Supra Humanum (WIP - Minor update 4/2/18 - Starting Chapter 2)

Why do you want to be someone that Raiden beats? Also, again, you’re going to be above Jensen. Your teammates will be at Jensen’s level at the start, probably at Genos’ level by the end.

Hey @Vergil16, what kind of augs is the Senator using?

Don’t you know brutality is my specialty. I have a seriously messed up mind. Also on a scale 1-10 how gory will this game be. 1 is fallout 3 10 is manhunt 2

becuase he was one of the best swordman in the world ( even when their body was practically without nanomachines except their arm) and he was very cool and use the justice in manner that are neither good or evil


if what lord google say is true…he use in the entire body nanomachines that give him impressive strength and this skin, as a result of the hardening, would become highly resistant to physical damage, and combined with his increased healing speeds, rendered Armstrong virtually indestructible to nearly any form of blunt force.

I’m not going to describe guts and such falling out of a torso you just cleaved in two. However, I’m letting you know that there is dismemberment.

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look at my sword

then my sword as failed the mission :sweat:

I mean, if you want to show off your nanite-fueled abilities, you can slice him up into 8-10 pieces in the time a norm can make one slice. I’ll just be over here, observing.


so we can make some sort of “zandatsu”?

From my observations of Youtube gameplay, yes. 'That would be an accurate way of going about it.

hmmm interesting…add this to the list of " why I will buy this game"

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This is only the beginning. :smiley:

(Personally, I would be wanting Omnislash. Maybe because FF7 was a larger influence on me when I was younger.)

You mean something like using zandatsu to break a chest’s lock?

hmmm…maybe :wink:…that and cut a sandwich with finesse :v

I can already see my MC with a Solid eye :sunglasses:

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Hey sorry I’m a bit late to the party but…

How about adding some traps or projectile shooting/throwing weapons like grenade launcher or just grenade also if the fight isn’t necessary then you can also use smoke grenade/flashbangs to run away or kill them/ immobilize them while they are distracted

Good Game btw and Good Luck :relaxed:


You are not late to the party, you’re more than welcome to join in. I love answering questions and appreciate feedback. :smiley:

Grenades are on the docket per @Cajun_Turk’s request. I’m going to go with a “smart grenade” setup. The device can be configured for explosive, cryo, EMP and eventually “black hole” settings (I could do flashbang as well, I forgot about those.). You are carrying a handful of these right now and will make themselves known when you reach Williamson’s warehouse and I introduce the inventory system (planned for next update but I might release story first and do a minor for tweaks and mechanics.) You will have no more than 3 of these things/mission.

Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it.


So we’ll be choosing which ones to take like if it’s recon/assassination then I’ll take 1flash 1blackhole thingy and 1 emp right…?

How long have you estimated the game to be once finished?

That’s the thing, you can configure these things on the fly. Did you see the movie Dredd with Karl Urban? He could give verbal commands to his gun and change the ammo type that he was fixing to use. Same concept here, except you think the setting you want to use and your AI companion arms the grenade for you. All of your weapons are prototypes built specifically for you and the AI by Control and his contacts. Everything interacts with you and your AI companion.

Too soon to tell. I feel like I may be a little more “verbose” than other works I’ve read here. Whether that is good or bad, I don’t know. What I do know so far is that Chapter 1 hovers around 20k characters and chapter 2 is going to be longer as I’m including more choices on how to conduct your mission. Does it require more work? Yes. Will it be worth it in the end? I sure hope so. :sunglasses:


CöøL… also is it just MC with AI or does the whole team have em? If yes are they similar to ours? If no Why?

Okay… .the way you’ve been writing I’m sure as hell it’ll be worth it to the end

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Just you. Why? Because you’re special. Seriously, major spoilers lie down this path. I’m not going to reveal them.

Thank you very much again. :slight_smile:

Edit: I’ve yet to do a “Boon of the Day” in a little while, so today you’re going to get it. I will answer almost any question that you have or do any thing (like post something that I’m writing right now.) Up to you. :slight_smile:

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Oh cool (and thanks) well then how about giving a preview of Chapter 2??


I’ll give you a fight scene when you decide to unleash your nano abilities in front of John Q. Public and take down the two normal guards that we’ve been discussing.

Chapter 2 spoilers. You have been warned!

I eye all of the cameras and possible recording devices around me, “$!{AIname}, try to jam any device that can record around me. I want to flex my muscles a bit, so set power to 60%. That should be more than enough…”

I could feel a sense of coldness welling from within but !{AIName} responded, "At least you're taking precautions but Control won't be happy if any video leaks out." I gave a grunt of acknowledgment as I started to feel power washing over me. My synapses started to race as my mind began to function at higher levels, even without !{AIName}'s input. My muscles tightened like a spring, ready to unleash their potential energy. I exhaled slowly and allowed my senses to revel in this feeling for a time.

“Who cares about Control?” I thought, as I slowly looked around at the crowds gathered around the three fighters. Everything was still moving slowly to me as I continued my conversation, “Who cares about these sheep? You and I, we are the ultimate predator and it is time that everyone learns their place.”

A rapturous, “Yes!” was $!{AIname}'s only reply.

The guardsmen finally made their move. The guard on my right raised his sword over his head and charged at me. Judging by his posture, he was threatening to cut me in two or force me to dodge toward his companion. The guard on my left pointed his sword at me and began to charge, hoping to skewer me with the point of his weapon. Unfortunately for them, these pathetic weaklings were not even in the same league as I am right now. They should’ve dropped their swords and ran if they knew what they were facing right now.

The muscles in my legs gathered energy and I took a small step towards the right most guard. The ground underneath my feet cracked as I pushed off and I moved like a grey blur. In under a second, I ran behind the guardsman and whirled myself around, simultaneously cutting off his head and bringing my grappling gun out in my other hand.

Taking aim, I fired my hook into the chest of the charging guardsman, the spearhead of the gun shot through on the other side of the guard and collapsed into a hook. “Get over here…” I growled as I set the cable to retract, the guard hurtled towards me and he dropped his sword as he was pulled.

Meanwhile, I had my sword point ready to pierce his neck once he came close to me. A red spurt of blood came out as blade met flesh and the light immediately left his eyes. The fight was all over in less than 10 seconds.

One other thing, that particular scene will be different for every weapon choice.

@Legion13 - To answer your latest question Williamson ordered his sword-trained guardsmen to take you out. He gathered that since you were your team’s recon guy, that your CQC skills were weak or non-existant. Two trained guys with blades at close quarters could get the jump on you, in theory. This scene is being made to allow you to pick what melee weapon you want to use going forward. However, there is an option where you can just shoot them as they charge at you. I’m leaving all options on the table.