Way Walkers: University3--suggestions and feedback

Sammysam totally beat me to that one. :wink:

  1. This hurts me…and feels a little cheap, but what truly matters is that it hurts me.

  2. Very well.

  3. What i was trying to convey was that it would do the story good to take it outside of the school and into somewhere more dangerous like, say, the edge of the cursed northern lands.

  4. Damn.

1cheap? Those are fighting words, sir. :stuck_out_tongue: And with all due respect, its meant to hurt. This is not a game for win losE senerio and instant gratification where the MC can craft the happiest ending they imagine. Way Walkers is as real as I can make it-- and having gone through the hurt of falling for someone who loved me but was legit not into my gender I know it is anything but cheap in the emotions department. Trust me, it is not there as a cop out or from lazy cheap writing. It’s there because Jun is real to me, and has a set amount of depth to the character. Jun is not cheap, nor I imagine is yr pain or the pain of anyone who has been through it. <3

3-- then it wouldn’t be about the University then. :wink:


If you want to read about other parts of the Way Walkers world, Leigh has published a novel set in the same world, Tangled Paths.


I know that this would probably be a big ask, but could someone tell me where to find the book Tangled Paths.

Not big at all-- just got to Amazon.con and type in “way Walkers tangled paths” comes right up. :slight_smile:


Ok thanks
(20 characters)

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when is the 3rd one coming out ?

It’s against forum rules to ask authors when updates, new games, and such will be available. A lot of authors have full-time jobs, families, and such outside of writing. Updates come slowly. Have patience. And welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:


Pity that begs the question who is? I’m betting Sem. :wink:
Despite our lousy history teacher I can see my mc still being interested in it, particularly the pre-cataclysm period.

As for the mc after the Citadel, assuming Sem is okay with it are there enough unexplored pre cataclysm sites and ruins to make a living as a dashingly handsome adventurer archeologist?

Jun obsession, much?

Jun is nice and all but if my mc had any romantic interest in him at all it would have pretty much died after finding out he used to be Jun’s friggin sister, which would make any “romance” far too icky for my taste.
Besides in this life a certain ice mage will likely be who my mc cares about most.


I like that Jun isn’t romantically available. They feel more like family, and the depth of the bond they share with the MC is not diminished in any way because it’s not romantic in nature. If anything, I’d say it’s a bit cheap to demand all NPCs revolves entirely around the MC, especially considering Jun’s feeling for Ay’cure have existed long before they met the MC.
Beside, the impact the MC can have on Jun’s mental health is such that I’d feel a bit uncomfortable throwing romance into the mix.

Anyway, I wanted to ask about the whole past life business with Semryu: Does this previous connection have anything to do with how quickly Sem bonds with the MC? I feel like he comes to trust the MC rather quickly for someone who with such a high guard.


Actually yr talking Avatars when you talk about most cataclysm souls. Most others have evolved by this time period and the Avatars are the only one that come back to teach. :wink:

There are actually very few post Great Fall sites to explore-- when the Children raised the Continent it flooded the rest of the world. Read Tangled Paths if you want to get more info on such Old World sites.

And yeah, idk why ppl keep asking for Jun after that. Really. >_<


Thank you, that’s pretty much my feel of it too. In the original idea for the game the option to go after Ay’cyre or Jun created a bit if a love triangle that I later scrapped because THAT felt cheap. I’m honestly much happier with out it turned out romance wise in WWU.

Yes, absolutely. The bond the MC had with Sem in the past is either that of a blood-brother/sister bond (extremely important thing for Clan) OR that of a marriage to a female incarnation of the MC, depending on if the MC is in a relationship with Sem or not in the current game. In both cases, I plan to allow the MC to talk with Sem about this bond after the regression. (Some with rather comical outcomes-- poor Semryu >_<)


Pfft, the marriage thing sounds so embarrassing. Awkward teenagers just trying to transition from friendship to dating (and also super secret red plot) and then it turned out you were married in past life? Damn, that’s some pressure. I do hope there will be awkwardness and shuffling in place. Ah, romance.

So that’s why things worked out so quickly with Sem I did wonder. I remember in Tangled Paths it was mentioned that there’s a certain circle of souls that you tend to meet repeatedly between life, so I assume that’s why meeting both Jun and Semryu is no coincidence? That makes the tension between those two even more interesting - is that related to their past lives as well, or just a result of their clashing personalities?


lol yes. The awkwardness level is directly tired to how the MC approaches it-- ranging from wow that was worried Sem let’s not talk about it to OMG TJIS MEANS WE BE MARRIED THIS TIME TOO RIGHT? RIGHT? And sems varying reactions lol

Oh yes, it’s all connected. While I’ve never really put thought into who Sem and Jun were to each other in the past their mutual attachment to the MC (for better or worse) does create a strange sort of subconscious rivalry between them. How it plays out in the current life is totally up to the MCs choices on how to handle them. In the end the game is a fight over the corruption or Red taint of all where-- the MC, Jun and Sem.


Especially if my mc finds out he was the wife, yeah awkward for a teenage boy. I like my more feminine side now, back when I was a teenage boy not so much.

to “let’s get one thing straight straight I’m not wearing a/the gown this time !”


All this talk about Sem Jun but none about Shelly.
I need more Shelly love. :sob:


Oh dear lord, your 14-years-old gf/bf talking about marriage, hope you have an smooth response! (“gulp”)
It’s terrible to imagine and I am laughing and you are a wicked, wicked author.

Hm, a rivalry, that’s interesting. I guess a certain amount of jealousy can’t be avoided with teens and strong emotions, but I do hope it’s something that’s not set in stone. Even if the MC will always try to balance them, feeling stuck in the middle is both tiring and potentially creates resentment that can poison relationships.

So wait, the characters need to actively fight back against the red taint? Does that mean that the taint is sort of getting to them by default? I thought that going red is something that requires purposely straying from the path, as it were. Jun has their little complication that makes them more vulnerable, but what about the MC and Semryu? (I guess maybe the Illyan situation could push Sem into extremes if he doesn’t have a friend to steady him?)


Is there an non awkward way of the MC talking to Sen about them being married in a past life? Because I can’t think of anything.

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Well, not sure if in that case I should sabotage MC’s and Sem’s relationship if that means I get to see them not married in the flashback…or is that flashback also optional like the one with Jun?

Maybe it’s the point that I personally feel repelled by things like destiny and the like, but with all the emphasis the angle guards put on decisions, and the whole sequence with Jun’s past life, I certainly would feel weirded out when my now boyfriend used to be my husband…BFF’s in past life? Great! Look we always were friends, that’s so cool! Married and the like in past life…Wow, awkward…not much more (Okay, that’s my biased opinion, because I value strong friendships much more than romance). Does the present relationship now have some weird expectations tied in this whole…thing?

With all those thoughts my MC probably would freak out and have at least a little identity crisis. I mean no matter how you look at the reborn soul deal, that reveal certainly would feel weird (considering things like free will, authenticity of feelings/identity and all). Put a stubborn teenager who also has to work out who they are and who they want to be and a pretty recent relationship in the mix…oh well…

Do we get the option to be so put off by that reveal that MC can end the relationship because of it? Or to at least put it on hold?

(Oh, looks like we were married in one of our last lifes - …Yeah, I also think we should probably only be friends this time. - What? - Maybe ten years later we can talk about that again. I have to think this through first. - …What?! - It’s not as if ten years are that much time lost for you.)