The Seeker (DEMO)

Yup…and it’s not realistic, I know. I just wanted it to be funny. xD

I’m sorry if that’s too…dark?? Nowadays??

But Fantasy doesn’t mean complete lack of realism. Anyway, stats shouldn’t completely reform the dialogue options as it restricts lots of stuff.


I joined the community just 20days ago and im sure there are many others that are much more experienced and would be willing to help out. I think the most tempting part was the IQ part because i chose to be < 4 IQ in your game. Maybe you can put two options with the same but one would be the brain damaged and the other would be the normal. So we would have the choice to play it as some kind of a comedy-fantasy and high-fantasy. Of course it needs more effort but what you want to do is up to you.

But im sure i would never put it this way for the sake of argumentative humour, with a chance of destroying my game.


The greyed-out options have been discussed a lot and some people including me doesn’t like that and find it annoying+frustrating. It’s just irrelevant not to be able to choose an option because of your stats. I would instead let them choose and put them into a hard situation because of the act that they are unable to perform.


It’s not dark.
Dark is having a character hate their birthday cause they witnessed their mom getting run over by a car on it years prior.
Dark is having a character’s earliest memory be the police telling their babysitter that their parents died in a collapsed building.

It’s not funny.
Funny is having a character have a food they hate (NOT in the sense they are allergic. no) and constantly have them run into it.

This is just… uninspired and lazy.
You want funny? Have a low INT score affect the character’s reasoning. Have a fieldday with logical fallacies.
You can have them misunderstand something, sure.

But going for mangled speech? Just ‘because it’s been like that in old games’? Granted, there’s a lovely example of a logical fallacy.


Brain damage? Is that a FO reference by chance?

Way to attack me personally because you don’t like my sense of ‘funny’. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your feedback anyways, but honestly, lazy? I started doing this game 3 days ago, and I spent almost whole days on it (all of my free time was dedicated to it)…fixing the codes, making more content etc …I’m very new at this so obviously I make lots of mistakes.

But that’s OK.

Just find you to be very rude about this. And you called me racist…because YOU think the old school rpgs (dumb dialog) was based out of black people…honestly? I didn’t even know that, nor do I believe it to be true.

ALSO, your sense of funny and dark is not funny or dark in my POV. Deal with the fact we have different points of view at the very least…You can’t just state it’s ‘not’ dark, ‘nor’ funny, because you disagree with it. You called me illogical on several occasions, yet, I find your own reasoning illogical as well.

Honestly, even if it’s feedback, there’s no point in writing if you don’t enjoy it, so if the author likes it, it’s good to go. Especially if the author doesn’t want to change that specific feature.

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Yes, lazy. Because, hell, as said, there’s dozens of ways to be funny, but you go for
‘look at this condescending stereotype, am I not hilarious’

Also, just cause you don’t believe it doesn’t make it less true.
A lot of ‘classic’ RPG archetypes etc are unfortunately rooted in racism, sexism, queerphobia etc.

Come on now, @MeltingPenguins has been a bit harsh but @Tanja_Kejzar your outline was a bit offending as well. This is rather a sensitive topic to call as sense of humour as it contradicts with common sense. I think MeltingPenguins was trying to give some constructive criticism but his/her/their language was a bit harsh as well. Im sure thats because we have a sensitive discussion going on here.


I’m not here to argue. :slight_smile:

I’m sorry you don’t like this new feature I was exited for…it happens.

Thank you for your feedback anyway. All of you. Constructive or not, it was appreciated despite my reactions. ^^

You have to understand we all have a different way of seeing things. As well as you should understand I was really exited about this - hence the defensive responses.

But I probably WILL have to end up deleting this option.
Which is fine, I’ll think of something better. ^^

Thanks again!

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Okay, allow me to extend the laurel or whatever the saying was in an offer of peace:
If you need someone to brainstorm with and bounce ideas off, my DMs are open.


Sure, I have to go soon (unfortunately) but I’d love to hear if you have any ideas on how I could make the low IQ option better, or if I should remove it all together. So, if you have ideas on that you can DM me anytime. ^^

Also, tell me if NPCs reaction should change based of Beauty? XD
I loved that in arcanum but…yeah. A lot of people may not enjoy that. :slight_smile: May or may not, I don’t know.

I don’t think you need beauty there as you already have charisma. What’s the difference?

Beauty affect first impression
Charisma affects your secondary (by speech)

I’m in great wonder how you’re gonna pull it off. I would love to see updates. “Patienss” said inner voice.

As said, one option would be making a character prone to making logical fallacies.
When it comes to language, yes, there is a difference between the INT stats, but saying low INT mangles the speech is sub-optimal IMHO.

An example:
An NPC asks ‘will you do this’
low INT might give a ‘sure’ or ‘yah’
higher INT might give a ‘certainly’ or ‘indeed’
low INT trying to sound clever might give a ‘indeed/verily it shall be done’

As for the beauty thing: It’s always in the eye of the beholder, so it depends on the NPC. It’s the balancing things out that’s trickier. Cause, what good does it do if playing a pretty character gets you through the game like nothing. (yeah, a pretty face can open doors, but…)

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Oh I wouldn’t make it easy for the pretty one. If you picked you were coddled because of your looks. Your ST and IN suffers. Wild beats don’t care if you’re pretty, even if people might. ;D

But you’re right! In the real world it is in the eyes of the beholder…so maybe I should make my game more…realistic.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Arcanum and the old fallout games may be one of my favorites of all time, but a lot of other people have moved beyond that…I should consider this.

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As with everything: take the good with you and cherish it, leave the bad behind to rot.

Edit: also sorry for being a colossal jerk today.

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Neither a coder nor a writer, just a person who wants to help.

(There might be an easier way but this is how i would do as far as my little knowledge goes.)

I will try to help with the stats screen. I think the info below is what you need in order to create the stat page that you want.

First of all, this is the most commonly used example from Choice Of The Dragon

We have a numeric variable in the startup.txt as;

*create wounds 0
Then over the course of story we get wounds and instead of a numeric scale, we see them as texts :point_down:

*temp wound_text 

*if wounds = 0      
*set wound_text "Uninjured"     
*goto chart  

*elseif wounds = 1     
*set wound_text "Battle-scarred"         
*goto chart

*elseif wounds = 2     
*set wound_text "Permanently wounded"     
*goto chart  

*elseif wounds = 3    
*set wound_text "Permanently weakened"     
*goto chart 

*elseif wounds = 4     
*set wound_text "At Death's door"     
*goto chart  

*label chart  

    text wound_text Wounds 

We can use a similar code in your case :point_down:

*comment We have already created the fireball variable as false. 
*comment And we have created the fireball_text as a string variable: *create fireball_text “haven’t learned” 
*comment You can put whatever you want to display if not learned.
*comment We are in the choicescript_stats.txt file.

*if (fireball) 
    *set fireball_text “Learned”
    *goto chart
*comment we don’t need *else here since we created it as “haven’t learned” 

*label chart
    Text fireball_text Fireball
*comment So, if fireball is true then this will display as: Fireball: Learned
*comment if fireball is false then: Fireball: Haven’t learned 

I can’t try this on pc right now but this should be working. You can do this for all your variables.

P.S: If i covered something wrong, please correct me :slight_smile:

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Omg the dumb dialogue is just too cute. I love being stupid XD.

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