The Lost Heir Trilogy

It should be in the Lost Heir. You should find an option to buy it there, and then new things will occur through all 3 games.

Unfortunately it doesnā€™t actually seem to be working on Steam. Iā€™ve bought it, it says itā€™s installed, but when I get to the bit in Elmvale it says I donā€™t have it :confused: Iā€™ve tried reinstalling and everything.

Send an email to the support address for Steam. Sorry for the troubles. These Release Day Bugs are always frustrating. is the other support, not sure what Steamā€™s support address is.

I couldnā€™t find the option to buy the dlc. Is it in the first one?

Looked on my iPhone App Store, didnā€™t see anything new. :frowning:

Thatā€™s what he said but I canā€™t seem to find the option anywhere



I thought you said you would add another romance scene in the dlc

Whatā€™s a dlc?

downloadable content

@Lucid :frowning: Shame. Will have trouble waiting a week.

No, there is no additional romance. This is more about the numbers advantage with some additional story thrown in for fun. :slight_smile:

ā€œOkay, so apparently thereā€™s a major bug that is causing Apple to fail to recognize the purchase IAP, and Apple has to approve the update, so weā€™ll have to hold the until at least next week.ā€
Okay well I can wait a week

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Very frustrating. Sorry, everyone.


Itā€™s okay, it isnā€™t your fault that apple takes a week to update


Will the price go up?

I just started a new game recently, when I stumbled across this little tidbit during Harmondā€™s lesson. Has anyone else seen this?


ā€œSo, thatā€™s your teacher,ā€ the disembodied voice from your dream says.

You look around, but you donā€™t see the speaker. Harmond doesnā€™t seem to notice that youā€™re distracted.

ā€œI know that book,ā€ the voice says, referring to the tome in front of you. ā€œTurn to the last page. Thereā€™s map from the skilled cartographer Roxas. Tear it out and put it in your pocket. The map isnā€™t entirely accurate, but itā€™s close enough and itā€™s beautiful. It will help you on your journeys.ā€

The voice vanishes. You open the book, and sure enough, you see a gorgeous map of Daria.

Tear out the page and put it in your pocket.

Leave the map where it is.

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Something to add to my last post, I took the page and got this :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s some of the new, free stuff. :slight_smile:


Just finished my first playthrough of the trilogy, and man it was good. Iā€™ll have to do it without TLA some time just to show I can, but even with it itā€™s probably the hardest HG on the site.

Additionally, there were a surprising amount of options that let me keep my demifiend build going through the entire trilogy, so thanks for that.

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The original goal of the Advantage was to bump stats, but I ended up having a lot of fun writing a cool story to explain the advantage.

It was suggested that an IAP for each story might be good, but I think a single IAP that carried through the whole thing was much better.

Iā€™m glad you enjoyed it. :slight_smile: Hopefully iOS users will get their chance to play soon. Next week, Iā€™m told.