The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023)

They’re already dead, technically speaking.

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damn he’s good

well, I guess you win

Fodder would work, mage fodder might work.

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I really don’t see a bug at this point in the code. I’ll have to check that on my own.

Regular ghosts are not very useful individually in batttle, but in great numbers, or more powerful ghosts are extremelly dangerous because only magic and magical weapons works against them.

Having a ghost army is like having an army of cheaters with wallhacks and semi-invulnerability

Why does that seems perfect? XD

Mages are regularly used by armies for the same exact purpose as cannons, long range devastation. It seems logical the locals would use that word. Though it seems less evident to readers.


How does the Wight King’s magic work? Is it in form of spells with verbal components or just raw power that can be used in different ways?


Im sure it will become more apparent after the finished product, Or if you have a Basic info page for Slang and word replacements. Regardless yea it should be fine Mage fodder has the commonly understood word Fodder so it should pass as universally understood its meaning to all but a handful of individuals. Unless there are cultures that don’t use that fodder reference im pretty sure most do at the very least


The Wight King isn’t a mage, they don’t do spells.

The Wight King’s magic, even before dying, is something innate, a force they bend to their will. It is something they developped through their life and thanks to a phenomenom I should explain later. I should also tell you people how magic actually works.

You’ll see as the story goes on that the Wight King has gained some new toys.

Yeah, I should finish the lorebook and the other things.


You Just described a Lich, Sith, Jedi, or a D&D Sorcerer.
Sorcerer would be effective since most of their power came innately and didn’t rely on book knowledge or Magic Schools I.e Naturals
Well sith and Jedi are obvious.
Well Lich isnt very obvious but all they needed was thought and a wave of their hand and their innate power became manifestation.

Though i think a chi warrior might be a better Description thinking on it.

I see Wight kings as a cross between these two



It may be a bit more complicated than that, but it’s close enough. (it’s in relation to that phenomenom I’ve talked about)

Also, I think you forgot to add that guy:


Hmm…I could see Nihilus mixed in there.

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Hmmm yes yes, this fellow is rather op and can drain a planets life force, a fitting person to compare to the wight king :slight_smile:

So far though we have only seen the king drain a battlefield so definitely a possibility but probably only a Fraction of what Nihilus was capable of.

Yes a definite possibility, but the Wight king probably could not drain a whole planets life force or can he?

We shall know in the future, After all
Im hoping we are not…


hehehehehehehe, having absolute power is my favourite

having such power would make it too easy and not fun at all tbh

i see your point but i just like having absolute power, destroying armies with a wave of a hand etc. seeing weak people challenging you only to be destroyed. very fun in my opinion.


yea but then you will have someone else pop up to destroy you or the entire region will ban together then its either destroy everything and have nothing to rule over in the case of the latter and in the case of the former a battle that could kill you and the entire region in the insueing battle then even if you survive you have nothing to help recharge you

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hmm yes, i dont know how the Wight king will recharge but atleast he will have a lot of undead following him and can make a kingdom of undead.

not all of them would follow you, those with stronger wills than average still would have freedom and then you have more enemies to kill you assuming you have enough energy left to revive any…

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