New Hosted Game! The Magician’s Burden by Samuel Harrison Young

Here’s one way that could work. Imagine someone who is very perceptive–that person might see changes in your personality (or aura, or soul, or whatever is going on in the game world in question.) if you have been acting underhanded and deceptive elsewhere. Or, less subtly, rumors of your actions might have spread.

A “relationship” check might be measuring something really nebulous, rather than a straight-up “were our face-to-face interactions positive?”


That would work for ONE person but not for absolutely everyone. It is basically a way to gate a entire way of playing. Because people WANT romance in a date sim. If you make impossible romance to anyone except saints well people only play saints

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[ Edit: Sorry, just noticed the other thread. ]

The other thread is closed for the time being.

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I don’t think I said anything about only saints romancing people. I said I could imagine a game being written such that the relationship stat measured actions external to face-to-face interactions.

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What i tried to say is if you made being cynical about your real feelings or subterfuge so punishing that they can’t pass any romance or relationship check, you are in reality locking that behavior in the player. I was talking in general, not about this game. It should have a balance between what a person thinks and what people know.
Edit I had no problem in this game to romance the character i want.

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Let me give an example of what I am talking aboutI have a very good relationship with Mabelin, and I decided to play both sides as a Guard and a Thief, one time while in the guard tower I was given the option to steal from the locker rooms. I successfully done it, no one suspected a thing yet I still lost points with Mabelin just for choosing to do it. I make the assertion that if she suspected me at all there should have been a confrontation, with how her character has been portrayed.

You lost a bit of relationship with her because you were late for the meeting. She stated that herself and the narrative stated it as well.


You aren’t locked into playing any specific type of character. The types of choices that will decrease your relationship with certain characters are pretty rare, and they only decrease your relationship by a very small amount.

If these choices prevent you from romancing anyone, it sounds like you wouldn’t be able to romance them to begin with because you had a low relationship with them.


I know I was talking in general about the concept. I had no problem with it in the game I found no problem romance anyone.

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@Samuel_H_Young Also in future games will can change romantic characters a little? Like help Our shy healer to be more adventurous. Or Help our archer in his alcoholic problem. but What i really want is created a kitty center in Mow name. :cry: Mow little belly mow

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Oh, for sure. Each character will have noticeable development in the coming sequels.

I look forward to being Violet’s pet :wink:


The funny thing is i am a dominant take initiative person however Violet just fit for my mc and is my favorite romance. I hope she softs and open to us more in future games. My less favorite is Ma but is because i play as a thief sneak so … it is logically that does not go well.


You stole her heart… and her wallet


Ah ok I get it now.

Took me awhile to get used to how pathetic we are in this installment, but I came to terms with that and enjoy the game.

I do however think there is a balancing issue with the magic choices. Stealth magic seems much less useful than destructive or light. I played a Stealth mage and found the times when I could use the magic I didn’t need to as there were so many othet options available. While there are other scenarios that could only be solved with either destructive or light with maybe one other option. I literally used my magic like once the entire game, and it wasn’t even a stealth specific thing, it was to make a gift for Mabelin.

I got a quick question about the cost of the game, when I looked it up on my phone it said it’s only 3 and then when I went to go buy it on my pc it says it’s 5 now but it still say it’s 3 on the phone can anyone tell me why this is or if this is something that happens with all games?

Today is the end of the sale and it doesn’t roll out evenly across all platforms. That said the game should be $4.99 on all platforms. If something else is being show, that would be a bug.

Oh right thank you very much

So are Violet and Mabelin the only female RO? They seem very similar from the free chapters.

Violet is basically a hardcore Dom. Into chokeplay gags whips etc.

Mabelin is more a masculine woman