NaNoWriMo 2019

Just gonna slide into this thread real quick to vent lol :sweat_smile:

I really want to do Nano this year but unfortunately I think I’ve jumped in far too late… I’m a pantser but for a full length novel I really need at least a general outline, so Nov 1st I sat down to try and do exactly that. And yet the universe decided to bless me with an awful cold and a bout of depression, so here I am, 4 days in, still sick and unmotivated and flying by the seat of my pants…

I suppose the silver lining is that I have
about 2800 words written from a while back, but it doesn’t give me much comfort when I know that now I have to outline and write at the same time, all while battling life in general.

So yeah, it hasn’t been a great start to Nano for me, but I’m glad it’s been going well for some of you and feel for those who are struggling like me. Let’s all pray we get lots of energy to write our novels this year :revolving_hearts:


Well –

Today was a bit of a struggle but I still ended up with 2004 words for the day.

Today’s session was mainly dialogue and since the game is at a point where nine branches exist, ensuring that all the choices end up with unique dialogue while covering the same basic material is quite the challenge. I am happy that the dialogue has turned out to be as diverse as it has but I’m also positive that it will need two or three more rewrites before it is ready.

Thank you. You are the second person to mention this. @poison_mara agrees with you. I have yet to look at Fallen London material – I want to get the alpha stage of the project finished before even tempting myself to find more inspiration there.

One of the joys of this project is all the fascinating things I find out about Victorian Age life – some things I can use in the project and other things I can’t.

For example, I learned something yesterday that fascinates me in a creepy way …

gross and creepy Victorian Age Fact

The accepted medical cure for an upset stomach in the morning was to drink your morning’s urine …

I seriously doubt this will make the cut into the story but there are a lot of things that do.

Updating my up-thread post with word count and note.


2,004 Is great Eiwynn. Good work. I wrote 1,500.


Only managed a dozen words before midnight, but it’s better than none and I’m not planning on beating myself up about word count. On a better note, I’m much further now than before and I’ve sort of worked out how I want the stats to play out. (Though, I have a feeling they’ll get several more work-overs before I’m completely satisfied with them.)

I only wish my brain stopped moving numbers around on me so I don’t mess them up so much! :confounded:

@Eiwynn Your project sounds fascinating, honestly. Victorian medicinal cures are wild to look back on, I’m interested in seeing what makes the final cut.


Off to a slow start but getting back into my groove I think. Two days in a row of progress, which ain’t too bad.

More importantly, I’m writing a section that I’ve been staring at since April and finally making some headway. An uncharacteristically smutty vignette that follows if you succumb to the femme fatale’s not inconsiderable charms.

2025 words down, many more to go.


About five hundred words today. Not a very impressive showing, but all progress is good progress.


Reached 1,753 words today. Keeping it up so far feels good.


I am not doing Nanowrimo but after losing files and all that I am at 4,000 words overall. That is not a lot, but at least is something maybe I can make 20,000 or so at the end of the month.

Could be a good draft for a future game or something like that.


I’m nearly at 5k words, but not quite, so now I’m 4K words behind schedule :tired_face:. I’m going to be busy tomorrow as well so I think Thursday is my only shot at scrounging up enough words to get back on track. After that I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up


Today’s writing session was a slog.

I wrote 2,621 words for the day but because the nature of the section I am working on is complicated, it drained me … making it feel three times as much.

I’m going to do a quick update of my post up thread then go relax a bit.

Hopefully the next session will be less draining.


Over a thousand words before midnight and I’m still on a roll! :metal: Stats are set in a hopefully sensible way, I’m dipping my toes into customization, and finally getting around to letting the player actually play around in the world.

Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll get much of a chance to write later in the day but I’m still hesitantly proud of myself for getting this far. (Knowing myself, I’m probably going to frog it at some point and just rewrite the whole thing, but that’s a problem for future me to deal with.)


I’m at 9,526 words, but none of it is for my main project, The Christening, because I still have some outlining and pre-writing to do for that. The second half of the novel is a poison mystery plot, and I want to fix it for good this time. Which means lots of outlining. :sweat:

…so those 9k words are all self-indulgent Vampire: the Masquerade-Bloodlines fanfic. Beckett and a Malkavian OC accidently-ish blood bond and the title of story is literally “Bad Idea.” :joy: :joy: :joy:

@Eiwynn The Victorian Age is so full of fun facts! It’s one of my other favorite time periods. I remember when I devoured Judith Flanders’ Inside the Victorian Home as an undergrad because what were they going to do next? Stuff the walls with horse hairs and bones?? Freak out over private bathrooms??? Who knows! Judith Flanders. She knows.


Oooh I’d love to read the Vampire story


Beckett and a Malakavian That’s a solid game…Oh my god…


Aww, thank you, @poison_mara and @Kaelyn! It’s a joy to write. :joy: I’ll let me know if I post it anywhere, but it’s unlikely. My favorite Malkavian/Beckett fics are “Upgraded” and “How’s about we swap ideas?” by BatsuGames. It’s part of their “Malkavian Web of Vines” series. “Upgraded” is woefully incomplete, but I love the concepts and romance. :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:


For days I kept getting ideas for writing while I was studying and it was driving me insane. Why do these things always come when I’m busy and not when I am actively trying to write?

Anyway, I ended up throwing my textbooks aside and I started writing instead, armed with a dictionary and other tools. I’m at 857 words currently but for me it is not so much about how much I write, but that I write. So I’m happy.

Honestly, reading about all the projects you guys have, has me really excited. They sound dope! If any of you finish it, please leave a link or something. I’d love to read it :pray:


Keep up the good work everyone. We’re all doing well.

Finished for the night with 2,175 words bringing my total to 12,035 words.

Updated my progress post :slight_smile:


Very impressive word count, it seems like you’re on top of this.

I had a difficult day but managed to rally in the evening, and sat down to write a little over a thousand words. Very respectable, by my standards, and more sustainable than the burst of creativity I had on Sunday. Yesterday I only got in relatively few words, but I did reread some older material, and did some important outlining work. And self-care, which is always important.


I wrote 1,000 today for another project but is still writing.


I ended up writing 3,843 words … how I wrote so many, I’m not exactly sure.

That is not exactly true – deciding that I needed to insert a few false choices within each branch dictated a target word count increase for the narrative arc – I just did not realize it would increase this much.

In the opening act, the average word count per section was 15,000 words … I’ve met that bar for this second act narrative and starting tomorrow, I will exceed the average for the opening act.

I’m going to update my up-thread post and then go rest. Tomorrow is scheduled to be a day like today – we’ll see.