Hello folks, been awhile since I posted anything here, and I thought I would let you know where I’m at. Basically this project is stalled, possibly indefinitely, largely because lack of inspiration. I seem to have hit a wall.
But, like a sidekick stepping into the action and saving the day when the hero is injured, this gives me an opportunity to bring another idea to the forefront that I’ve been tossing around in my head for a while, and get your opinions on what stats should be good to use.
For starters, this idea was influenced by the game “Solar” which I would recommend to anyone. You start out as a consciousness in the void in the moments before the Big Bang, and then everything explodes around you, flinging you into the distance. When things become clear you find yourself floating in a nebula without form. After what seems to be forever, the cloud begins to contract, and a body slowly shapes around you, giving you form. If you haven’t figured it out yet, you are not a person, but a planet!
At first your surface is hot and molten, and you find yourself constantly bombarded with asteroids, but eventually your surface cools and hardens, and things around you calm down. Then you start to notice some activity going on you surface. Why, something is living down there! It seems life has begun! I haven’t yet decided how life on your surface happens, whether it just kind of happens, or to go with the current prevailing theory of how life began on Earth, that life was “seeded” by comets and asteroids, as well as the water and such. I also haven’t decided if I want to go the more arcade-y route and just begin life with civilization, albeit extremely primitive, or go a more realistic approach and go through a sped up version of evolution, starting with primitive life and eventually moving on to more advanced life down the line. It seems to me the later to allow more customization, but may possibly not be as much fun.
Anyway, that’s all I’m willing to reveal so far. I’m going to be starting a new thread with a better synopsis later today, but meanwhile I wanted to get your guy’s opinions and thoughts.
Also, the working title is “Celestial”.