The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023)

They follow or they die. again.


Exactly! No compromises.


Thus more of your energy waisted…do you see how massive power would be the downfall of the king?
we dont have infinite energy and after such a long war is it really worth it looking back we have nothing left of the region we destroyed everything if we were subtle we could have had the world.


thus we sail to new regions!


I like your optimism… not necessarily the end result, but hey cant win em all. :laughing:


Exactly, even if the Wight king had a tiny amount of power left, if he makes it to another region with humans or any other kind of race he can recharge and take over that region :smiley:


What about keeping living slaves? You could drain them any time you want. :smiling_imp:


My draft got erased and I have to find the errors again… :sob: That’s what I get for having drafts from two different computers… I even saw your spacing issue again…

Though Helena’s king kink was the best laugh out of the update :blush:


yes, if it is an option i will feed off them for ever!!! (until they die and then become my slaves in death aswell) :imp:


Good, I was worried I was decredibilisating the character a bit too much.

Spacing again? :scream:
Oh well, I wrote that at 2am after a sleep tea with too much sugar.

Yeah it was a comma and it lacked a space this time between the next word, instead of the normal extra space.

Don’t worry I’ll find it again… tomorrow, the boss finally gave us a set schedule for proofreading after we complained about having to work 24/7.

Have to love those labor unions :blush:

She gave an excuse, I still trust her credibility. Though I am still not sure what an “en-jeen” is. She could have explained that better.

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YES! Darth Nithulis! one of my favorite star wars characters…next to Darth Revan!


The trick with absorbing things around you little by little is that it takes clever and careful power management, or a constant eternal source of power to maintain yourself. This is why the Wight King enter an eternal circle if they do not die, if a Wight King happened to enter a lethargic state with no ally around to carry them to more energy, they will sleep until life comes back enough.

The monolyth can sustain the Wight King as long as they stay in the keep and do not use their greater powers. The monolyth is an eternal source of power, but it’s already sustaining the whole keep, and… something extra. So since the Wight King themselves requires a huge amount of power to function at 100% or even more. :3
The monolyth cannot sustain your full power.

Darth Revan >>>>>>> all.


Canon is a lie, there is only dark side ending. :angry:

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What about Kyle Katarn?

Though I miss Starkiller.


As a completely biased opinion.
Darth Revan > Kyle Katarn

I liked Starkiller, even though the game was kind of messy.


Drop-kicking Ewoks in the second game’s DLC was a blast. :smirk:


Can’t wait to read this. When will the finished one be out? Thanks

Hopefully you saw my other reply to you. Again: same message.

You seem to be new. I’ve seen you around other forum threads so I’ll tell you 2 rules to keep in mind.

Never ask when there will be an update and never post on something that has not gotten anymore comments for at least 14 days unless you are the author.

Here’s more rules.

Have fun. :slight_smile:

I can understand your excitement though. This is a pretty interesting WIP.