty darn excited myself.
Okay, so here’s the thing; if I can get my computer to play nicely, then I’ll be able to finish/check over the coding either today or tomorrow. Which means demo time. But, my computer and my laptop both decided that they don’t like opening up certain files. Specifically the mygame.js file…
Which means life is not being very nice right now at all. For some reason, I get an script error from Windows Script Host every time my electronic devices attempt to open the mygame file. So I’m at a bit of a loss right now. Has anyone else ever had this problem before? And is there a way to solve it?
@LOR Since I am on my tablet I cannot give you the link but just type up Notepad++ and it will come up (Free too!) And then right click on your file and select Open with and select Notepad++.
Holy. Freaking. Crap.
I am so unbelievably proud of myself right now, that it’s not even funny. Sadly, there’s one problem. I’ve been tesing in Firefox, so the link worked fairly well, but I don’t know how it would work otherwise…
Hm :-?
This is disappointing…