Seeking a zombie game (I don't think it's ZE: Safe Haven)

Hey guys!
So I’m seeking a particular game that I believe is about zombies. (If I’m not getting it confused with an actual novel I’ve read…)

Off the top of my head, here are things that I remember from it:

  • Starts out in an apartment
  • Able to go into another apartment room, see a corpse hanging with a note and a key(?)
  • I seem to remember a scene in a store-type setting where you either a)sneak around, or b) help two(?) women
  • I remember a glass door and an elevator, I believe there is an injured man as well.
  • I remember the power being out, and choosing to either walk or steal a car to get to a different point.
  • I think there is a military barracks that you can invade that requires you to find a password, a 4-digit number.
  • I think this game has something with a ship that you have to sneak through, and one amiable survivor on board?

At first, I thought it was Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, but I don’t think so, since this game starts out with your character filling out some test for your friend Jaime. I thought there was a regular Zombie Exodus game, but I guess I was wrong.

Anyone care to assist? Thanks!

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