The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

Honestly, I’m on the boat of Violet would only do it if it was an absolute last ditch effort. Morgan already has issues with her senses, so while it would make her even stronger than she is, it might also overclock her senses to where they essentially short-circuit and go into shock or something, and the last thing she wants to do is hurt Morgan.


Mine wouldn’t exactly jump on board immediately. Like, if it’s life or death, sure. Otherwise… rather not.

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Oh, Yuri would definitely agree… if Adam even asked. Neither Yuri nor I can see that happening anytime soon but she’d be surprised then happy to help.


You and me both. looks at Blade from Shepherds of Haven


Full heartedly agreed right there

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This is quite the vivid image. Not that I blame her.

I just want to caveat this with an N or F that is currently in a relationship with the MC. Riley has turned down the possibility of starting a relationship multiple times (I think, if I remember correctly game mechanics wise that comes out to five opportunities- times he actually asked is at two) so it would super awkward for her to invite him to dinner. Luckily we have avoided this problem since Riley corrupted Verda’s files and thus gets out of awkward dinner invites.

I actually really like that idea as well. It would be especially funny when Tina starts making comments, and M or A starts getting annoyed and detective’s just like, “you brought this on yourself.” The only thing about the idea of the the LI coming for “the MCs own safety” is that given how many times its already come up, it could easily start to feel over used.

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Yeah, and that’s pretty much how her mind works. I’ve never had a character quite this stubborn before. But like you, I can’t blame her for this–I think the firepoker through her stomach may hurt less than Mason being a jerk again.

That’s good. Dezh may have to go that route if the asking is way too out of character for her (and it really is).

It could, but it makes sense here, what with a bounty on the MC. And, honestly, it makes more sense than forcing MCs to ask A or M on what is basically a date to their friend’s house not long after A told the MC they mean nothing to them and M told a complete stranger the MC is nothing more than something to get off on. Neither Z nor Dezh are eager to give the guys they are falling another reason to be nasty to them (and Dezh, at this point, is afraid of scaring Mason off by asking him anything and would avoid it).

Something you said got me thinking, too…

With both F and N, the MC can turn them down for a relationship and be approached again about it. With A and M taking most of the series to get to the “relationship” stage (for A, and the understanding feeling stage for M), I’m guessing that won’t be an option. I saw the ask where Sera said the MC can say ILY first to their LI (and I’m sure that includes A and M, even if they don’t return the sentiment yet), but if the MC doesn’t do it, then the LI will.

With A and M, given how late in the series it’ll be when they get there, do you think the MC would even get the option of saying no/not believing them/refusing a relationship right then/etc? Or do you think that, like with the asking the LI to the T/V dinner (lol, TV dinner) that will apparently occur, it’ll be forced on the MC?


According to the instagram, one of the variables is literally called “create lttvdinner”, for “love triangle tina/verda dinner”, but I can’t NOT see Lite TV Dinner.


All of mine in later books: “Yes.”

As of the end of Book 2, probably only if there is a Murphy mk.2 running around and one of the UB has to fight them alone. So “No unless the circumstances call for it.”

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My characters would all say yes, but with various levels of embarrassment. I do have one that would say yes and not even know why she would say yes.

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Progress Update - 25th February 2022

Weather was still all over the place this week, but writing certainly wasn’t! :smiley:

I’ve had such a blast writing all of the LI’s reactions to Tina’s questioning and…deeper thoughts on things in their own LI PoV with her! Especially when she points out something that some of the LI’s may not have actually realised about the MC yet.

Certainly gives them something to think about…

But yeah, I’ve been blasting through that (one choice set was just over 5,500 words long, and I managed to finish that in a day) ! Will definitely have the ‘friend’ scene done of that version by tomorrow, and that means one version of Chapter 11 will be finished!! Woohoo!!

Still a way to go with two other versions of it, but I’m super pleased with how these are coming out. The feel of them—being a fun scene just to wind down a bit and see the vampires in a more ‘casual’ situation—is really coming across and should provide a little moment to get your breath back before the intensity that’s to come for the rest of Book Three!

