UnNatural Season Two Released 4th May 23

Thanks all - keep voting


Current votes;

1 x The only good one…
8 x Lullaby
6 x Azurean Dreams
2 x Snake and ladders
6 x Love Games
1 x The Big Bad
2 x The Twelfth Key
1 x Memories
5 x Puppets on a string
5 x In my head
3 x Shadows
2 x Grim Hello


so far Lullaby, Azurean Dreams and Love Games are in the lead, with Puppets on a string and In my head just behind them.

I vote azure an dreams, love games, and lullaby

Lullaby and Shadows

Lullaby, Puppets on a string and In my head

what will you do if it’s a tie?

Thanks all - keep voting


Current votes; (I’ve bolded ones in the lead and italicised any ties.)

1 x The only good one…
10 x Lullaby
6 x Azurean Dreams
2 x Snake and ladders
6 x Love Games
1 x The Big Bad
2 x The Twelfth Key
1 x Memories
6 x Puppets on a string
7 x In my head
4 x Shadows
2 x Grim Hello



I’ll probably write the tied cases on pieces of paper and draw them out of a hat lol


Love games, quick question. Are you going to have the male version of an inubus if the main character is female? Inubie I think it is?

An incubus is always male from what I understand


@817819 is correct an Incubus is the male version of the Succubus.

In some lore they are considered the same creature and their gender depends on who is looking at them.

In the Unnaturalverse they are separate beings. Both affect peoples emotions the only difference is the Incubus has less control over his power than a Succubus has over hers.


Ok, that sounds neat!!! So are you going to change the gender based upon the MC’s gender?


No, it will be an Incubus regardless of player gender.

I swear to god if this ends with my character being butt raped to death I will find you (lol not really)

@817819 hahaha

I was thinking the same thing. =))
WILL the story with the Incubus be rearranged a bit due to gender? If so, @817819, get those tracking boots on lol

@817819 @WubWub117 @darkstar2101

Just to clarify things a bit.

The power of the Succubus/Incubus is related to the control of a person’s emotions. It is mainly love and lust they can affect, but it also works to incite anger and jealousy.

The Succubus has complete control over their power, they aim their power and it affects only those they want it to.

The Incubus however, has very little control over their power. So it tends to flare up whenever they are stressed, worried or nervous. This means it might affect anyone within the Incubus’s immediate vicinity.

Their power however can only work on what is already there, so a straight MC would be drawn to the opposite sex (so a male/female MC would be only drawn to a female/male partner) where as a gay MC would be drawn to the same sex. So only a gay male MC or a straight female MC would find themselves drawn to the Incubus.

Does that make sense?


That poor incubus being chased around by chicks all the time…
WAIT!!! How is that a bad thing!!!


The poor guys BEING chased by the incubus. Poor guys…

@WubWub117 didn’t know the incubus swung that way

Yup, also when you start beta, if its closed, count me in!! :slight_smile: