To be fair, Isan is doing all this so he can save everyone in the city. I hoped to make him more of a relatively benevolent “many over the few” type. William of Hallowford does cross ethical boundaries for more readily than he does when pressed, as well.
I think Isan has the same problem as a lot of “many over the few” types by forgetting that the big picture is made up of little pictures, to quote a certain Salarian scientist. Isan’s a pretty okay guy in my books, it’s just slightly unsettling to see his almost callous disregard for who he needs to step on for the sake of the greater good.
I don’t have any illusions about William of Hallowford, though. It’s pretty clear he only sees people as walking dollar signs.
I tried to signify that this was Isan in “crisis mode”, by putting that in context of the lines which he refuses to cross, and the way he usually treats your main character, but I suppose I’ll have to add more of that context before he gets seen as a more benevolent figure.
Isan’s definitely my favourite character. I mean, the guy has the lower body of a mechanical spider, what’s not to love? I might be biased however because my first character was a neutral mage who was purely interested in gathering knowledge and magical power before anything else, so naturally I chose him as a mentor.
That said, I think Isan’s a good-hearted man but entirely detached from the everyday realities of the “little people”, living up high in his ivory tower and only interacting with his apprentice, the Duke, courtiers and various people of power and status. As a result, he’s a Spock (and a somewhat elitist one, at that) instead of a McCoy.
I am appretince with Will 8+1 in the end! And i have the book of Mad Whispers!!! (Muahahahahahaha) look at me and cower in fear!!! Anyway! This game is make me to feel so good!! I can’t wait to see the sequel.
I know! But others? Is more difficult with warrior and the sword of Kendrick is making me feel angry! Too much honor!!! The book is more like my personality! Hahaha!!! Ancient secrets is waiting me in this book! And more power!!! Power is more important than anything!
Magic is the most important power in fantasy! Why? Magic have no true limits! Only wielders have! The most powerful wizards/mages is powerfuls because have a high capacity to concentrate more magic in their hands than others! So! Only wielders have limits not magic! Short! I want (hope ) to find a ritual in this book or another to make myself a superior being or a god!(i hope the author will put one in sequel)in the end! Magic is a way of possibilities and dreams.
Cataphrak isn’t going to make magic alone solve every problem, sorry; magic does appear to have limits in this setting. I do agree, however, that it’s moderately annoying that you can’t get the Sword as a pure thug. Then again, the William path is better suited to murdering the problem, and you get a nice set of boots out of the whole thing.
Okay then! I don’t ended this game with warrior because i fail with the sword! However i will become as powerful with magic as i can! In my opinion this game is really good! What is your favorite class?
Check out the link below for estimated release dates. The author of Hero of Kendrickstone (Cataphrak) is currently busy on another project, so I imagine work on the sequel has yet to begin.
Official Games, like the potential sequel to The Hero of Kendrickstone, typically cost 2.99 or for shorter ones 1.99 on release. After a couple weeks the prices rise about a dollar or in some cases two.