NaNoWriMo 2020

Oh no, it’s that time of the year again. I didn’t get very far last time but maybe this year it will be different? :sweat_smile:

Anyway, I wish you all good luck and I hope y’all have a lot of fun!


:hugs: I will love someday make a NANOWRIMO project or something with someone. I love to do projects with people, but like my, is bad nobody wants to work with me.


I seriously consider your advice to be wise, thus I will stick to it and I wiil work in order tonget something with decent length and style, and maybe (why not) quality for my first time writing in what I consider to be an authentic marathon.

Thanks again :pray::relaxed:

PS: please forgive the typos


I started in This forum around 12 end 11 and my grammar was the worst in the world. So You won’t find any judgement from me. We all are here to help you improve.


Okay, so if you multiply 2000 by 25 you get 50000 words, that means I must write 2000 word per day. I have got the inspiration and the ideas, yet if there is really something I am not sure about is having the resistance to keep up with it.

Weirdly enough, the one thing that helped me the most in achieving past NaNoWriMos was refusing to count my words. I’d just write and on November 25th I’d check my wordcount to make sure I was on the right track.

I was at 90,000 words.

Finished the hell out of that story.


Nice anecdote. Advice taken.

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Yeah, everybody has a different system for succeeding. My novel is still in very early phases, but right now I’m fixed on getting a headstart during the first week. It’s November, and I anticipate high cold and strep potential. If I get sick later in the month, I want a nice hefty headstart against the days when all I want is to stay in bed and mope.


We’re just past the halfway point, so it seems like a good time to check in:

  • Who’s still on the NaNo boat?

  • Who is on par and on schedule to finish November 30?

  • Who is hopelessly behind but still plugging at it?

I myself hoped to open my first week with a strong headstart and didn’t get quite the word count I’d hoped for, but both by word count and according to my handy dandy outline, I’m halfway through my novel. So that’s pretty damn good news! Hopefully, this third week will proceed according to plan. I am starting to get tired, but I was sure to fit in a few less intense days of writing as necessary.