The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023)

@bl00dragon Will there be poly or no?




Is it with any combination or with specific characters? And how many could we poly? And also, who are the ROs cause the character list at the top doesn’t make it clear who’s a RO and who’s not. I know Helena the Banshee is one of them.

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The character list was pretty outdated and I don’t necessarily believe in giving out this kind of information before you’ve uh… even met half of them.

Generally, until you’re in a relationship with any of the characters, anyone who’s open to something casual is fair game without consequence with other characters, no matter how many. Once MC is in a relationship, they will be able to talk with other characters about the boundaries of the relationship, and it should be fairly obvious who is open to polyamory.

We can talk about the details once we actually get there.


That’s interesting. I kind of thought that there would be a definite limit to how many you can romance all at once. I might like that system since I was thinking of romancing Helena and Erzebet but I was also interested in some of the people on the Templar side but I didn’t know enough about them yet since the game hasn’t gotten that far yet so I wanted to know just in case.


Can we still bone Asterius tho? (that’s the one we fight right?) :eyes:


Helena is on the quirky side when it comes to romance for uh… circumstances. But she’s definitely one of the most open to polyamory.

Erzebet doesn’t really have the confidence to be open to polyamory at first, but she can eventually come around depending on your interactions with her.

I have only myself to blame for the many times people have asked after the adjudicator.

And I regret nothing. So yes, depending on your playthrough, it’s possible, but that’s going to take a while because he’s a very important antagonist of the first act.


On the opposite spectrum can we kill the guy? Lol I really wanna get him back for kinda walloping me.


I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to next time we encounter him since we almost killed him the first time and we were just fresh out of the coffin at the time so we were definitely still very weak. I can’t imagine him lasting long against us next time unless he either gets a big power up, a powerful artifact and equipments or some really dangerous and powerful allies.


Of course, he’s a main antagonist after all. Wait until he pulls a Plin Plin Plon theme on you.

The wight king’s next encounter with him will do justice to him and his true strength. I’ve said so before, but there are several factors as to why that fight was on relatively equal terms, many of which in Asterius’ disfavor.

His final encounter will definitely be among the hardest battles the wight king has ever fought in both life and unlife. Whether you ultimately slay him or convince him to become loyal to you, he’s not going down without a battle worthy of closing a legendary paladin’s tale.


Nah I’d win


Even if we murdered all of his trainees? I mean hate-fucking is a thing, but seems a lil outta character for him.


I mean, you highlighted the part where I say it depends on your playthrough.

Committing massacres tends to get him in the smiting mood. And will make the fights with him a little… different.

Forget about romance on the Nemesis Asterius path, lmao.


My ruthless mc saw that moment as just culling the weak so I suppose Asterius rightfully wants him deader than he is or was already lmao.


Eventually when I remake his first fight, I think I will make different versions of the fight reflecting the different “paths” you may be on concerning your rivalry with the adjudicator. He will be significantly more vicious than he is now if you purposefully kill as many templars as you can.


We just need to “convince” him the necromancer way.


See this is why I pick necromancer magic it is always funny seeing your enemies face former allies turned undead servants in IFs like these. Maybe I like playing an evil mc a bit more than needed but it is too much fun to do.


It’s sometimes a strange experience being the writer. Dramatic irony cackles in my ears every day.


What’s the point in that when u can humiliate him in battle and let him live with the shame.

Because it’ll give him a chance to come back stronger and with more forces next time. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some main protagonist buff that’ll happen as a result of us leaving him alive. Definitely do not wanna deal with that.