I’ll be moving onto Verda’s next week and following the same format of doing all the LI’s at the same time. I thought about doing the other version where Tina and Verda don’t know so you all go out together, but seeing as I’m in the dinner party zone, I figure I’ll keep going onto Verda’s instead.

Though Verda’s version of a dinner party is quite different to Tina’s very informal affair, hehe! :smiley:


Now I’m curious.


Progress Update - 04.03.2022

This week really felt like it flew by!

I was getting right into Verda’s dinner scene when Nai reminded me that it’s the start of a new month, which means social media days! So I’ve been working on that the past couple of days and having fun with another Unit Alpha AU for Patreon, hehe! ;D

But that does mean it’s taken a couple of days out from writing, but I’ll be able to catch up pretty quick I think now I have the general skeleton of Verda’s scene set out for all the LI’s.

There was an awesome/annoying moment when I was writing out the ending for A’s scene after the dinner parties, and I was SO into it! Like, it was just flowing and amazing…and I realised completely wrong for this particular moment, which was the annoying part, lol!

But it was perfect for the ‘date’ scene in Chapter 14! Oh man…it’s gonna be just chef’s kiss

So I’ve pasted that into a Chap 14 scene file ready to go, but then had to come up with something else a little less emotional but still intense for this scene. I ended up thinking of the perfect thing at about 2am on Wednesday! So I quickly emailed it to myself for when I can write it out. And it was worth the shift around as this fits waaaay better. I want to keep this chapter fun and light with some real romance to it, and this was it. So yeah…it was worth waiting for the idea to come to me, hehe! :smiley:

The other LI’s scenes are coming on great too! It’s just that A’s is definitely the romance I’m struggling hardest with at the moment, and I’ve been working on it the most lately (going back and rewriting some stuff altogether, even just small bits sometimes that need adjusting), just because I know what’s coming later in this book and honestly…I’m overly keen to get there, lol! But I have to make sure the pacing feels smooth, even if things do go up and down for the MC and A I still want a consistency to the pacing of it and not just skipping and choppy.

But social media will be finished today, and I’ll get that all scheduled up for the month, which means next week it’s getting back to having a blast with Verda, Eric and Mason/Morgan… ;D

Hope you all have the most fabulous weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll talk to you soon! <3


I have a vague recollection that Sera had said that IF the Detective would become a supernatural, that would take place near the end of the series.

EDIT: Wait… So when the fortune teller says the love will last an eternity… Does that mean that eventually the MC will turn into a vampire and therefore could live along with their LI?


Well, that would depend on the choices of your MC.

But that decision would be a very long way off if it were to pop up at all… ;D

Wow, I’m terrible with spoilers lately, lol!

Thank you so much for the ask! :slight_smile:

I have met customers, and I can tell you this might be the biggest lie I’ve ever heard.


I am no author by no means but from what I have seen in these forums there’s a limit on how many variable an author could do unless the book will never seen a light of day. As a consumer, I set my expectations on a standard but I don’t set my expectations too high because I know there are limitations.

I love Mishka’s work. They’re my comfort book but I respect that she has her limitations.


Then we have to agree to disagree then. Also, please don’t double post, you can reply to multiple people in one post using @ plus the username.

I also don’t think this discussion affects Wayhaven solely and best be moved to a thread related to this or a new thread if you want talk about it more.

Edit: I found a thread in relation to limited choices here: Limited choices

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Reminder: flag and do not respond to posts that you feel do not contribute positively to the discussion.


Or maybe you’re just incredibly rude and people would prefer not to have to put with you in their forum about IF. Who knows? :man_shrugging:

Regardless, Wayhaven was never at any point advertised as a game where you could turn into a vampire, so you’re basically complaining about going into a Mexican restaurant and whining about not being able to get pasta carbonara.

EDIT: Aaaaand the post this was responding to got deleted, so now I just look like grandpa Simpson.

Those clouds won’t yell at themselves. It’s a hard job, but somebody’s gotta do it.


I come here to read Seraphinite’s progress updates (BEST SERIES EVER), I stay to see an old man yell at clouds.

This is one of the few choice games I feel like I have zero predictive ability.


I predict: romance, drama, supernatural beings, stubborn A, reluctant M, N trying to smooth things over and F reveling in the chaos. And probably lots of damage to various inanimate objects.