The Superlatives: Shattered Worlds — Hunt a killer and save the solar system!

I’m relieved to see that I’m not the only one who feels a bit of disappointment. I, too, originally thought this game would be focused entirely on a new character, with no import option - and perhaps that’s the way it should have been, because playing as an imported character really didn’t match my expectations (which admittedly may have been too lofty, because the first game was just so good).

Losing my MC’s powers was a kick, but I accepted it, because Aetherfall’s endings branched so much that a drastic move was necessary to level out the playing field. Ditto for not being able to work alongside the Society. I missed them, and enjoyed their cameos greatly, however considering that Aetherfall could have ended with them dead or disbanded, I get that making them major parts of the plot would have been unfeasible (not without significantly upping the game’s total word count, anyway). So I swallowed those pills and faithfully persevered.

What bothered me most, though, was the lack of RO development. Dusk was one of my favourite CoG romances of all time, the drama and passion of the first game was an absolute delight, but in the sequel he was just…there. He showed up a couple of times for moral support, wrung his hands that he couldn’t intervene because the government said so, and was completely absent during the final chapter’s showdown. Never mind the fact that a) the Conclave had previously tried to recruit him, and b) if MC failed to close the rifts then there’d be no government, or London, or England, or Earth, so why would anyone refuse this incredibly powerful Superlative who was incredibly eager to assist? Yes, it might have created an uneven playing field, and necessitated a higher word count, but it would at least have made better narrative sense.

In the first game, Dusk was a complex character with a difficult past, and I’d thought maybe there would be some deep conversations to help him work through things and grow closer. I wanted to see him interact with Orchid, to see her try and befriend him, and tease her brother about falling for the mysterious shadowy stranger they fought in an abandoned lab. I wanted to laugh at Basil’s horror that another Superlative - and a decidedly dubious one - was going to be marrying into the family. I wanted to see Dusk and my MC stand side by side in battles and be a fantastic power couple! And I didn’t get any of that, at all.

Just so this post isn’t all complaints, here are some of the things I liked: It was fun to learn more about the Jovians, as well as Martians and Venusians. I adored the cats, and also the weird plant-puppy. The new allies were charismatic and easy to like. The plot was generally good, and it’s nice that different player styles were catered to, even one where you never had to fight if you didn’t want to (I did, though).

Shattered Worlds isn’t a bad game overall, but it’s far more satisfying when played as the original Arbiter.


I don’t want to be shammed for giving Negative reviews. I didn’t gave any on app store of course.

Man it is so disappointing having no chance to be with dusk. 1st part relationships progressed so nicely. I was literally waiting for it. Keeping your sisterwith you. What was the point?Having no powers?Did all your friends just left you? Seriously? Does the whole society gave up on trying to save queen? IT BECAME a job of some alien who couldn’t care less. Even the plot of game was forced. Why not kill queen any day. Why wait till treaty time. Kill her any day and effect is SAME. There world was dying and they were waiting to create headlines?

But this game has Nothing* to do with 1st part. Even saying 2nd part is an insult to players knowledge. NOT A SINGLE thing was brought from 1st part.

This should have been a new game.

relationship of my mc and dusk was very good. Just rename this game into something. Work on real 2nd part. I am willing to forget it ever happened.


What might have done the game well might have been for example beibg able to save the officer at the start if we loaded a game. Like we def play as arbiter, but at that scene a superlative interferes (similar to how it does go when loaded) and with their help we chase the assassin off and manage to save the officer, after which the superlative introduces themself as the old mc and offers to wait for the police in our steed. And in general have few bonus scenes interacting with the society that give boosts we wouldnt get otherwise, maybe

Or something

Ah well


So, to be clear: if your previous mc got with Dusk in the first game and you import that mc here, nothing comes of the romance? I’ve seen people mention the lack of Dusk several times, and seeing that relationahip progress would have been one of the main reason I’d want to play this game, so I would love to know.

I suppose I could just give it a shot as a new character and perhaps go for Patel or Vesper… I dunno. I’ll probably try the demo again, although this seems to be more focused on space/alien scifi rather than the sort of superhero scifi of the first game, and I don’t really care for that, but my initial impression could be wrong.

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Dusk (or any other RO) was present but they were just there. Not doing anything. Even in one scene where there was an attack while RO was present, they didn’t do anything to help us. Which is totally weird considering one RO is the most powerful superlatives, one has superlatives ability and a strong heart that he would never let his partner go on by themselves and one, I don’t know, never tried to romance the scientist but I doubt she would do nothing in such situation.


My Take - The Superlatives: Shattered Worlds

I am going to be at odds with most of those posting here in this thread.

From the get-go, my expectations were that I was playing an Arbriter - eventhough CoG marketing (imo) confused the matter by trying to tie the new game close to the prior one.

