'Til Death Do us Part (SPOILERS!)

It’s basically what I did, too; except Juanita was already dead, and I married de Mendosa.

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I stabbed him in the chest while ‘rebels’ invaded the palace. I felt a bit bad for it, but meh. I then went and made a grand speech to the people, who promptly cheered and decided they like me better (guess I was prettier?). It was rather amusing, all that time spent scheming, when you could just kill the king and take over, batting your eyelashes charmingly all along!

My first playthrough was great… Always found it funny how my Subtlety level was high, even though I chose it as my lowest stat at the beginning (Was as high as my highest stat… which was Magic at around 80)

Main Stats were; Magic > Subtlety > Booksmart > Charm
(Also something I found funny was that I could charm most people even with it as my lowest stat)

Okay, things I achieved in III;

  • Magic Rods were successfuly made (with everyone but the old scholar in agreement)
    -Found love with the Poet, successfuly had an affair without the queen knowing about it, and eventualy marrying her.
  • Made De Vega hate me. (yeah… never cared for him so I see this as an achievement)
  • Survived assasination attempt (killing a few of them with my magic and my mighty magical rod of power)
  • Sent my own assassins… not killing Juanita (still wanted to make her my friend…) How dare those Life Mages attack my son…
  • Beat Tomas by saving the Queen… he is burned… heheheh
  • Poison the Queen (even though she wasn’t going to kill me… (felt bad doing this but… TRUE LOVE CONQUERS ALL)

Anyway… Liked my first ending but… every now and then I choose not to save the Queen… so that her death has more meaning than just me killing her for selfish reasons.

Well I’d like to think my MC stabbing the king has a double incentive. First, he’s become a tyrant and needs to be stopped, and ,secondly, just imagine how this will go down in history books.

That said I stabbed him on the chest as a battle was going on around me. I just felt it was more dramatic to mark the end of an era with fire, lightning, and blood, instead of simple poison.

@SamuraiMantis Funnily enough, I had the same “Think of the history” focus in mind when offing the Queen, except I drew the opposite conclusion: Got to use poison, for one can’t be setting up a precedent for treason and rebellion, now, can one?

@FairyGodfeather Thanks! I’ve lurked here for a while, but I own all of the games and enjoyed this one so much that I had to join the board to discuss it!

@Daveliam What was your favourite bit?

@FairyGodfeather I’ve always loved Anne Boleyn. She’s one of my favorite historical figures and I’ve always hated that her machinations got the better of her. I think that I really love the fact that I can play the game as a character like her (a minor nobleman who is looking to become the king consort in order to bring prestige and power to his family).

The first time I played through, I romanced de Mendoza and, while I think it was the most realistic version, I’m most happy with the ability to really use some intrigue to move myself upward. By the end of the game, I really understood how my character thought. I made some decisions that he wasn’t happy with (letting the King bed Lucio as long as he couldn’t marry him), but ultimately, it was the "right’ decision for him. I agonized over the idea about killing Augustin, but, ultimately, felt it needed to be done for our sons.

It was well written and enjoyable. I am going to play through all three again, because I want to see the other options, but ultimately (for me), this will always be the story of King-Consort Cristobal de Castillo.

@Daveliam I love how Choice of Games puts a spin on things. Their take on Anne Boleyn is certainly interesting.

I think Mendosa was the best of the three in the first game, or at least the most interesting. Although even there I had wished I could be more actively involved in things. When Mendosa returned, I didn’t like them so much though. It felt as if the years should have changed them more, and it didn’t seem to really.

I only did the stuff with the monarch because it was the only way to continue the game. But by and large I did like the game. It was good to have a number of endings.

I still can’t beat Thomas and save the Queen. All my stats are the best that they can be and I’ve taken a lot of routes to try and break the mind control on the queen.

Scrivener, you can’t break the mind control on the Queen the first time around. When you first get the choice what you need to do is to investigate the way to spot who is being mind-controlled, and break it on the others. Be sure to tie the thread to the rat, otherwise Tomas will be alerted to the plans.

It’s only the second time that you can break the mind control on the Queen. So don’t try the first time, just research what you can while being aware you can’t do too much or else Tomas will find out.

You need a high relationship with the Queen for most of the options to work.

Depending on what your stats are you can use Charm, (The trust option) or Booksmarts (the logic option), or Subtle (the misdirection option) to accomplish it. Choose whichever is the highest of your stats.

If your relationship isn’t high enough you need to look for a different option. I think I killed Tomas by setting the guy he mind-controlled after him.

Okay. I tried using the stats against the Queen but it prolly wasn’t my highest one. I tried the suggestions the first time I asked but I don’t think I did it right…

I really liked the Tudors aspect of the game, too. My character started off as a very Anne Boelyn type, right up until she fell hard for de Vegas in part III, and I became terrified that she had turned into Catherine Howard and was going to die in a horrible and tragic manner. Luckily, she ended up taking a page from Catherine the Great’s playbook instead.

I was able to live at the end of the game my giving in to Thomas’s mind games, but I killed him when my sons led a rebellion against him. Even still, both the king and my lover were dead at the end so it wasn’t really a happy ending :frowning: Maybe next time I’ll try to break the spell on the king instead

And by the way, I really love how the game incorporated Lucius de Vega into the story in the third game. He reminded me so much of myself and I kept worrying that he was going to replace me and have me sentenced to death the way I did with the queen consort in the first game, lol

Is there a way to read the game code for the 2nd and 3rd Parts? I can only find the Part 1 stuff here https://www.choiceofgames.com/romance/scenes/

I just had a go at 'Til Death Do Us Part and was really overwhelmed. I like being able to see all the options that are open to me.

I already discover how save queen and kill Thomas, Mara happy when he dies so painfully,die mind rapist.

@FairyGodfeather helped me get to save the Queen and kill Tomas so now I can play all other options happily. Stupid Tomas think you can mind rape me hell no.

@timelady: to view the source for the second and third parts, you’ll have to purchase it via Chrome – when you play the game through this interface, you’ll be able to edit the resulting URL to view the full set of scenes as you would with the games posted to the web.

I tried that, and it triggered a redirect loop when I put the /scenes extension in.

@Ramidel You need to have /startup.txt after that scenes otherwise it won’t work.