The Passenger is OUT!

Have you tried no brushing Roach’s hand away? Selecting only nice options? :thinking:

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I’ve tried not brushing it away but brushing his hand away is the only way to have Jonny sit next to the MC and not Roach.

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@forest I selected the option of brushing Roach’s hand and still get the option to choose between Roach and Jonny later. Maybe if you try another sequence of options?

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Slight hyperventilation when I saw there was an update.

I don’t have time to go into super detail but I didn’t spy anything game-breaking or all that confusing. Biggest one was that there were a number of times where Tzr’nekre was mentioned when I’ve specifically kept that information from Roach.

This game brings out the tin foil hat I keep locked in my closet most of the time.

Also it’s making me want to ask if we can maybe have the option to be more suspicious of Roach’s intentions in general? Not outwardly, but in our thoughts?

Without further ado:

Complete conspiracy theory list, subject to revision:

  1. First of all I feel vindicated about the yellow shirts that were driving me insane last chapter AND I now know all my wild theories must ALL be true so thank you, truly, Pime, for validating my paranoia.:heavy_check_mark:

Roach can do much more than stated. What we have seen so far: they can mess with radio waves and they messed up the security feed in the gas station. Possibly electricity? Decent chance they can mess with other types of waves on the electromagnetic spectrum. Are our “ripples” considered on this spectrum? It’s been stated they can shape shift but we haven’t actually seen it yet. Their eyes certainly see differently than human eyes. Also no need for sleep. Do they need to eat or is that just for fun? How do they use and consume energy? Are they self sustaining or are they collecting energy some other way?
If I was a shifty little barnacle trying to sidle up next to an enormous powerful egotistical eating machine, I would downplay my power to fit in with its view of me. Let their ego fill in the gaps. My theory is Roach is exaggerating here to make them sound like the smallest threat possible.

  1. Only getting attacked by the cave monster on one of the routes. I have a couple theories with this one. First of all, a question; since this entity was hard for human brains to comprehend does this mean it wasn’t a Vessel but another smaller Roach-sized being that can live on Earth on it’s own? Obviously still higher on the food chain than Roach, though, if their terror was to be believed. What are the chances that they would find ANOTHER entity in this small area when Roach said it was rare to run into another of their kind? Was Roach lying? Did Roach summon this thing? It seemed to be able to successfully mess with our mc’s mind enough to disable them.
    Alternate theory to Roach summoning this thing: If we go thru the tunnel as well, it would have to attack the both of us at the same time. Can it tell the mc is powerful? Perhaps it only attacks Roach when they go off by themself whereas it is deterred from revealing itself if we are also present. Did we inadvertently protect Roach? Is this why Roach is sticking to us like glue? Because it’s actually safer for them even with the Hunter stalking us? This could also explain why it doesn’t chase us through the cave, because Roach has made it back to our side.

This also brings up a second question which is what exactly is the mc’s current powers and what do they give off to others from their realm? Are they just radiating waves constantly? Is Roach feeding off our energy just by being next to us? Also a question for Pime: the mc threatens Roach a lot with how powerful they are but can they actually DO anything right now? We know they blinked a truck out of existence but that was an accident. Is there anything they can control? Is there anything to back up the threats? This might be a nice thing to actually mention in-game as well.

  1. Roach isn’t as old as they say they are/ the world isn’t as empty of their kind as they say it is. Basically that Roach knows we have very limited knowledge of Earth and are very young here and one of the tricks they could use would be altering the mc’s perception for whatever their goal is. Evidence would be the cave entity, and also that Roach conveniently remembered that their cult made them more powerful even though they previously stated that they use energy differently and so hadn’t paid attention to it before.

I completely agree, though I realize that’s a lot more coding for you. But on the other hand, I wouldn’t want it to feel like the only nb option for the ROs is the alien entity since that pretty easily falls in line with the stereotype of unknowable being = nonbinary. I’m not nonbinary myself though, so not for me to say.

Anyway I took a quick tour of the code just for kicks and am thoroughly impressed with how much work goes into this (and also how many routes and branches I’m missing by sticking to my current mc BUT I LOVE HER).

