NeoHeartless - CS Comp Alpha Testing

Alright! I now have a working Alpha build for my CS Comp entry, but I need people. People like… YOU! Yes you the reader! Are you good at grammar? Watchful of coding errors? Critics of story decisions? I am inviting anyone that believes they can help with testing for my secret hush hush CS Comp entry. Just a few rules…

  1. Active! Be active testers. Provide feedback. Even if its not errors… it can be something like “I liked the story, because this and this, also I love how doing this, affects this, but I didn’t like this or this, because it didn’t make much sense”, etc.

  2. Shh… To help keep judging impartial, any and all input about the game will be through a pm thread. Nothing public!

  3. Be honest. Don’t just make me feel good about my story (that is however always an option.), be truthful in your opinions. I’m looking for honest, constructive feedback.

Thanks in advance to anyone who volunteers. If you’d like to volunteer, either drop me a message here, or in pm. Thanks again!

Also if you’d like to ask what the game is about beforehand so you’ll know what you will be testing before hand, feel free to pm me.


I would like to volunteer to be a alpha tester.

shore I wouldn’t mind Testing.

i would like to test your game :slight_smile:

Got my grammar textbook ready to go.


I volunteer to help if your still looking

I like to help you out

I would like to help out

I would like to help if you dont mind

I’d like to help pretty please.

I would like to beta test

I’ll alpha-test for you.

I will test it Lord Neo! :smile:

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I would love to test the game!

Unfortunately the CS Comp has ended already. Although I am still working on the game I had submitted, albeit it’s very different from before. I won’t be showing it on the forum for some time as my main concerns right now are The Legend of the Battlemage and Across The Skies and Seas. Oh and I guess College and work, but meh.

If a mod could please kindly close this thread, I’ll give you a Neo cookie. :slight_smile:

(Hint: They’re like real cookies, but have Neo engraved onto them. They also provide immortality and the ability to always know what to say in conversations)


Can I get a NeoCookie? Might as well give me the whole plate because @Snowpanther will probably steal all of them anyway.