The body of the marketing (which some no doubt, do not read) makes it clear, this game was about aliens and saving the Queen using the Divergent Conclave and their Artifacts and not the prior games mechanics of Aether and Superlatives.

Unlike most here, I felt Alice did a better than average job of transferring elements of the old MC into the new story and my expectations for a continuing storyline of an Earth super-hero was not there. The Import did a good job of showing how the Lady Tempest was no longer of Earth nor would people, even prior associates, see her that way.

The imported story was actually better than my stand-alone experience because it did more to show, just how small the original MC’s world was and it emphasized that there was a lot more of the universe to explore than post Venusian war London.

As I’ve said with other recent releases, the CoG marketing game needs to be stepped up - I feel that Alice isn’t at fault for the disappointment and bewilderment encountered in this thread and I believe over time that most will see the strength of this game for what it actually is instead of what many see as a misleading sequel.


So, my first playthrough story goes like this:

  1. Download the game, expecting to be the Arbiter (barely remembering the character from the epilogue)
  2. Fire it up, notice I can import characters.
  3. Notice that I had no saves, even though I played #1 multiple times, do a rerun of the first book and remember what I like about the characters.
  4. Transfer my character, notice that my speedster with charm is a blank slate. Minor disappointment, but I can deal.
  5. Powers “gone” but I have artifacts. Eh, could have been good but it just felt generic.
  6. Go through the game, thankful for some apperances from the society and RO Jane. I like my secretary but Patel doesn’t do much for me. Also, is V an ally? If so, why no bars for her? It just left an odd feeling for me.
  7. Is there an epilogue? I tried to shut down the rift, got sent through it by my double and then bam voting screen. With such a jarring conclusion and no closure, you wouldn’t WANT me to vote, trust me.

With having the first book fresh in my mind, this title feels like a let down. I am still procesing the experience and may give it another go, but the payoff that I had didn’t feel like it was worth the time and investment.


I feel a mixture of disappointment with this sequel and also shame about feeling this way since the first game is still one of my favorites here. Love superheroes and when I heard a story was taking place with them in a different time period was coming, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I ended up loving it and left one of my first reviews ever for it saying that I was looking forward to and ready for any future work from not only the series but the writer in general.

But now, after finally getting another game and finishing my second playthrough of it, it makes me wonder what happened to this one. Like alot of other people have already said, alot of the first game doesnt seem to matter, sure there are a few quick cameos but no real time you have to spend with the old characters like there was in the first game. While, I think the new characters are fine, you get such a small time to care about them or even know them past the surface level and it feels like in order to fully know more about them you have to do it over multiple playthroughs so you can just focus on a specific one unlike the first game and even carrying over an RO felt like a joke honestly.

With the first game, there was more than enough questions to ask and missions to go on with your companions and it didn’t feel rushed at all…AND that game did that while at the same time introducing the world and the conflicts between the races.

I haven’t even touched on other stuff like the MC feeling really generic with the artifacts instead of the choice of the 3 unique origin powersets (Jovan, Preternatural I believe, and the Inventor-ish one) from the first game. Here it feels like your basically just playing the inventor powerset since you’re using devices.

I really do think the game would have been better either focusing on just importing a world state ala-Dragon Age and just having the MC and characters from the first game reduced to side characters to support the new Arbiter MC or I would have liked if it focused on being a more direct sequel, as in like every other property/universe with supergroups, The Society would have to take on this next threat together and have a few new characters but mainly focus on the old crew therefore being able to show more of your previous decisions and relationships in play. For pete’s sake my imported MC and his sister were inseperable but not once does she make a cameo. (someone said she does but it never happened to me and she definately stayed with my MC in the first game)

It already kind of set the tone at the beginning when you’re asked if you want to import…then fast forward to the Conclave telling you can’t involve The Society. At that point I already kind of knew I was gonna have a bad time regardless of some characters possibly showing up and it turns out I was right to feel that way. So right off the bat, no unique powers plus no involving the characters I grew to love in the first game.

I will say that I have to disagree about it really being a CoG marketing issue though. Regardless of description, the fact that you’re asked if you want to import your character is kind of the issue. Most people will conclude that it means stuff really mattered in the previous game and that will be continued. Here it really wasn’t.

Lastly, both of my playthroughs endings were so darn abrupt that I thought maybe my phone or the app had messed up or something but no it just ended. The first ending I chose to sacrifice myself which, while I had hopes something would happen and I would survive, I knew that most likely it would indeed kill me. But I did not expect it basically saying “Sweet, you closed the rift and took away the bit of corruption that got into your world, k bye.” Then on the second round I decided to fight the Commander and escape, mind you I had did pretty much everything right and passed all the fighting checks except one in the middle, and right before deciding to escape through the rift I checked my hp and it was on barely standing so not feeling great but also not dead yet. I jumped through then the story says basically, “Awesome, you made it through the rift buuuuuut now your all tapped out of Aether so you die now, k bye.” No detailed wrap up of the big plot points like the treaty results you may or may not have decided to influenced nor your allies reactions to your death.

