Adrao - CS Comp Beta Testing

Hi everybody,

Life and my other WIPs have been put on hold for a month while trying to go through my CS Comp entry. I’m just starting now the final scene, and will then test it all tomorrow and Thursday. It will be a tight finish, but as I will be away during the weekend I wanted to see if anybody would like to test it Friday-Sunday night, so that I can then polish it Mon-Tue and submit.

Obviously I can’t say much about it in public (though happy to discuss through PM in case you want to know what you are getting into). The theme this year is poisonous intent, so expect something like that…

Otherwise the game is built in 8 parts, and currently has a total length of around 40,000 words (around 14,000 per playthrough according to the random tester, and I expect this will climb to around a 17,000 playthrough and around 45000-50,000 words by the time I’m done with it Thursday).

As @Fiogan mentioned in a post, beta testers are allowed to be beta testing more than one CS Comp game, as long as they’re very quiet and don’t mention which CS Comp beta tests they’re doing.

Finally, would like to once again thank @Lordirish for organising this amazing competition, I was shocked by how much it helped me concentrate on this game!


“The theme this year is poisonous intent.”

Mara will be pleased.

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Who do you think came up with the theme :expressionless:


Should have expected that tbh.

I’d like to beta test your WIP.

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Thanks @baka00, will email you the details tomorrow when I’m finished, almost there now, just a couple of paragraphs left at the end, and finish off the character creation part

ups, actually I cannot post it here…

Just finished and send to all those who contacted me, though I’m happy to get 2 or 3 more people who are willing to help (so far word count is 46,000, one playthrough is around 17,500). I will be away for the weekend so basically cannot work on it till Sunday, but still have time to send a link to anybody interested!

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