Blissfully single. He never clicked with any of their chosen suitors. But he is interested in Qenna now.
My noble Yunrue is very much not into all the gaudiness of the rich life. He’s adventurous and likes to talk plainly without all the noble pomp and thus finds most other nobles annoying or ridiculous.
How did the writing feel there? You said you could feel your noble’s depression (which is what I was going for), but I think the depression is a bit more obvious if you choose the widower route, so I just wanna know if I managed to plant enough hints there in the forever single character as well or I should make it a bit more apparent? lol
I think the tone of the “forever single” route works fine as is. In a way, that type of MC is getting exactly what they want in terms of some freedom to choose, so there is that much to be happy for. Not being taken seriously otherwise for ‘failing’ to be productive in the eyes of their parents is something that could bother anyone, and that comes across fairly well.
Much of the useless feeling can be assigned to the reason they wanted water, though; a fully debilitated type of useless feeling? That’s the first time that MC probably felt like that, in a way that is more serious than being told to hold their tongue by their father.
That makes sense, although I think the noble character’s depression doesn’t come from lack of freedom, more like emotional neglect during their whole life, which is more apparent in the widower route. Everything else, the ‘useless’ feeling and others just build up on top of that. This might be spoilery if you didn’t choose to have a past marriage… so basically the mc is just craving some type of attention that they never got. I think they mention it once on the single route as well that once they were gone for a week and nobody even noticed. And now they are kind of just acting up. The widower already sort of realizes that what they are missing is human connection, but the single noble doesn’t, not yet. So I wasn’t sure if this was hinted enough or not
Nah, I felt it pretty clearly on the single route. Our noble is shadowed by his siblings, treated more like a decoration by family, and is often told they are useless or not living up to expectations. Yet they are often denied the freedom to adult, having constant guards or most decisions made for them. And while they’ve had suitors, I got the impression that noble’s parents haven’t cared about what noble MC wants. They are just deciding for them what would be ‘good’ for them.
I literally feel like his family has both coddled him to much and also neglected him on an emotional/personal level. Like he’s more an object then a person.
So noble retaliates how they can, by escaping from the palace, guards, and family. Or avoiding being that show piece. Which is why I leaned into the rebellious aspect with my noble MC. Even when captured, his instinct was to sass and mouth off his captors defiantly. Just fighting for himself and his right to be heard.
Which is why he’s curious about this Qenna who Narmer trusts and yet his father despises. And that curiosity may lead to love down the road.
I added most of the greyed out choices to the noble origin You can’t go into the city yet, but everything else is playable! I also added the noble to the first scene of Chapter 2.
What the update includes:
The word count now reaches 105k (I counted properly this time). That means the new content is around 20-25k words
Almost everything on the noble origin is playable! You can’t go to the city yet, but you can see what happens if you don’t follow the creepy priest into the alley, you can ditch your sister early on, and you can explore the palace and meet both new and old characters in different scenes
I added the noble to the first scene of Chapter 2
I added tone indicators to the romantic choices
There are more NPC descriptions in the Relationships tab on your Stats screen
Fixed typos, incorrect pronouns, and small coding errors
I hope you all will have fun reading, and I’m waiting to hear feedback as usual
“Your philosophy is, first and foremost, better be ignorant than dead.”
Ah, I to share said philosophy. Lol.
Explored the various new options for my noble. I really enjoyed snarking smugly over ditching my guards to Qenna, then snarking with my guard captain Mr Stick-in-the-
I liked the bits with the older brother and even snacking on sweets with Piho.
I do admit it’s a little odd for my noble to be that starstruck meeting Narmer. His father works with the man often and probably talks about him a lot to family. Also as a noble of the rank his family has, he knows Narmer’s more humble origins.
I just feel for nobles second to the pharaoh, they’d be more numb to meeting said pharaoh compared to the thief, guard, or priest. Just my thoughts.
