I like it
Great stuff, really enjoyed playing through it - looking forward to the rest
This is by far the most interesting game I’ve played here. I’m not implying other games I liked were not original, but this one takes the cake home.
I cannot wait to play more.
Wow that surprised me it was really good cant wait to see how this will end, how is progress on it.
Very good, I love that it’s written from the perspective of a jinni, plus Solomon is a very interesting character. I’ll follow this one with interest.
Very interesting game! I always like stories set in this world.
A bug; I changed into a spider, the stats page confirms this form, and yet I lift Solomon out of the bath and use my hand to check his breath. Would have been nice to either have different text depending on form or a throwaway line mentioning the change back.
You turn into a giant spider and lift him from the tub and check his breath…
Yeah I picture it like that!
@SkyUnderTheSea, @Lilskylerbug, @Largejo, @VoodooDolly, @Aznxa, @bawpie Thanks, progress is going well on Part 1 (better than I expected, really). I hope to have it up by the weekend.
@Luhrsen, @Roslyn_samalt06 Thanks for picking this up, I’ll fix it. I expect more of this type of error to show up in the later Parts when the choices become more complex (I just noticed one in my runthrough of a few scenes in Part 1, for example).
@tenryu Question: From the looks of it I assume you are combining Islamic, Jewish, and Zoroastrian lore to form your story. So I was wondering if you’re planning on making it possible to come face to face with key figures in these cultures, like Michael, Lucifer, and maybe even others like Sammael, etc.
@tenryu, I just made the change to the subject header. Look forward to reading your game, from the high praise it’s been getting…
@SkyUnderTheSea Yes, I am using Jewish lore for the general background of Solomon and his era, Islamic lore for the powers of the jinn and parts of Solomon’s story, and Goetic lore for the rest (jinn names mainly). Samodai, for example, is simple nameplay on a famous Goetic demon who also played a part in Solomon’s story. Other characters and jinn will appear, but no angels, I’m sorry to say.
@Havenstone Thanks for this. Much appreciated.
Just played the demo, very impressed! My knowledge of Genie Lore is a tad limited so it’s interesting to have you set it out nicely, and I can tell already that the personality of the Genie is pretty felxible, along with the abilities availiable. Keep it up!
@derekmetaltron Thanks! And you can now play…
Part 1 of ‘A Jinni of the Seven Winds’ is available at the link below:
I wrote it primarily to test Arts mastery in the game (which works but takes a lot of effort to code options), to develop a basic inventory (very basic but it does the job. I’ll probably need to work on it for any future Parts), to improve the shapeshifting system (much improved, though you probably won’t notice any major difference), and to trial a simplified ‘battle’ system.
Some expansion has occurred in the Introduction. More information added to explain shapeshifting ‘rules’ and more pagebreaks added to improve readability. Introduced Renown as a longterm goal attribute. There is a victory and a defeat outcome for Part 1, as well as one True Ending (which you may not necessarily want to encounter).
I’m sure there are still bugs (when aren’t there?), but I’ve tested it reasonably well and haven’t seen anything break in the current version. I think it’s ready for beta-testing.
Looking forward to your feedback, general impressions, discovery of bugs and typos, etc.
Things I’m interested in learning:
Does the gameplay feel too linear? (This is a problem for many textgames, perhaps, but I am interested if you noticed this in the Seven Winds because Part 1 is a straightforward quest)
Does the length for Part 1 feel too long or too short?
Do you feel the attributes are too numerous or complicated?
Do you feel the feedback for options is sufficient in regards to attribute gain/loss?
Would you prefer more explicitly-stated feedback? (I was trying to avoid this, but I can reconsider if many people call for it)
Is it too hard to master an Art in Part 1? Or too simple?
Do the mastery Arts feel too weak/too powerful?
What do you think of the battle system? (Fingers-crossed it works for everyone)
Is obtaining victory in Part 1 too difficult? Too easy?
Other things:
Can a forum moderator please change the thread title to A Jinni of the Seven Winds? Thanks.
Romance options will likely exist in future Parts. Renown is very basic right now, but will be improved later.
Can I ta’ll to you about some ideas using pm?
No that’s is not an option… never an option…
@Talon5505 @Roslyn_samalt06 Sure you can. PM away anyone who wants to.
Error: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: globalScene
Scene: 00_start
File: undefined
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 5_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B206 Safari/7534.48.3
Load time: 1354870297288
Persist: whatwg_db
I’m curious, can we name our genie or djiin Robin Williams? Lol
How about Shazam?
@CoGAwesomeness Hmm, I thought this could be a browser-compatibility problem with the global choicescript code, but when I tried the game this morning, the error appeared. After refreshing the page once, the game loaded successfully. Can you tell me if it persists for you? Could be just a temporary issue due to a busy (free) server.
@Headhunter180 @Shintaro Sure, just pick none of those suit me when choosing a name.