I like that title. It’s intriguing. I’d think it was a CIA though not an. And yeah short for your first project is a good idea.
I keep getting a Dropbox error each time I try the link
@trollhunterthethird Yea, that links been dead for a while. I decided not to use that beginning.
“I was a CIA Assassin” is a great title. There can be action sequences played through flashbacks, since the title suggests you are now retired (or dead). That can be an interesting aspect of the story – you know you’ll die in the game but the player’s choices lead to one several possible, extravagant death scenes (for example, launched in a space shuttle, chained and hung upside down in a pool of piranhas, dropped from a helicopter into the mouth of an active volcano).
@JimD I definitely like those ideas, they certainly fit the B-movie spy flick theme I’m trying to go for.
I’m not having much creative inspiration, much to my despair, so rather than hating myself I thought I’d do some coding exercises to improve my CS coding skills (goodness knows I need it). I have the basics down finally, but I’d like to try my hand at something a little more advanced. So my question is if anybody has any ideas for a small coding project that I can practice with. Perhaps a mini scene that might be simple in idea but difficult to achieve coding wise? Or maybe you need a part time coder for your game? I’m up for suggestions. Maybe it’ll inspire me creatively and I can get some ideas for my game.
@fantom you always could write about the Mara the bard poisonous adventure with his cat Titus trying to take revenge against the king family to acused Jade family of treason and take away our nobility title.
Sorry , I have no idea what you want write about if you give us a theme could be easy make a plot together.
Have you considered trying to make a puzzle or mini-game? I think I had a thread about that way back. (I’m not at home so I don’t have the link easily accessible but it should be in my list of past threads).
Something like Cut That Wire, Dodge those Bullets Neo, the Hangman game Lordirish is working on, or even my rock, paper, scissors and baking contest.
Or how about you’re a matchmaker, or an employee at a pet shop, or you’re trying to pick out gifts. Everyone has preferences for what they want, as well as characteristics that others might want. The goal is to try and make the best possible matches out of the given pool.
For example
Jane’s weird and wants a pet that will freak people out.
Jack’s lonely and is looking for a friend.
Jason wants a pet that doesn’t need much care.
Jenny wants something cute and cuddly.
You have a snake, a rabbit, a parrot and a goldfish. Who do you give what?
Of course it’d be a bit more elaborate than that. You’d need to code up people’s reactions to getting the wrong thing, maybe? Well there’s a lot of complications you can add.
I’d suggest trying a logic puzzle like that.
Or code yourself up a combat system.
Or ha Marajade had an idea in another thread.
“You have to do a game where is the poisonous drink, where player has to choose between a list of cocktail drinks where is the poison one to give it to your husband.”
I think there’s a lot of places you can go with that. Where to source the poison, which poisons are detectable in drinks, maybe you even need to mix certain ingredients together in a lab to make the perfect poison. Maybe you’ve no clue what you’re doing since nothing’s labelled but you’re going to mix up your husband’s drinks cabinet with his potion cabinet.
@FairyGodfeather Awesome ideas! @MaraJade’s ideas is intriguing too, especially your spin on it.
If you wanted something really simple code up the poison scene in Princess Bride, if it weren’t a trick.
@Fairy and Mara Thinking about poison best game ever maybe let the player choose between husban wife or job boss to try jump up in the corporation if you fail you could end poisoned yourself give them a normal drink or get caugh . … Sounds entretained.
New question: what do you guys think are some good non-intrusive, non-immersion breaking ways to ask the player for basic character defining traits, such as their name, gender, etc. The best example I can think of off-hand is @JimD’s survey at the beginning of ZE:SH.
I think JimD struck gold with that dating site one, you’ll struggle to get better than that.
I think either being blunt about it and just asking, or using some sort of interview/survey is probably the easiest and most sensible way to go.
If you try too hard, particularly with gender, I think it can come across a bit cringe-worthy.
@CJW My issue is that I’ll be opening during an action sequence. Though I suppose things like name and gender don’t really need to be known just yet.
You can always just do:
"Welcome to, (gamename) lets see… Who do we have here? Bla bla bla name bla bla bla gender bla bla bla alright then lets start the story shall we
I’m getting an error when doing a *choice. I keep getting “line 118: It is illegal to fall out of a *choice statement; you must *goto or *finish before the end of the indented block.”
The line in question is
#"Security, how's it looking down there? We may need to repel boarders."
"Sir! It might get dicey if we do. Half my people got sucked out when the bridge blew, and most of the rest are in the med bay with serious injuries. Right now I haven't got more than two squads that I can muster. If they do board, I wouldn't get my hopes up."
*goto get_info
Man, I’m just errors left and right. Here’s a link to what I’ve got so far.
Edit: fixed
Your problem’s with #I’ve got all the information I need. You need to have a goto after that.
*bangs head against wall repeatedly*
@FairyGodfeather Thanks. lol