The Hero of Kendrickstone: Rescue a city held hostage by an evil wizard!

That is the intention.

How do you get the Chaotic Evil Achievement? That’s the last one I need, and I can’t figure out how to get it.


Kill five or more people and have high Pragmatism and Freedom.

@Sneaks Could you give me something a little more specific? I’ve tried, and I can never seem to get it. Like, I kill as many people as I can, and try to be as free and ruthless as possible, but I can’t get that achievement!

Specific requirements for the achievement are killing five or more people and having a 76 or greater in Pragmatism/Freedom. It triggers when the game ends.

On that note, specific requirements for Black-Clad (got the aid of a bandit but that doesn’t seem to do it),
Phat Lute (played as bard and played the lute for money every time the option came up) and
Lawful Good (went through the game without killing anything - Razorclaw, bribed the guard, tricked the guard guarding the person with the chalice, went around during the bandit fight, placed the prisoners on hard labor, etc) would be appreciated. I’ve already gone through the game many times.

Didn’t see this directly mentioned in game, but is Necromancy a thing in this universe?

It depends on what you mean by necromancy.

The mechanics of magic are heavily subjective, meaning that its capabilities are limited by the caster’s knowledge and conception of the world. You may notice at once point that Isan explains that Korilandine magic is different from the Concordat’s, because their view of what the world is made of (metaphysical states instead of elements) is also different.

What that basically means is, if your will is formidable enough, you can animate bodies and have them respond to your command. What you can’t do, is instill that animated body with any kind of will, (mostly because you’d have to create a separate mind thought-by-thought, then split that mind off and put it into the reanimated body while reanimating the body at the same time, which would take years if it were even within human capability, and the relatively crude understanding of metaphysics in the setting). It’s a decomposing puppet at best. Theoretically, the only way to give a reanimated body free will is to instill it with someone else’s mind. Neither the Concordat nor Korilandis have a great deal of information on the practice, usually because those who attempt it end up getting the torches and pitchforks treatment at best.


Who exactly is Gareth of Atholmere? My MC has his sword, and I’ve no idea who he is.

He was a relatively minor adventurer who went out to make his fortune in the Iron Marches about a century before the story begins. He made himself a middling reputation guarding settler caravans, then managed to find a small cache of Flowering Court artefacts. He sold them, and used the proceeds to buy a manse in Kendrickstone. He never had children, so all of his adventuring equipment scattered to the four winds.

How William of Hallowford got his sword is, of course, a mystery.

So… what if it was someone who was only recently dead? Couldn’t you use their own mind?

Technically, yes, but that becomes the equivalent of the resuscitation of a clinically dead person: peace magic, not necromancy.

@Cataphrak Will the MC be able to find it out in GoH?

Of course, the amount of will you’re going to have to put into something like that would be extremely high. If you expend too much, it could end up killing you instead.


  1. What happened to his manse?
  2. What were the artifacts?

1: It’s still in Kendrickstone’s Brightwall district. Someone else bought it.
2: Very minor stuff: some figurines, a bit of jewellry, a few shards of metal that glowed faint silver in the dark. Basically, things which had value not out of what they could do, but out specifically due to their provenance.


  1. What are the contents of William of Hallowford’s collection?

Hey, I noticed someone was doing a let’s play of this. Which I think is awesome, that someone loved the game enough to make a played by video of it.



It’s weapons and armour mostly, and a few Flowering Court artifacts and assorted magic items. The collection’s far too large for a full accounting
(You’re doing the thing again, by the way).

Awesome! Unless it’s one of those “Let me show you how crap this game is” LPs, in which case, less awesome, I guess?
I’ll probably have time to look at it after I finish the next chapter of Guns of Infinity.

Oh, ok. I’ll not ask stuff for some time. Thanks for telling me.:grinning: