The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

Morgan flirting is never not funny.


Progress Report - 11th Feb 2022

So, some of you may have seen on Instagram that I took a pretty bad fall this week and damaged my back really badly.

…That was fun, lol! :smiley:

It meant that writing this week was made difficult as I couldn’t sit in my chair for more than about ten minutes. So I improvised a standing desk, which helped a bit, but I wasn’t supposed to be immobile for extended periods so had to keep walking.

Unfortunately, this meant I didn’t get as far this week as I had planned. And honestly, I was pretty annoyed and angry at myself about it!

Someone did try to remind me to be kinder to myself. Things happen, which I totally get! But I’m also a very goal-orientated person, and it’s difficult for me to let go when I don’t reach those goals!

Looking at it, I’m actually not too far behind. Tina’s scene is going just as smoothly as I was hoping and, for now, I’m managing to do all the love interest parts as I go instead of splitting it completely and coming back to do others later. It doesn’t always work to do chapters this way, but it’s really working for this so I’ll keep going.

It really had me laughing, so I hope you guys enjoy that moment just as much when it pops up, hehe!

Tomorrow and next week, I will just keep pushing forward on Tina’s scene. I do need to spend a day catching up on edits and trying to extract more of Chapter 8 for SpunkyCat, but I might put that on hold just so as I can really hit those goals next week when my back has hopefully eased.

Though I did have a wonderfully fun moment with Nai, trying to use my walking time productively, deciding what all the LI’s are going to wear to the dinner party! Some obviously dressed the part…others not so much, lol! Your MC gets the choice too on what they decide to arrive in!

I hope you all have the most amazing weekend and I’ll talk to you all soon, with a hopefully fully functioning spine, hehe! <3


Oh, no! I hope you get better soon!

That’s fair. It IS really all your fault for not having a spare spine so you could just repla- OH WAIT! Turns out people aren’t cars and you can’t just spare tire a health problem away, who knew?

Co-signing this wise person’s stance.

tries to imagine Morgan willingly wearing a dress
fails miserably
Maybe if I get her one that’s super easy to remove?
No, wait, she’d just call me an amateur for implying the dress would have to come off for sex, wouldn’t she? It’d be the bar cherry scene all over again.


I hope it was nothing serious. Take care and rest well.

That would be a lovely surprise, that’s for sure :smiling_imp:


So, after going through the demo for possible the twentieth time…I know, I have an addiction. Well the theory I have is kinda far out there but seems possible. Now, we all despise Bobby, there is no arguing about that am I right? So the usual uncomfortable feeling I have when she shows up is normal at this point, but something really twinged my thoughts today…IS BOBBY A TRAPPER!!!

I don’t know why that thought popped into my head but it did and I literally shivered. Please tell me I’m not the only one thinking this!?


Don’t worry, you’re in good company here. :heart:

This is an interesting idea! :slight_smile: I haven’t thought too extensively on Bobby’s branch of the story to form any concrete theories, but I have wondered if Bobby might have dealings with the Trappers at some point in the series. I was thinking that if their suspicion stat is high enough and their relationship stat is low enough, they could possibly take on a role as an informant for the Trappers and work against the MC and Unit Bravo. (Plus, there are those suspicious-seeming phone calls they keep taking.) I don’t know if I could see them taking on an active role as a Trapper, but honestly, anything is possible. I feel like someone who has played and analyzed Bobby’s branch could give a more insightful answer than mine though.

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I dont care what bobby is but i know for a fact it is the most disgusting thing in whole TWC worse it also has a plot armor.


LMAO. yea, the moment i saw bobby be still alive after that incident with the maal (idk how u spell their name lmao), my fuckin smile instantly dropped. like i know i choose the path to see bobby more often for drama but that doesnt mean im not gonna be absolutely shit talking them everytime they appear. he makes my mc so uncomfortable with his obviously shitty advances to try to use him and the dude is so happy about it. absolutely digusting. treason


You know when that incident happened… i was happy…very happy! I thought i finally got rid of her no more bobby for rest of my TWC journey , i felt like i could conquer anything at that moment…
Then i clicked the next button and what i read made my disappointment immeasurable and my day ruined.


The Wayhaven Chronicles Update - 21.02.2022

(This was Friday’s Update, but posting today now the electric is more stable!)

Super quick update today as Storm Eunice is making everything a little dodgy!

Tina’s scene is going fantastic! Have some really super fun moments in there that I hope you guys will enjoy! :smiley: Also really having fun with the LI’s different takes on Tina, as well as their responses to her questions…

I’m actually way more forward than I thought. Definitely caught up from last week! I’ll be moving onto the LI PoVs for this scene next week and then hopefully be starting on Verda’s the week after!!

Again, sorry to type and run, but already had some in and out power today, so wanted to make sure this was out!


Just gonna put this here in case some of you haven’t seen it yet…

How will your MCs answer that question? :smiley:


Id let them do more than drink


Yeah, most of mine would say the same:

Dezh: “He’s welcome to drink from me anytime, anywhere. gives Mason a smirk And he can bite me anywhere.”

Z: chuckles “I doubt Adam could stop clenching his teeth and moping long enough to do that, but sure.”

Triss: shrugs “I’d like it. Not so sure Nate would, though. He seems squeamish for a vampire.”

Jax, eyeing Felix: “Only if he can promise it won’t hurt!”


I mean, yes? That the option is even being considered means that a very large pile of shit has hit an industrial-power fan, and I’d rather a more aggressive lovebite from Morgan than, y’know, dying.

The only problem I can see is that the blood is said to be addictive, because otherwise, magically steroiding the Bravos from time to time is nbd. Hells, I’m half wondering why we haven’t started doing personal blood drives for emergency boosts in the field.


Yeah, pretty much. Most of my MCs see no big deal with it. They’re vampires. They need blood, and my MCs’ blood is supercharged, so why not give them some of it and help end problems quicker? Makes me wonder if the RO on the MC’s blood could actually kick Sin’s ass.

Hell, two of my MCs have more of a problem with the fact that they’re gonna be forced to ask their LI to the dinner with Tina or Verda than the idea of being bitten by them. And, honestly, given their LIs, I can’t blame them.


Why do I want to date the leader or the edgelord I might have a medical problem


I had not seen that since I’m not on Instagram. I do love the question though.

Areylia: “I mean if it was for the greater good, saving lives, or some other heroic reason… sure its a basic cost benefit analysis. If it was a competitive ego thing…” shrugs “Actually probably also sure. I trust Adam.”

Lukas: Doesn’t even think about it before answering, “Yes.”

Riley: “Absolutely.” Then added quietly under her breath, “Seems like my blood is just about the only thing I’m worth anyways.”

Cat: “I’m not a fan of the idea, but I trust Mason, and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if someone got hurt because of me, so I would do it, but probably with my eyes closed.”

Rhiannon: “I don’t see any reason why not.”

Eleanor: “I highly doubt that any member of Unit Bravo could have worked for the agency for so long without being able to control themselves around blood, so I’d actually be okay with getting bitten by any of them, provided the circumstances are right.”

Lol. Yeah, Cat’s in the same boat here. I’m actually curious how this is going to go because I just can’t see her ever voluntarily inviting Mason to dinner, but I also can’t see her surviving the guilt of not telling either of her friends, so it’ll certainly be interesting when it comes up.

We probably don’t have enough blood left for that after all the blood MC lost in the first two games, especially if this becomes a trend.


Oh! I saw this on Twitter earlier today. Ellie would simply and honestly answer, “Yes.” because—special blood or not—the reality that Mason may need to drink her blood at some point is something that she has acknowledged, accepted and is comfortable with, and she trusts him and wants him to know she trusts him. (She’s not really thinking about the potential implications of Tina’s question based on the “research” she has done by reading supernatural romance novels. :smiley: )


Hmm, everyone so far has answered with varying flavors of “yes”. For my detectives it would very much depend on circumstances.

Life-threatening emergency? Okay, go for it, though most of them would be uncomfortable for various reasons. As a solution to a less dire problem? Emma trusts Nate, so she’d let him do it after some hesitation. Merrilee is head over heels for Felix but she’s also a sweet, ditzy cinnamon roll who’s not really on board with blood and biting and stuff; he could talk her into it, but otherwise she’d prefer another solution. Diana - in the love triangle - might do it if it would annoy Adam. The other two, no, not comfortable enough with Adam or Mason yet.


Yeah, I am kind of dreading this for A and M’s routes. Dezh would rather shove a firepoker through her stomach than ask Mason to go to Tina or Verda’s with her, so it’s probably going to be one of those in-game moments I have to hold my nose and let happen, no matter how out of character it is for her. Or, if it’s too bad, go back and play b2 where no one finds out (the Tina/Verda choice was one of those choices that Dezh was “meh, I could go either way” about, so I went both ways).

Just guessing, but I suspect there will be a “shy” choice and a bold choice, but either way the MC is stuck putting themselves on the line for this. With N and F, it’s no biggie, but for A and M-mancers? Ugh. The only way I can see either of them agreeing to go is because the MC is in so much danger and they are worried enough to say yes. No doubt M will sneer about it, though, lol. It’ll be another angst moment for M and A’s paths, obviously, with them being jerks.

Personally, I’d rather there be an option for the MC to just tell UB or the LI that they have somewhere to go and then the RO insists on knowing where they’re going. And reminding them that there’s a bounty on their heads. Dezh would be like, “So? I’m going.” Then M (or A) could grumble about it and go without being asked. That’d kind of be hilarious–to have them volunteer for a dinner date and complain about it when it was their own damned choice, leaving the MC rolling their eyes.

That’s actually a good point. I don’t think Dezh would think about it, but it’s definitely a possibility, and I’d hate to see M be in pain that way. But maybe it would get rid of M’s hypersensitivity? Maybe?