[09.14.20 - Update-specific info on post 20!]
[Demo currently stands at ~60k words with ~34k average playthrough length.]
Poll on post 41 about future update lengths and the name!
Hello friends! I’m Dani, and I have a story to tell you.
This particular story is called The Goodfellows, and the very, very quick gist is that it’s about what happens when mythology meets spirituality meets fate meets a small crew of mercenaries and black market specialists who meet… you.
Despite the name, this has nothing to do with the modern mob and everything to do with fantasy.
Rebuild your life from the ashes of your imprisonment! Er, well. That might be overselling it. Keep your life from falling apart any more than it already has!
Befriend (or befrenemy?) a cast of, ahem, interesting characters. Do they have dirty secrets? Can you expose them? Will they expose you? Who knows!
Pull the strings of fate, both yours and others– you can be the reason why others live and die. And playing god has… consequences…
Get involved with the shenanigans of the Arcane. This one might end a little badly for you, not going to lie! Do your best to not get killed. (:
Meet the main squad!
Avery of the Isles
Avery has been orbiting the world of black market information for years. They’re smart and well-learned, and they use their charm and easy smiles to fly under the radar. They’re reticent with personal information, but their amicability belies their secretiveness.
They make choices with their head, and they live their life by the principles of curiosity and observation.
According to Winnie, “Avery is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met. They don’t make the same mistake twice, and if they don’t have the answer to something, you can bet they’ll find it.”
Eliza thinks “they’re nice enough, even funny sometimes, but they’re always holding back a little bit. Alays holding something back.”
Eliza Brightland
Eliza first made contact with Fernando in her home city of Brightland. She joined his quest out of hope for adventure and interest in his obvious ambition. She’s a force of nature who lives her life boldly and unapologetically–and maybe a little abrasively.
She makes choices with her head, but generally defers to collective opinion.
Fernando claims “she’s the best close-quarter fighter I’ve ever met. Probably because she doesn’t have qualms about honor. ‘Fight dirty or die,’ she’d say.”
“An absolute gremlin.” - Jakobi
Fernando of the Steppes
Fernando is wildly ambitious. He’s clawed his way from humble beginnings to a person of modest repute, largely thanks to his talent for making friends and establishing connections. He loves a good storyteller.
He makes his choices with his heart, and gets what he wants by charming the pants off anyone and everyone.
“He’s able to bring people together,” Avery says, “in ways unlike anything I’ve ever seen. He could start a cult. The irony.”
Jakobi hums thoughtfully. “He’s ambitious. I can admire that, but ambition can be dangerous.”
Jakobi of Wildeguard
Jakobi has carefully cultivated his current business positioning—the right balance of ruthless and considerate, his reputation is crucial. He advocates for a cautious approach to every aspect of life, and always wants cooler heads to prevail.
He makes decisions with his heart, much to his chagrin.
Winnie is immensely proud of Jakobi. “He’s my family,” she say simply.
“From the moment I first met Jakobi, I knew he was a steadfast ally worth having,” Avery says. “If not a little lost,” they add.
Winifred of the Wildelands
Winifred is perfectly lovely and kind until you make the mistake of pushing her buttons. Her fuse is short and explosive, and it’s given her a reputation as a fireball. She makes her decisions with her heart, which can exacerbate her temper.
Winnie’s choices are influenced by her desire to maintain and protect her family.
“She’s kind of scary sometimes. I like her!” – Eliza
Fernando nods. “She is kind of scary. She balances Jakobi well.”
The Traveler
The Traveler is, has been, and will be watching you. They’re very, very intrigued. You’re a bit of a lost soul. What better kind of soul to guide? (Not romanceable.)
And more!
09.14.20 - Chapter one completed, but in need of editing. Avery is now introduced, along with some brief but important interactions with other characters!
I also added some cute little chapter header thingies.
04.19.20 - Demo posted! Ack!
Right now, the demo has the prologue and part of chapter 1. It’s sitting at ~30k words.
Pacing is on the slower side, as I’m trying to “show” instead of “tell” much of the lore, but I might remove some of the scenes and interludes currently included if it feels too dense!
Only Winnie has been introduced thus far as far as the main cast goes.
Have fun, and feel free to ask character and lore questions at my dev blog!
Play The Goodfellows demo! | Tumblr dev blog here!