In conclusion


What can I say? It was friendzoned at first sight.

Thing is if your humanity is higher than 50% MC ponders about Mom and Livvy being their humans, which is the most love you can get out of that eldritch heart. I don’t know if MC is ready to feel something akin to love towards them; it’s more like they appreciate (high humanity) or put up with (low humanity) their ‘family’. Then again, all MC has ever wanted since falling on Earth is escaping Earth; let’s see what happens once that want turns into something a bit more tangible. What I’m trying to say is I’ve planned 10 chapters plus an epilogue, so don’t fret: we still have time to see where MC’s journey takes them.

As a perception tweaker, Roach will always pick the gender that MC is more attracted to—it makes interactions easier (and more fun)—so they don’t choose to look like a man or a woman because they want to, they are doing it for MC’s benefit. That being said, adding NB as a possible gender for them isn’t hard, and I can implement it in the beta if that’s something you’d like to see. (Adding something about what Shark said; just a couple days ago a user wrote in Diaspora’s forum that they were a little worried about a NB RO because they are shady as hell—and the most perfect RO ever, but that’s just my opinion—and that seems to be something that it is believed about NB folks? Like they are shady or something? Dunno, but I wouldn’t like people thinking that I’m trying to say that by making my shady-ass non-human RO NB)

@forest did you tell him you like him more than you like Roach? The only way for him not to feel betrayed is if you ask him if you really have to choose back in CH2. Since you kept your options open he can’t really say that you lied to him.

@sharknap! don’t do this to me, I have to go to sleep xD So much interesting stuff to dissect and to use my favorite emoji on… but I’ll have to leave it for tomorrow. To Be Continued…


One thing, though. Some people prefer nb people, so if Roach is conforming to the mc’s preference, it does make sense to add nonbinary.

I’ve always felt the best way to avoid stereotypes is to not have one person representing their entire category. If we can select nonbinary for more than just Roach, I would think it would keep that from feeling like it’s playing into that trope.





But I’m not good at English and I don’t know how to state that funny so I just abandoned that joking intention…now suddenly I feel like I’m very smart because I find out the true essence of the universe…and a little bit…veeeeeeerrrry EXCITED.
And Jonny’s part…
Maybe it’s just me, I dumbfounded thought that was another way around… Oh when I want to go Johnny’s route I always pick “like him more”… Now I know why I haven’t got a credential for my social skill yet.:crazy_face:

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@pimenita I’d like to add that I’d love a non-binary Roach!

Annoying fawning, but yea non-b Roach would be cool

I think there’s an understandable knee-jerk reaction some have about how non-binary characters are presented in fiction, they typically get swept into the general “cunning, mysterious mischief-maker” category with little to no physical descriptions or defining personality traits outside of those three. But! I also think it makes all the sense in the world for a non-b Roach option because 1) Roach is a well-developed and deeper character outside of those three tropes and actually has a personality aside from that; 2) I’m a non-b person with a strong preference for androgynous and genderfluid folks; and 3) Roach’s character already kinda came off to me as a non-binary person somehow? idk why, i always go for the queerest folk and even though I’d chosen a male!Roach, their persona still clicked with me in that way. just my personal opinion but it’s part of why I was so into him over Jonny and Fiama, character types that usually get my attention right away

But for real, I personally love sneaky devious weirdo characters because I, uh, relate to them very well lol. So I have zero problems with non-b folks as these types of characters as long as there’s depth and description enough to demonstrate who they are as people and believable motive for those kinds of traits.


Alright I’m back.


As somebody who unironically enjoyed Room 237, I will take that as a compliment.

You can certainly headcanon it xD

Answers (sort of)

I love you, Shark.

Wouldn’t you like to know. I can answer some of those things, tho: the ripples are essence/energy, something that can’t be measured by anything human-made. Roach doesn’t need to eat. If we had to compare it to anything we know, photosynthesis would be the closest thing, but truth is Roach is so alien that what they do don’t really have an Earth-equivalent. Eating, just like bedding people, is an acquired taste.