So disappointing. So much of one that I feel even as a stand-alone game I feel it doesnt have any strengths since it can end abruptly as well as practically no time to get to know your allies in one go in depth, then the generic powerset.


Going to ask this:
The game is shorter than part one. And it seems to me a lot of it stems from cameos only there with the old MC.
And those scenes can be pretty long all things considered.

So… how long is the game without the old mc bits?


Sorry but 50,000 words is not the extreme difference you make it out to be with your tone here.

It is the difference between the long epilogue at the end of the first one (which, after reading how a lot of you took this story should not have been in the first one but the second) and nothing like that in the second.


I only play as the arbiter without importing the old MC…

But i feel the game is still very long … :slight_smile:

I didn’t intend to sound dismissive.

But: As seen above the abrupt end was a minus to people
And 50k words is a lot if a game is 200k long vs 250k+

I can only guess but I’d guess the old MC bit are around 10k? Maybe. So all in all the game might be in its core be half the size of the first one.

It’s still not a bad game, but it’s a certain sense of… disconnect


Again you exaggerate its significance - saying something is 250,000+ is a lot more dramatic than saying 250,000. Full Stop. Not only that, but the actual word count is only 42,000 words not even 50,000.

As I said before, the Epilogue in the first title belongs with the second, because it is squarely about the Arbiter and not the Superlative. It did not really belong as part of the first game except as a direct link to the second.

It didn’t do its job well - a lot of people never transitioned from the first to second game, especially if they imported their MC.

I was one of the (apparent ) few that successfully transitioned as Alice planned.

Edit -

This is from the included link for easy reference to the first one in the first post:

The 260,000 word count is also on the Steam Page… seriously, let’s agree to disagree at this point because your argument hasn’t changed since you first posted in this thread.

250k+ cause Aetherfall is 280k which i couldnt remember upon typing.

Again, its not a bad game, just (on this topic) that it feels more bare bones at times. Which can be grating looking how the story progresses

260k sorry.

deep breath (Bear with me, my browser might not be cooperative in typing this)

I’m in no way intending to say the game is badly done. But I am intending to say that it feels disconnected.

I don’t know what things looked like before the beta, but the game as it is, I cannot agree that it transitions well.


So, we end the first game as the Arbiter in a cliffhanger epilogue. Nice (no sarcasm). Get’s one curious.
Then we load a saved game. And instantly the Arbiter dies, we take their place and pretty much lose ALL of our personality and connections. The cameo bits and bonus sentences don’t hide well that all the talk about ‘you must not get X involved’ ‘you mustn’t do this and that with your powers’ is a bit of a cope-out to excuse why (as various people noted) our old MC would not get people from the first game involved, use their powers, etc.

The game is, IMO, not written for the old MC. It’s written for a new one and would have done better had the old MC and the characters from part one appeared as a bonus, but I said as much.

If you give me a game that is 1. shorter than it’s predecessor and 2. feels as if it wasn’t written with the first MC in mind, I have as much the right to say why I find it not as good as the first one, and that the old MC bits feel more like padding, as you have the right to say that it worked well for you.

So yeah, agree to disagree.


This game felt terribly long for me long in the worst sense of the world. I was wanting it ends as it has a slow pace and destroyed all my character was in first game changing it with far less original stuff I found lacklustre and boring. Relationship with characters is off and borderline plot hole. Aliens and cats are cool but don’t erase the fact My character has become all contrary she was WITHOUT EXPLANATION and absolutely anything from first matters and ro seem to give a shit if you are in danger… and the endings are well You die End


This is one of the things that irk me.

In the first book we get to talk and build relationship with everyone in our team; in here we have to choose one. In book 1, the communication we had with our RO was different from each one of them. Our talks with Dusk were different from Hugh and Jane. But here, it’s a cardboard copy scene; even the RO in book 2. I had the same dialog in the ball when I played as the old MC romancing Dusk and when I played new MC romancing Patel. Considering these people have very different characters; it’s impossible they would react the same.


Okay, I finally made it back to the point in the second game where Lily/Orchid appears (had to pause to replay the first game 7 times to try and get Nimble to show up in the second game).

Apparently she’s triggered simply by her still being a part of the Society. There’s a bug that’s just been reported in the Aetherfall thread where Orchid is erroneously set to having lost her powers, so that may be messing things up in some people’s playthroughs. Also deciding to rename the Society in the first game will also bjork things up.

For reference, she first shows up during your first battle against the rift-tearing troops in Chapter 3. So if she was still part of the Society in the epilogue of the first game and hasn’t shown up at that point, something has gone wrong.


That was fixed before S2 released.

I bought the combo pack of Superlatives 1 & 2 on Steam a few days after release and that bug is still there with the epilogue assuming Orchid has lost her powers even when the power-stealing gun never fired.