The Magician's Task (WIP) [Chapters 1-3, 74k words] (CLOSED FOR NEW THREAD)

Don’t burn your candle at both ends for us. Take time to do things that you enjoy.

That said… HURRY UP! OMG!!! =P


“The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.”
-Scruffy Scruffington


Haha, I’ll try! The way I am, I can usually write every day for months at a time, but most of the time, it’s only small amounts, like 0.5 - 1.5k. When I get too tired, or don’t have enough inspiration that day to write a lot, I don’t write poor material, I just physically can’t come up with more than a few words, haha. But when I’m off work, well rested, and in my groove, I can write a lot, like up to 7k. Hence why I got the first chapter out in 10 days and in that same amount of time, I’ve now only written 4k for chapter two.

tl;dr - Meh!



I’ve written in some of the pranks that Zaleth suggested, which amounted to another 2k words, so now the demo is at 18k. This means more interaction with the demon and more options!


Ok, so I found it EXTREMELY hilarious when we pulled the prank on Violet! But… I kind of felt bad for tricking Rigel… and I couldn’t bring myself into pranking Keano :confounded:! I am so weak when it comes to pulling pranks on people I actually like/respect :sweat:… But I still loved the prank on Violet! :laughing:


Haha, that’s great to hear that you’ve got varying reactions for pranking all the characters. That’s what I aim for as an author! I would personally feel the same way; it’d be funny to prank Violet because she pulled a stunt on you first, but I wouldn’t have the heart to prank any of the other characters. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m really enjoying this demo–I like the stat choices and I’ve enjoyed all the characters we’ve met so far. Really good roleplay-ability, lots of variation in what the character can do!

Just for my own curiosity, are you comfortable saying who they are yet, or are you gonna wait until it comes up in the story? (Can one of the female options be Violet please?)


Glad to hear it! :slight_smile:

Yeah, no problem.

Rigel the healer
Keano the archer
___ the knight
___ the servant

Violet the thief/demon huntress
Mabelin the guard vice-captain
Blossom the fairy
Izzy the adviser

Thus far, Keano, Rigel, Violet, and Mabelin have been introduced. Blossom will first appear en route to Githrad and Izzy and the so-far unnamed knight and servant will be introduced when you get to the king’s castle in Githrad, a few chapters away.


You should name him Bowen! :laughing:

Nice suggestion. This character is going to be cunning, formidable, powerful, and EEEEVVVILLLL so I’m still trying to mull over some different names for him. It will still be several chapters until you meet him, though, so for now I’m not going to use up much energy trying to make names for the currently unnamed characters.

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Well, if he’s going to be an evil knight, why not Einon? Also, I’m just going to wait here and see how long it takes people to find the connection between these two names… kind of sad no one figured it out with Bowen’s name… :pensive:


Dragonheart reference? Loved that movie when I was a kid, found out there was a third one when I saw the trailer for the fourth


@HomingPidgeon Today, you are my favorite person!:grin:


Both of those references flew right over my head, haha.

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Obviously there are many more chapters to come (I’m predicting about 30) but I’m curious. Just judging off of chapter one, who are your favorite characters so far?[poll type=multiple min=2 max=8 public=true]

  • Verim the bully
  • Killian the bully
  • Petre the bully
  • Zaleth the demon
  • Keano the archer
  • Rigel the healer
  • Violet the demon huntress
  • Mabelin the vice-captain

@Samuel_H_Young You really need to watch the first Dragonheart movie! First one was/is the best one!!! Second one was… ok… I didn’t even bother with the third one (it looked like garbage). But I am actually looking forward to the fourth one!


Oh, cool. It helps that the antagonist was acted by David Thewlis.

Hey everyone, I moved the poll to the original post so it will get more visibility. Thanks!


So when I post chapter two in about a month, I’m going to make some new polls for what kind of magic you chose to have (destruction, light, or stealth) and what jobs you chose. You can choose two out of these five: thief, guard, scribe, farmer, or general store clerk. All of these options will provide vastly different narrative, so I’ll be curious to see which options will be more popular, at least among testers.


and demon shrugs and says
should be
and the demon shrugs and says

with most of the houses have thatched roofs and spindly wooden fences
should be
with most of the houses having thatched roofs and spindly wooden fences

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Thanks, I’ll fix those now.

You have a wonderful story here. I am very interested thinking how it might handle magical education and magic use.


Thanks! Later in the story, you’ll be training with a powerful wizard, and one of your options will be to strengthen your magic and knowledge of arcana. You will also have some informal ways of gaining magical knowledge, like participating in rituals with Violet.