Like, instead of “wow, I just met the king of the world! ”, the Vizier’s child would be more “huh, so that’s the pharaoh? He’s more chill then expected. ”
Think a celeb’s kid meeting their parents fellow celeb friend. They aren’t gonna be as starstruck as a non-celeb cause they live in that world daily since birth.
True Although your poor MC really doesn’t talk as much to his father as you might think I toned the MC’s shock down quite a lot compared to the thief, but yeah I feel like that scene needs a bit more tweaking. I’m planning to make a choice a bit later in Chapter 2 where you can choose with MC (for every origin) how you are taking it, if you are still starstruck or completely over it Some players might feel the shock is justified because he’s still ~THE KING~. One of the MC’s I playtest with was completely embarrassed because she has a crush on him and also she poured wine all over him the day before lol. Then another playtest MC was over it like in 2 seconds.
I need to find that good balance that can cater to everyone’s experience. So yes! More tweaking! But thanks for the feedback, it’s super useful!!!
Edit: oooooh maybe I’ll make a variation in the text based on your confidence level!
Eh, only the Vizier’s child feels off being that starstruck. I feel they should view Narmer more analytical like they did Qenna. They’ve heard stories and rumors. But again, they know Narmer isn’t the literal child of a god and was originally of more common means.
They’d feel on more even ground with Narmer…like with another noble.
Of course …He is still their king and their dad’s boss, so deferential respect and politeness and caution are expected.
I did notice it was more toned down then the thief, so I give you that. And I’m just giving notes, not harsh criticism.
What you’re saying is completely fair and super useful feedback, exactly what an author needs I can’t tell you how thankful I am for it, seriously
Could you send me DM with a screenshot of your Stats if you don’t mind? When you have time. So that I can see which variables I can implement in the text for it.
I’ll try in a sec. My only issue with confidence, is it can be different depending on the situation. My thief is confident around his own or when doing his job, but of course he’s gonna be timid and freaked out in a palace full of guards that clearly see him and in front of a literal god (the pharaoh). And my noble isn’t dazzled by other nobles or wealth, but would become less confident when asked to do things after always being considered useless or shoved away in a room where he’s not in anyone’s way.
It’s less confidence and more social hierarchy.
I could see the priest and noble more relaxed in a palace setting then say thief and city guard. That nobility vs commoner faction mindset.
In fact, that might be the better variable. Lowerclass vs Upperclass. Commoner vs Aristocrat. Or a comfort variable. If comfort = common or comfort = noble.
Oh, the embarrassment is still legit. Just, it’s a matter of meeting a king vs meeting a god. To the common folk or lower nobility, the pharaoh is a literal child of a god. To the second most powerful noble family in all of Egypt, he’s a pharaoh elevated from common origins and dressed up to look like a child of God to commoner’s.
That’s a good thought. The more faithful, the more starstruck you’d be. Since the noble is Vizier’s child and more exposed to the flaws of the nobility, they would be more cynical.
Either way Pharaoh accomplishment is real he is kinda successful in reconquering and given the description he is kinda like Hercules, tall, build like a tank and somewhat gentle when not many people alone.
He’s definitely a Daddy… And definitely impressive. But Vizier’s Dad is a Vizier, his brother is the big general, his sister a governess, and his mother a high priestess. So he’s surrounded by accomplished and powerful ppl
You will get a chance to increase your skills in Chapter 2 when you train with Qenna and the others. Then you will get several more chances throughout your adventures.
I think I wasn’t clear enough in the text. Like I said, I will edit that scene more.
The pharaoh is considered a demigod, even by you, the second most powerful family. Your father and your family never questioned that. How he became like that, that’s propaganda. But once he was crowned, he became the legend. That was always like that, Egyptians always looked up to their king like that, no matter if you were a noble or a commoner. So you, as the thirdborn child of the vizier, are not at all on the same level as Narmer. Not even close to it. Especially, since you’ve barely met him at all.
BUT, like I said, the scene needs tweaking, and all feedback is useful, especially about something that feels out of character for the MC you’ re playing. So I’m very grateful for all of this discussion. I will think about how I can make the scene more balanced, and love you guys!