Eep, I’ve been recruited! :hushed:

Well, since you can play a gay guy or woman, I’ll extend the callout to @Lizzy :smile:

Um, and I’ll just @ParrotWatcher again too, even though I know he wouldn’t be up yet, because @ing him is fun!

I really enjoy the twist of going and rescuing the betrothed, because rescuing people is the decent thing to do, darnit, and just not marrying them :grin:

As far as nonbinary MC… could then have a choice between ROs being male, female, or nb, and if you pick male or female, the betrothed is always the other one? :thinking: (not sure what betrothed’s gender would be if the ROs are nb :sweat_smile:)


@DarthDovahkin May I make a bribe counteroffer of a full McNugget in favor of Destiel Simulator 2k18 On the Hunt?

I’d say option 5, I’d like to see something more mature, as most games that tackle the risque make it the focus.

You guys made me laugh so loudly I scared my cat.


Out of all the options, the second option is probably the most interesting and original. It’s not to say the others aren’t good ideas, just I would be willing to try something different from the norm. Course, I will respect whatever you choose in the end.

Let me just say as a straight male, that though I wouldn’t play it because it isn’t my jam, I think the Beast Within would be a great addition to the HG section. Unlike many, I am not opposed to gender-locked, orientation-locked or anything else someone wants to do. To truly be diverse we need people to be able to write a story truly in a voice they are comfortable with as I believe that leads to better stories, and that is all I truly desire. So whether it wins the poll, I do hope you will consider writing that story at some point.


As another bribe for The Beast Within, I offer very excited character analyses as well as a lot of squeeing over cute gay guys :blush: (and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who’d be squeeing over cute gay guys, too :wink: )


What a heartwarming point of view. Thank you for sharing. I truly appreciate it.

I would be okay with both united and on the hunt but the beast within just doesnt interest me, Its not just sexual orientation lock or gender lock Like in Guns of infinity but the sexuality is going to be core part of game.
@DarthDovahkin, are you looking to monetize this game ? because admitedly you might either find a niche or not get much interest from people with different sexual orientations such as nonbinary or ace.

Also regarding the United i might be just autie with suicide attempt rather than the more serious stuff but i suppose i could assist regarding that.

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If I do work on TBW, it’s likely I will add a Non-binary option to the game. I don’t want to ostracize another minority.

I’m not sure if I’ll monetize the game or not. That’s thinking far ahead. But if you look at other explicitly gay games, i.e. Dream Daddy, Coming Out On Top, etc. They have all been immensely successful within the LGBT+ community.

Not to say that my game will be so. Just an observation. I imagine that I’ll discover if the game is well received or not upon releasing a demo. But generally speaking, queer people are starved for content made specifically for them. Sure, we’re included in most CoG games, but usually as an afterthought and more times than not it feels awkward.

In summary, I don’t care if it’ll sell well or not. If it makes people feel good then I’ve achieved my goal.

Edit:// And it isn’t genderlocked. Even without the nb option you can play as a woman. It’s only orientation locked. Homosexual.

Edit:2// My intent isn’t to exclude Ace people either. No sexual situation or content is forced upon the player. If needed I can add an option to remove all remotely sexual content from the game, for people who don’t want anything to do with it.


nonbinary isn’t a sexual orientation…but i get the point you’re trying to make

telling lgbtq+ stories are important, and they do sell. People want to see stories about people like them, and that extends to the lgbt+ community. Of course, it comes down to the writer, and telling the story that they want to tell. but you don’t need to be gay to see the value in a story about lgbt characters. you don’t need to be lgbt to realize that stories can be just as good even if the main character doesnt reflect you. anYWAYS not to rant but I have a lot of feelings about lgbt fiction haha

yep, orientation lock makes sense.

which also made me think of this meme lol


and double yep, having a choice to avoid sexual content is always good. asexual people as well as for people who are simply uncomf with that sort of thing. you could have players choose that they’re asexual if you wanted

im getting this tattoed on my forehead brb

you beat me. i am defeated. i just had to take a bite out of my nugget offering…


Saved the gif.

Gay media is life.


Well, I’ve been multiply-@ed, and so I guess I have to vote for the gaylocked game. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I should note that the others do all sound fun, but obviously that one is special. :hugs: Maybe for a nonbinary MC, all of the ROs would be nonbinary, too? :thinking:



Yes, that is what my original idea was. If I work on TBW I guess I’ll have to make another poll asking what people would prefer regarding nb MC’s and romance. xD

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Am a sucker for a supernatural type of game hopefully we get to have an angel sidekick :wink::grin:

seconded that… and i can do both (squeeing over cute guys and girl) just to double my bribe counteroffer… i wouldn’t mind to play as a gay guy (Luke) or lesbian girl (Ivory).


Accurate gif of how I currently feel seeing that The Beast Within is in third place.



I do like the other game ideas as well, but I’m a sucker for romantic comedies.




I kinda like the sound of the Chimera Project. Not enough good sci-fi stories around, and I always adore the chance to play as an alien.

…Sad to see it’s last place, though.

I’m happy that On the hunt is in 1st place. And it better stay that way too.

Dean and Sammy are quaking