Weeping Gods (WIP, 14/MAR/2025) (528K)

Hehe :grin: The new update will come this week with the noble background, so you can see them from a very different perspective too. (Narmer will also have an extra scene if you manage to find him with your noble)


Love it! Giving me Aladdin vibes. Love the joker then Nam… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hah! I wasn’t thinking of Aladdin at all when I wrote the thief but now that you mention, I can see the similarities :smile: Glad you liked it!


Another thing to keep in mind with life expectancy is that it skews downward due to all the infant and child mortality. We don’t think about it much because it’s rare now, but most childhood diseases were killers, and pregnancy was very dangerous. So while yes, people died younger than we generally die today, their median mortality wasn’t all that different than our “natural” mortality would be today after they made it out of childhood. Then when middle age and middle age to geriatric issues and acquired diseases start cropping up, so do mortality figures, skewing life expectancy downward again.


Yes, it’s a fascinating topic! People generally don’t think much about it, because we were always told “ah in the Middle Ages, a 20-year-old was already considered an old man”. No, they were not, for the reasons AnneWest mentioned. But medicine was also different back then. Although Ancient Egyptians were very advanced for their time because of the embalming traditions, so they knew the human body inside out. They were probably a lot more knowledgeable than doctors in the Middle Ages when autopsies were considered an “unholy practice” by the Church. Egyptians were sometimes confused which organ did what, but they did legit surgeries, dental practice, and all kinds of fascinating things (and they had very good general hygiene). Here is a good article that sums it up nicely: link

If it’s something that interests any one of you, I really recommend reading about it because we learn a lot of bullshit in school that didn’t actually happen the way we were taught :smiley:


I agree wholeheartedly with this. So-called “prehistoric” health was nothing like what we assume, and you’ll be surprised by just how old some practices really are.


Well that and this story WIP also has magic. That’s why I asked what the lifespan situation was like. :sweat_smile:

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No worries, it was a totally legit question :smiley: Besides, it’s interesting to talk about history! Even if mine has real magic lol. Although Egyptians did honestly believe in magic. That’s where the idea for my story came from.



Ooooh, it was a hefty work, but I managed to write up the draft for the ‘child of the vizier’ background and added it to chapter 1. You will probably need a fresh save because I changed the startup file.

What the update includes:

  • about an extra 25k words. Might be more. Might be a bit less. I will only be able to see the exact amount once I finish up all the character backgrounds and comb the whole thing in one neat file because currently they are in separate files (simply because it’s easier for me to write like that, so if you go code-diving, be aware of that. The newest file is always the background that I’m currently working on)
  • you can now play as the child of the vizier
  • most of the choices are greyed out and tagged as “coming soon”, but you can read through chapter 1 following a single thread of choices
  • the first scene of chapter 2 is playable by a thief character
  • fixed some coding errors, typos, incorrect pronouns, weird line breaks, weird choices appearing twice
  • added options for thief when you try to figure out who Qenna is for a female Qenna that I forgot to add earlier
  • added some RO descriptions in the stats, although this one is still very much a WIP

I think that’s all. In the next update, I will be working on adding more choices to the noble character.

I hope you will like it! :smiley: JC


Whoo! Congrats on all that work getting done! Can’t wait to read it! :slight_smile:


Ok, but seriously…


And then you almost trip over your own feet when you realize that you had a… moment with him. Like, you didn’t flirt with him because you felt a bit too shy, but you had a… moment. A moment that you otherwise don’t often have with other people.

And he didn’t mind it! He even smiled back at you! He could’ve executed you on the spot but instead he just smiled!

Maybe you were wrong about that fainting. You actually do feel a bit dizzy right now. Maybe you could dig a hole here and disappear forever. It would take some time. This floor seems pretty sturdy. You are seriously considering it though. If it wasn’t for Zaia rudely poking you in the back to make you move, you would’ve started digging already

Perfect. The whole floor tangent is just chefs kiss :rofl:


lmao I forgot I wrote that

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Well, read the Vizier child’s story. Fun and funny. I think I’ll romance Qenna with my Vizier kid.

So thief with Narmer.
Noble with Qenna. (Or maybe Zaia, since they are both snarky shi-)

Fun, fun. I love how each backstory is weaved into the overall starting story and events taking place. Well done. :blush:

Makes me look forward to getting yelled at by Piho in first person mode as the guard captain. Or surviving the failed ritual as the priest. It really is cool how you set it up.

And I was giggling so much as our ‘useless’ noble pointed out every flaw of the palace security like it was just another saturday morning. :rofl: My thief would like to hire him.


Thank you so much, I’m so happy you liked it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yes I tried to write it in a way that all 4 characters exist in the same universe, and then you kind of just inhabit one of them when you choose your origin. For example there is one part where the noble MC thinks about a time when someone stole their wig. That was the thief character with Sesi and it was Sesi’s idea. And when your father tells you that a priest and an apprentice died, that was the priest character RIP. I’m glad I managed to make it interesting because I wasn’t sure about it at first, but now I think I wouldn’t do it any other way ^^

Oh yes. The noble spent ages on that roof, trying to see a way where they could run away unnoticed lol.

Meanwhile Qenna was just standing there like :dotted_line_face: I thought I was good at my job but maybe I was wrong :dotted_line_face:

And Narmer was also standing there like :neutral_face: I thought Qenna was good at their job but maybe I was wrong :neutral_face:


:rofl: It’s ok, Qenna. You’re just meeting your future spouse, who will help you fill in those blind spots in the future. And snark happily and laugh along with Zaia.

The Vizier suddenly feels a looming sense of dread concerning his third child…

But yay!! Confirmation that I totally nailed Qenna’s role first time. Let’s be honest, though. A seemingly drunk and casual person whose actually really intelligent makes a good spy. You underestimate them and think they aren’t cognitive enough cause they imbibed.

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The ‘wine bowl’ scene was peak! As much as that MC would like to die of shame upon realizing what they did, in front of who they did, they are curious how their apparent “skills” will be of any use, given baba dearest, and mama have thrown their hands up in frustration about their “useless” brat of a third child refusing all possible marriages up til now. That route is going to need a little building up emotionally, though I guess they each, and all will in their own ways.

Make sure you’re attending to your irl needs, too between working on your WIP. :smile:

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You have no idea how right you are lol our daddy dearest reeeaaally doesn’t like Qenna. I think he might go into instant cardiac arrest if your mc announces that engagement.

Thanks!! ^^ That was one of my favorite scenes to write haha. But yes, all the characters are going to get more depth as the story goes on. I constantly have to keep in mind when I write now that ‘heyoooo gotta slow down we’re still only in chapter 1, I can’t show all my cards yet’ :sweat_smile: I actually had to delete a few scenes in chapter 1 because of that…


Cackles maniacally

But yeah, I felt my noble’s depression. He believes he’s useless just like everyone says he is. Also, he needs to be sat down and explained that alcohol is VERY flammable.


Did you choose to have an arranged marriage before or did you remain blissfully single?

That gives me an idea :smiling_imp:

my sides are blown away by the comedic tone of this, totally not what i expected from the title

good stuff!