Samurai of Hyuga Book 3 (Patreon/Early Access info on Post 1297!)

Thanks for that review! Junko/Jun’s character will be explored to a much greater extent in Book 4. And the issues with Masami/Masashi and Momoko will definitely be addressed.

One of these days I will! My uncle was in Japan for a business event, and had a terrific time. I think what amazed him the most was the food service. Definitely interesting how they’re very high-tech in some areas while old-fashioned in others. He brought me back a bottle of plum wine that didn’t last long!

On an unrelated note, I’m finally getting around to working on t-shirts for the series. If any of you have any preferences for the artwork you’d like to wear, please give me your feedback on the fanart thread:


Yep…you ate them…congrats…

To be fair in a world of rape and murder, eating corpses to survive starvation is probably the less of evils…


Does anyone else get a distinct Guts vibe from a Brutal, Stoic, and Drifter MC or is that just me devouring myself while I wait for Miura to update?


Glad to hear that! Junko/Jun’s character is definitely a a complex one; though people wouldn’t be really in the wrong if they decided that the character is a rabid dog that needs to be put down, I think you’ve provided enough incentive throughout the 3 current books to allow the possibility of people thinking differently to exist.

For example, the brief glimpse of the Jigoku losing its hold on her at the beginning of the 2nd book (seen through the shifting colors of her eyes). That meant that there was still some semblance of a Jun/ko not warped by the Hell’s Release under the madness. Of course, it doesn’t last long and the character proceeds to attack Masashi/mi but it exists. I liked that - at most, a character suffering from madness like Jun/ko is won’t have a lot of moments of clarity, so it made sense that even if there was a glimpse of the “real” character, it would be brief at most.

Of course, that’s before Book 3 happens and Jun/ko attacks Momoko and determines they are going to become a demon, but I do agree with what others have said that it’s not something that probably shouldn’t be taken literally… but who knows?

One thing I wanted to ask, though. Since Book 4 will heavily feature Junko/Jun as a main character, will they be cover art characters? It would be interesting to see what kind of mental image you have of them, appearance-wise. I personally imagine Junko to vaguely resemble Shura from Soul Calibur IV in terms of looks and personality, since both characters are surprisingly close in terms of concept. Probably with an outfit not as skimpy as Shura’s, though.


I’ve got a cover art in mind, though that decision is still months away. I never played Soul Calibur IV but I am very excited for VI. I’m a Mitsurugi main (not a big surprise there!).


So I just finished and… Good book, bad game.

Good : The plot is interesting, the atmosphere is great, the characters are great, their interactions are lovely but their relationships feel rushed because there is a lot going on backstage (all the bonding that happens after weeks of traveling and so forth), the backstory…

Badish? The character being a magnet. It doesn’t matter if you’re charming or stoic, pervert or chivalrous, the MC is a damn magnet… Even if you try to avoid it… Which ties up with the game aspect, I’ll get back to this

On the game side it was great the thoughts and feelings that were defined by earlier choices, and the deduction part was also interesting… But utterly meaningless, as pretty much every choice you make (besides one survival at a given point)

At the end I felt that every choice I made was utterly meaningless:
It doesn’t matter if you fail to deduce or observes certain things, things end up pretty much the same and someone picks the slack
It doesn’t matter if my character would be “this is pointless I’ll just kill you demon, not one of playing games”
It doesn’t matter how my MC is, he always “ticks all the boxes” for… Pretty much everyone?
It doesn’t matter how good or bad you do in combat, you will win
It doesn’t matter what strategy you’ld like to pick for a certain situation, you have no choice
It doesn’t matter if you take care to protect your companions or not, they end up the same

And I understand that you railroad a certain outcome for the sake of the story, but when the only gaming aspect are choices… You’re completely destroying the gameplay aspect

I enjoyed it, but only because my MC was more or less attuned with the path you laid, at the times it wasn’t the case… Well, not really


Can anyone explain what the Hell release style, and the jigoku itto-ryu are?

i agree with all you said except this part, a good looking boy or girl will be a magnet always whether they are charming or stoic, you cant see the personality of a person until you know them, what attract someone at first sight is theyr looks… :wink:

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Why do you call her Jun/Junko as opposed to just Junko?

Junko if they are a girl and Jun if they’re a guy. Their gender will change depending on if your attracted to guys or girls.


Like @No_This_Is_Patrick said, some characters are gender flip depending on your interest. Here are the characters with their variation:

(M) /(F)
Jun / Junko
Toshio / Toshie
Masashi /Masami

I can’t seem to remember if Kohaku has a different name if they are female. Could anyone clarify?


It’s Kohaku if the character is female so I guess it doesn’t change.


Is it just me or is there no reason behind losing the Jikogu?

In my opinion, the fox demon did something to the Ronin that sealed away our memories. There must be a catalyst in order to master Jigoku like @Fate880 said. Something very traumatic that trigger the power of the technique.

Evidence to this would be when

we were unable to use the said technique when we tried to use it to save Ige which we failed to do so. :crying_cat_face:


I restarted the game 3 times to save Ige but that little fucker keeps getting his head chopped off.

That’s because saving him is impossibe. He will die no matter what you do.


:joy: how inconsiderate of him.


You might wanna hide that under a spoiler. But yeah, he dies in a most brutal way whether you teach him to kill or live.

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Nah. They’ll definitely have it much easier of they do choose to chase someone, and if it were only hookups you might have a point but everyone falls head over heels for the protagonist, and that’s not just sexual attraction which would be more justifiable

who says im talking about sexual attraction¿?, a good looking boy or girl will always be more attractive to people, more easy to meet people and more easy to get “that” someone, it has always been the case…and i dont see it changing much in a future.