The Lost Heir 2: Forging a Kingdom Bugs and Errors

Found a little bug;
Even if you have the required levels in bard to impress the gnomes, if you’ve gotten a level after that, it won’t count.

Two bugs:

In LH1, if you and Theo investigate the pit trap (with the goblins), and you open the door, and then you “Throw your dagger at the first goblin”, then Theo kills the other two and the text says that you retrieve your dagger – but you don’t actually get your dagger back

In LH2, if you visit the Archmage and are looking at the staff, and select the option “Spend a day studying the enchantment.”, the flag “politics_academy_archmage_present” should be set to true, and it isn’t (which prevents you from claiming the staff for yourself). The looks like the option “Attempt to dispel the necromantic aura…” works as expected, however.

For the record, there should be an extra reward for succedding at the “Attempt to dispel the necromantic aura…” option with the archmage present: You’ve just proven that you are able to solve a problem in a couple of days, via straightforward application of magic, that the entire academy has been unable to solve for 50 years! In the case of the other options, you are taking advantage of “lateral thinking” (e.g. a pure Wizard character wouldn’t be able to use these options), so, while the fact that the academy was too proud to ask for outside help doesn’t reflect well on the them, it doesn’t make you a better wizard than they are.

The obvious choice for an extra reward is to allow the PC to keep the staff and get the +20 rep bonus for recovering the staff. The only other sensible option is to give the player a level of Wizard on the spot, but that would cause mass confusion in later scenes.

Taking a third level of sage in Ludd in TLH2 says it provides +10 arcana, geography, history, and nature. It definitely does not provide the +10 to geography and history. My arcana was already at 100 and I can’t recall if my character’s skill in nature was 82 or 92 before taking the class, so it may or may not be providing those skull bonuses.

When creating a new character from scratch, selecting a sage gives you two sage class points.

In TLH1 you can become a scribe in Elmville, but it does not grant a Sage Specialization, and nothing else does as well. You can only become a Sage in Ludd.

Very minor, but just found it. Figured I’d poke around in your game again until something breaks @Lucid :stuck_out_tongue:


I just noticed something; I’m not sure if it’s a mistake or not :disappointed_relieved:

When the vote is over and you are proclaimed the heir to the throne, it says:

The MC parents have been dead for a decade, not two; but maybe there was some political instability before the kingdom fell, so… I’m not entirely sure :disappointed_relieved:

Also, I have mentioned it before, and I’m not so sure either, but is it correct to say “with hollow eyed Karla”? Like, shouldn’t it be “with a hollow eyed Karla”? Honest to goodness, I’m not sure :confounded:

A problem regarding paladins; I think it’s impossible now, to become one. They ask for 2 levels of cleric and one of guard/squire, right? But that’s kinda impossible; in order to get the first level of cleric you need one in priest(ess), so if you want a second level, you can’t get another one of squire/guard. So it’s like this:

a) Case A

First chance to get a class (level) ----------------------------> Squire/Guard.
Second chance to get a class (level) ------------------------> Priest(ess). There’s no way to get cleric without priest(ess) class first.

Third chance to get a class (level) in The Lost Heir 2----> Cleric.
Fourth chance, a top class or prestige one ----------------> You can’t become a paladin (not enough cleric) :no_good:

b) Case B

First chance to get a class (level) ----------------------------> Priest(ess)
Second chance to get a class (level) ------------------------> Cleric.

Third chance to get a class (level) in The Lost Heir 2-----> Cleric.
Fourth chance, a top class or prestige one -----------------> You can’t become a paladin (no guard/squire) :no_good:

It requires only one level of cleric.

Oh? I thought that the new update asked for 2 :disappointed_relieved: Say, @Lucid, are two or one level(s) of cleric needed?

It’s only one level of cleric, dude. Play through it again yourself if you
don’t believe us.

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Just checked the code. Yup, only 1 is needed. :slight_smile:

Phew! Unseen errors scare me. :slight_smile: Thanks for inquiring. I appreciate the vigilance. :slight_smile:

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Found a bug. I have 5 days left and to get there and back takes 4 days but it wouldn’t let me go.

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No, that actually makes sense, since there is no telling whether you might stay at the academy for more than one day.

There’s already a check for that. If an action takes more than a day it won’t let you do it. Also if you have only two days left, it forces you to leave to go back.

There are a few things you can do when you show up, and then simply leave. You can sign the document and then leave, and make it back in time for the vote. Or just give your possessions away.

Than again, it makes sense the game would force you to do this time constraint task early on, as it just fits common sense, there is no telling whether you might be delayed in your journey

When I strangled the sleeping giant it the text said it boosted archery. I’m not sure if the stat actually went up or not though.

You probably used your bow to choke him.

Nope, I gave his neck a hug.

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This message is really for my own use. :slight_smile: I have fixed all of the bugs reported before this point. These new bug fixes will be included in the update that is required in order to link Lost Heir 3 to the other two.
(Thread Necromancy +2)

This thread is still handy, since future bugs can still be reported. I’m not sure when LH2 may get a new update, but you never know! :slight_smile:

7 Bugs Fixed:

  • if you visit the Archmage and are looking at the staff, and select the option “Spend a day studying the enchantment.”, the archmage now leaves the room as it says he does.

  • Taking a third level of sage in Ludd now really does give the bonuses: Arcana +10, History +10, Geography +10, Nature +10

  • Creating a Sage now gives only 1 level in Sage (instead of 2)

  • Creating a Wizard now gives only 1 level in Wizard (instead of 2)

  • “After the civil uncertainty of the last decade” (instead of two decades. there is some validity to both, but I think this version is clearer)

  • 2 days to ride there and another 2 days to ride back. Unfortunately, the Grand Council is in 5 days, and since the journey takes a total of 4 days to get there and back, you don’t have enough time, even with a very fast horse. (Fixed this! Now, if you have at least 4 days, it will give you the option of buying a faster horse if needed so you can still go and get back in time.)

  • Strangling the sleeping giant now gives you Unarmed instead of Archery


I was tired of strangling him with my bowstring :laughing:

Finally! I wanted that staff! How else will I look wizardly?

Here are two new ones to add to the future list:

Lucid, I have found a small bug in the beginning of LH2: I could summon Xiatta despite having sold it in LH1. It only happens in the first training session of LH2.

One more moment that, I think, was overlooked.
Knighting tournament in a second game has special scene for archery trial, if MC owns Archery Gloves.

Problem is, as far as I see, it’s impossible to be squire AND get Gloves. I’l explain:
To get Gloves, you need to have atleast 30 Devices to open som’reth box… until that moment, you have 6 instances to raise it:
-dream sequence (+3)
-prized possession (+20)
-talk with Amos in dungeon (+3)
-studying lockpicking and trap disarming during your youth (+20, since your foster parent is sir Geri for Squire class)
-getting thief class(unavailible, since we going for squire)
-creating alarm traps when guarding sheeps(+3, require to aready have 30 for success)

Now, as you can see, to get nessecary amount of devices, you should get both lockpick as prized possession AND sudy lockpicks. Problem is, if you study lockpicks while under sir Geri care, he disapproves it(-5), locking you out of getting squire class.

I hope, my writing was comprehensible enough to get what i’m saying…

This could be avoided by removing approval decrease during lockpick study, or rising Devices bonus during dream sequence to +7(yeah, it will be higher than other bonuses, but devices by itself not such strong stat to make it gamebreaking).