And you would be a really clever barnacle.

That gross thing isn’t a vessel.

Haha Roach doesn’t even appear in that chain.

Oh look, my favorite emoji has finally arrived :smiley_cat:


The truck incident was the first time something like that happened. As of now MC is all bark and almost no bite, but really, would you let Roach know that? Not even MC wants to believe it. Fake it til you make it, I guess.


:grin: It’s a pain, but it’s so worth it in the end.


True. I didn’t express myself right; I was trying to say that even if Roach was NB (like in even if they identified as NB) what they ‘want’ has never been on the table. Don’t feel bad for them, they don’t mind.

I like that. Roach and Horizon it is then. Now you have alien creature and the leader of a cult. You’re welcome, NB folks. For real tho, I think adding Horizon makes sense, and they already are quite gender neutral anyways.

@Runbunnyrun xD

Jonny just wants you to be honest with him; if you say you aren’t interested in Roach, don’t flirt with Roach. If you say you like them both, you’re keeping your options open and so Jonny doesn’t feel like you’re lying to him.

@hotmess.exe answering under

the cut

Did you mean “people after my own heart”?

I don’t want to scare you, but I think we’re the same person.

I think the gender thing has been settled. A lot of thanks to everyone, and feel free to further comment on this and anything else really :heart:


Love this WIP. ^^

Btw does anyone know how to get the “This human’s deity is laughable compared to me.” option in chapter 4? It’s always greyed out for me. :slight_smile:


Low humanity. Don’t remember how low :confused:

And thanks :smile:


Ok thanks. I think my humanity was 40%, but I guess I’ll have to find a way to lower it further then. :slight_smile:


I’ve had a lot of caffeine apologies in advance.

I woke up to a terrible thought this morning and literally spoke to my ceiling “OH NO”


If Roach’s whole thing so far is for the mc’s benefit I’m now assuming that means our choices for flirty stuff (aggressive/submissive which I’m guessing is also how their dynamic works in general including sex) are ALSO not actually what they like? I feel … dirty? Dirty-adjacent? (I mean my mc doesn’t care BUT I DO) What are you saying? that they aren’t just there for my amusement but have preferences of their own? what am i supposed to do with this knowledge, huh?? CARE ABOUT THEM? how dare you

this is so interesting. I also got that vibe from them and have been kind of headcanoning my female!roach that way and might just change their gender once that’s available.

fair enough, I AM very greedy.


oh my god I’m delighted by this

i hate this stupid thing. I THAT A YES?? I’LL PRETEND IT’S A YES

how long until Roach realizes we’re just a loud yappy pomeranian



TBH that’s the only reaction I accept.

Now now, Roach knows you have to give to receive, and they are more than willing to give to MC. They say a lot of things, and you can choose to believe them or not, but this one’s a freebie: they weren’t lying when they said MC is interesting. And a romanced Roach is more than happy to fulfill MC’s wishes.


What makes you think they don’t know already?


I knew you were going to say that and I am mad at you


Do you hear something? Oh wait, that’s the gauge of my love for Roach are going to explode.


So much love for Roach. I must admit that while I initially played Roach’s route and was put off by Jonny’s snarky nature, it hit me all of a sudden that he’s just being dragged around everywhere because of Roach and the MC and yet still has the capacity to care when leaving them behind. His romance is so gentle and unexpectedly sweet, I just :sob: Especially when Roach asked what was akin to “Are you taking him to space with you when you leave?” The human hurts my calculations so.

I also want to applaud you for the radio scene with Horizon. I initially expected to be able to unleash my powers, but I soon realized that it made perfect sense that Roach had honed their abilities much more. The entire scene was a delight, and I almost gave in to the thought of that poor boy staying up praying all night.


Until that “this human deity is laughable compared to me” choice in chapter 4, what is the maximum humanity/otherwordly stat that we can get? My lowest try is 38% humanity and still can’t unlock it :thinking:

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My humanity is 64% so I guess it can be 36%…?


after lord knows how many tries, the lowest i’ve been able to get it is 31% and it’s still not unlocked :b