The Dark Knights have a special quest tô find a powerful magical sword.
That’s Paladin. Dark Knights are essentially cleric types.
The Dark Knight has a quest for an evil sword.
Chalk that up to another reason why there’s no reason to be a good guy in TLH.
The Paladin has a quest for a good sword, actually. The Holy Avenger.
Also, @Ramidel, I don’t think you need to have squire or guard levels to be a Paladin. I played a character that had two priest levels and a cleric level, and they were able to be a paladin. I think you just need to have a good religion and a high martial stat, like swords. Though I’m not entirely sure.
Being a Paladin also gives you the ability to use Lay on Hands as a healing spell, which is made fun of at least twice in The Demon War.
Suda bonus. And… healing… yeah that’s it…
The requirements for being a paladin are 1 level of cleric (and thus 1 level of priest) and 1 level of guard or squire. That’s how it is in the code, and that’s how Lucid has said it is intended to be. IIRC, there’s been bugs in the past that allowed one to become a Paladin without meeting all of the intended class requirements (and one version where the class was unobtainable, I think).
Oh. I guess my paladin was illegitimate, then.
The illegal paladin sounds like the start of a dodgy WiP
Actually, as an evil priest you can heal just as well as a good one. So not even that.
Yo how RU mate do you enjoy TLD
TLD? What do you mean?
I ask because if you enjoy the world of TLD you should play LOAW
You mean TLH? The Lost Heir? I have played LoaW, it was good.
I think most already have.
Srry mate best day to you
Is there any reason why people make fun of/don’t like Lay on Hands? Because I’ve never heard of there being anything weird about it in any tabletop game I’ve played.
No, there’s nothing weird about it, really…
Some people just have, er… Dirty minds when you say you cast “Lay on Hands” on yourself.
That’s generally what the joke is, even in Lost Heir.
Say if Pete/Petra had to fight Bron/Brinn who would win?
I vote a draw, and they take the competition to an intense series of games, choosing, of course, Daria’s equivalent of chess. Two drawn-out stalemates later, Bran/Brinn finally calls checkmate on their third game. It’s now three a.m. .