Paradox Factor

thank you :slight_smile: thought i tried everything … i am enjoying it very much ^^ have become addicted to these type of games…makes you think and read…i use to read alot then i got my 1st pc and that was that lol :smiley:

what i don’t understand is if my character has money why does the daughter end up in the slum? and at the kidnapping here is what i noticed if the daughter survives she still ends up in the slums. but if the son survives…he like disappears nothing else is mentioned about him.
also i can only kill the bad bf. idk what i need to do to kill anyone else :confused: help please :slight_smile:
tyvm for any help…thought i had tried all the options…hmm where did i go wrong?

I need help with getting any possible ending :-(( someone please help :-S

The trick to the whole game is to fix the most immediate problem in front of you. So, why isn’t your life perfect? What is wrong with it that you’d like to change?

Too sad. Tooooo sad. Made me cry. DAMN YOU :slight_smile:

@Lucid I finally got it! & I cried :((

I’m glad you guys cried. :slight_smile: I tried to make it bittersweet and emotional. The puzzle aspect threw some people off, but I rather liked the riddle style and story myself. :slight_smile:

It was a gamble. I got a lot of negative reviews from people who got stuck, but I also got some fabulous reviews from people who pushed through it. :slight_smile:


I loved it even though still bummed I couldn’t get a “happy” ending I just meta one where I save the wife and kids from the train and live happily ever after lol

Well it could have been worse, NS, originally there was only one ending, the one in which you let your wife and kids die.

Talk about cold 'You think you can leave me and take the kids, eat train, @#$#$#$!"

Count me in as one of the huge fans. :slight_smile:

It’s been awhile since I played the game, but I definitely remember finishing it. At one point, and I think it might have been dealing with that whole kidnapping story arch or whatever it is, but I got stuck at one point and just kept going through every single option until the opportunity presented itself. But eventually you get there, haha.

I guess Ashton Kutcher was right in the Butterfly Effect. Changing the past just makes the past more and more horrible. At least I didn’t have to strangle myself in the womb at the end. That was nice of you, heh.

Not to poke holes in a great story but why didn’t it ever occur to the mc to fix the train?
I mean he litterly went to the farm for no good reason just to vandalize a barn…
I realize this wouldn’t fix everything cause life hates the mc but I’m just wondering

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I don’t think that would be possible. Not only does he have no knowledge of train repair even if he did I don’t think they (The train people) would be very receptive to a crazy guy wanting to examine their train so it doesn’t crash.

The MC chold also ride a different train or ride the same train early than before it crash.

Don’t get me started on that movie…the best I can say is that the whole situation in the “second timeline” (the one where he ends up in jail) felt horridly, horridly forced so as to allow the movie to continue.

Good points all around; my thought is that the game is somewhat constricted by the fact that the author has to keep everyone on the rails to at least some extent lest the overall product be swamped with possibilities.

I’m hoping someone can give me a hint, because even after reading through this thread I’m completely stuck on the kidnapping scene.

So you buy a gun, go to the gun club, break the backdoor of the farm, leave the T.V on, and then use your plan to deal with the kidnapping. I fail because I need to get faster, according to the thread. If I go back to the wedding, my character doesn’t notice the suit being snug or anything, I have no option to get back into shape. If I go back earlier to the coffee house, the newspaper has a martial arts tournament that would be great to get into, but I can’t do anything about it.

Completely stuck and I’ve spent half an hour just clicking randomly, so pretty much on the verge of abandoning the app which would suck.

If you are out of shape, go to the wedding, feel the tight clothing and get into shape.

Follow the plan… Learn that you have to learn to fight.

Returnn to the paper, sports section in coffee shop? Two papers, either live trials or coffee shop…one of the sections, join MMA… follow the plan.

Poor sap. :smile:

There are hints on what to do next each time, but not always obvious as to how to follow them.

This is another great game(book) by Lucid. I am taking it as a piece of philosophy, not as a game. The paradox factor for me is that you can change a lot and still be in a bad situation. You save your wife so that you can lose her. You win a lottery ticket only to lose the money in the divorce. Just like in real life, you don’t know what you lose by winning something… or the other way round.

Oh, and life as a whole resembles a mouse wandering in a maze, all of the ways leading to a common end.

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Hi I’m completely stuck on the same part. I’ve clicked through every option but there’s no new ones. I’ve joined a gun club, bought a gun, smashed all but the TV and used the plan to deal with the kidnapping but always get shot. There’s no option to be out of shape at the wedding (It says you look ok) or any option to get fitter in the newspapers? What am I missing?

Edit- never mind worked it out (tried to work it out for ages and then within a couple of mins of posting this worked it out :stuck_out_tongue: )