Now that the long awaited sequel has been released, has anyone played? Thoughts?
I’ve not purchased it yet. I did play the beta. If you enjoyed the first two games then you should definitely purchase the third because it wraps everything up and provides an end for your story.
I just finished playing the whole game and I would say that it was worth the money I spent. It kept me on my toes with the options and I played several times to find different endings. I’d give it a chance!
Where is in Google play? i couldn’t find it i want play it now!!!
i buy it already
That should be the game. It says it has part 3.
After all I saw in the beta it is soooo well worth buying it. I had way too much fun testing it and can’t wait to see how others view it
Yes, it is – now that I’ve examined the code, I’m truly amazed at the number of viable & unique *winning* (= survive and still a power in court) paths available in part 3.
Very minor spoilers – not much more than you could get from achievements, if they were available.
- You can win without being married to the monarch
- You can win without being the monarch’s exclusive mistress (e.g. the king takes other lovers in part 2)
- You can win without a life-mage heir
- You can win (I think) without EVER resorting to “dirty tricks” – note that you can become the monarch’s spouse without dirty tricks, if I’m remembering part 1 correctly.
- You can lose & still win – in two unique ways (yes, its confusing – I’m trying to avoid spoilers here)
- You can, of course, be quite manipulative / evil and still win, but no surprise there, right?
In addition to all of that, there are a number of interesting ways to /lose/ – ~5 unique ways to die (some preceded by banishment).
All and all, I’m /very/ impressed after being mildly disappointment in CotV 2 – I hope that another series is started that takes place in the same world / kingdom with the “next generation”, although I suspect that I’ll be disappointed.
Im adore this game its amazing!!! i have some issues against the mind rape its really complicated and horrible but you could resist it at least and don’t portrait nasty bad taste scenes is good see a cog wits quality amazing storyline when the choices matter. Buy it now heck its best Cog official game with a Stupid so cheap prize!!! BUY iT now or i would poison you!!!
I’d think it’s best not to talk about spoilers in this thread, since people are asking if the game’s worth playing. If someone wants to start a new thread with SPOILERS in the subject line, we could discuss all those fun things though.
oh @FairyGodfeather sorry i don’t mean to spoiler i was so excited than couldn’t control my self start crying sorry
I also agree, it’s amazing, even though the mind control thing angers me cause I don’t know what to do about the queen. I’ve died twice, and two times I’ve gotten the unique lose/ win endings. All in all the game is amazing
@marajade hey Mara if you get a good ending mind pm ing me? I haven’t gotten one yet xD
No problem @Marajade I know it’s really exciting that it’s been released.
I made us a thread so we can discuss spoilers and talk about things.
It was well worth it if you have played any of the others.
I always loled at that point thinking that the person was being all Yugi Moto/Yami on you lol.
Will catch you on the spoiler side
I loved this in beta, and will have to pick it up now that it’s out. Jason, you mentioned in some other thread that Apple rejected the initial build – was that for content, or for some other reason?
Not for content. I forget the details exactly. It wasn’t a big deal, it mostly just pushed the release date back a week.
Oh, now I remember. They didn’t like something about the Achievements.
So, now that it’s officially out, we’ve submitted a new version with the Achievements again, and hopefully they’ll approve them this time. But at least that won’t hold up the release any more.