My One And Only (WIP) Jan/12 Demo update

I’ve been lurking around the forum for a long time, and finally, I mustered the courage to try and make a game of my own. I had fun writing it and hope you enjoy playing it. It’s the complete first chapter now.

I think this story will have to be cut into two, maybe three books because there’s just too much material for the 6 Ros, and I don’t want the story to feel too rushed.
And I should also mention that I’m not a native English speaker. So, if you notice any bugs or grammar mistakes please let me know…


This is it. You finally have your first taste of an independent life. Starting by getting out of your parent’s home and moving in with your best friend. What can possibly go wrong?

Between some disastrous party, an unplanned trip, and an unexpected encounter with an old enemy, will you be able to overcome old fears, make new friends, salvage the relationship with your family, and find love and adventure?

Maybe you can even find yourself in the middle of all this mess.

Let’s find out. Shall we?

Genre : Personal development and romance.

  • Maximilian/Megan Brown

Sex: Male/female (selectable by player).

Age: Mid to late twenties.

Romanceable: Yes, by all MCs.

Nickname: Maxi-boy/Meggy.

Appearance: 6’2 and athletic. M has light peach skin. With baby blue eyes. And jet-black hair (short for Max and long for Megan). Most of the time they wear a flirtatious smile that has caught some people off guard.

M used to be a quite rebellious teenager, a real troublemaker, but now they have reformed. Heck, they even have a good relationship with their family and could be nominated as Miss/Mister popular from having so many friends. M is your best friend, the one you’d trust with your life, and besides sharing many hobbies and dislikes with you. They have gone above and beyond, giving you a place to live in a heartbeat. And for this and more, you may be secretly in love with them for quite some time.

If you wanted you could finally come clean about your feelings, or forget about them altogether. You decide!

  • Oliver/ Olivia Greene

Sex: Male/female (selectable by player).

Age: Mid-twenties.

Romanceable: Yes, by all MCs.

Nickname: Oli.

Appearance: 5′8, lean build. They have light caramel skin. Oli has short textured chestnut brown wavy hair and forest green expressive eyes.

Oli could be perceived as someone younger than their current age all because of their bubbly and sometimes silly personality. They’re full of energy and are really easygoing. Their close family is constituted by women only, two older sisters and their mother, leaving Oli as the youngest.

You should note that they are quite popular with men and women alike. Of ROs Oli is the friendlier and noblest of all.

  • Amelie Hammond

Sex: Female.

Age: Mid-twenties.

Romanceable: Yes, by all MCs.

Nickname: Melly, Ami.

Appearance: 5′3, with a slender build. She has tanned brown skin and glossy shoulder-length brown hair. She likes to wear light subtle makeup that highlights her honey-brown eyes.

Amelie is a regular at the coffee shop where Oli works. She usually chooses a secluded place to sit, so she can work in peace on her laptop and always leaves a good tip. Amelie has a soft and calm demeanor but can be pretty direct when she needs to get her point across. She is not a damsel in distress.

  • Violet Hayes

Sex: Female.

Age: Mid to late twenties.

Romanceable: Only male MCs.

Nickname: Vi.

Appearance: 5′5, hourglass build. She has rosy skin and waist-length dyed hair, and always chooses some eye-catching color. Seriously, you’ve never seen her actual natural color. She’s creative and usually has her makeup done depending on her mood and hair dye at the time. She can be very persuasive, especially when she looks at you with those beautiful hazel eyes.

When Violet was younger she got some modeling gigs but sadly her modeling career didn’t take off as she expected, but at least she amassed a large collection of high heels and handbags.

She started working at the bar where she met M. And sometimes you could swear that she is also enamored with M, but you are not sure why she hasn’t said anything to them yet if that’s the case.

  • Christopher Graham

Sex: Male.

Age: Early thirties.

Romanceable: Only available for mid to late-20s female MCs.

Nickname: What nickname? he doesn’t have any! (Mr. Grumpy).

Appearance: 5′10, slender build. He has light skin and auburn-red messy short hair. Also of notice are his mesmerizing light brown eyes. And of course, he takes pride in always being well-dressed.

He runs an old but well-known and well-kept bakery. His bakery and the local cafe used to compete for the attention of new clients. But neither could declare victory for sure. Since the pastries from the cafeteria weren’t as successful as his, the owners extended an offer to him (as suggested by Oli), and they became business partners. After all the drama, he and Oli somehow stayed on friendlier terms. But don’t let that fool you, Chris is not to be trifled with and he’s also not the easiest person to get along with. You’ll notice he can be quite ruthless when he wants to… and even when he doesn’t intend to be.

  • Alistair Hartfield

Sex: Male.

Age: Mid to late twenties.

Romanceable: Yes, by all MCs.

Nickname: You can decide what to call him when you see him again.

Appearance: 6’4, athletic build. Alistair has fair skin and short slicked-back blonde hair, paired with the most penetrating gray eyes you’ve seen.

Alistair usually uses two or three-piece suits to work and hates wearing casual clothing. He also has a killer skincare routine.

He works at his family’s company.

And you and he go way back. The two of you met because your dad worked with his father, and both your family and his used to go to the company family picnics they organized. So you had to see each other frequently. He remembers you quite well, but not for the reasons you might think.


Update log:
March/02/2023: 14,000 total word count.
May/24/2024: 19,800 total word count.
Jan/12/2025: 22,652 total word count. (There were mostly rewrites)

Also, I’m adding my blog if you want to follow the progress more closely or have a question. I will probably be more active on Tumblr :slight_smile:
@reds-corner on Tumblr


Got an error: prologo line 501: Expected option starting with #)

Also, its weird. The game went all Italic, then went on a loop, and went back to normal.

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Oh thanks for catching that! I’ll take a look. The parts in italic are supposed to be memories or past events but yeah it can be confusing. I’ll check that too. Thank you again.


Yeah, I think I can see why it loops looking at the code.

You have the prologue in the Startup page, so when you reach the end, you go to the next section labeled prologue, effectively causing the game to loop itself once.

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The demo is set to private.

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@GrimReaperJr1232 I think…i think it’s fixed now. Thank you for pointing it out.

@Fenrir1 Yes, i was fixing something and catching errors. But it’s back on now! :smiley:


Well, I haven’t read the demo yet but that’s 6’0, there’s no such thing as 5’12 tall :rofl:

EDIT: I would strongly suggest downloading Grammarly. A lot of the I’s in the demo are not capitalized and there are other issues, even in the opening post itself.


lol I guess something like that was bound to happen 'coz i use the metric system. And thanks for the suggestion, I think you’re right, I do need to check the grammar more closely since english is not my first language.


Great game, can’t wait to see more. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh, I like the start really much. The whole story sounds cute. I hope you still have fun writing your story. I’m looking forward to read more :grinning:


First of all, thank you for taking the time to comment. Sorry for the delay, I had some trouble with my computer and forgot the password to my account where the files are. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: And I had to ask dashingdon for help. So hopefully, I’ll be able to recover my progress soon and add new content to the demo.

And if you want to see extra stuff you can always check my Tumblr. I’m a little more active there.


Hello Everyone! Hope you’re doing okay.

I’ve come to deliver some news, It’s time for an update. It’s a short one, but I didn’t want to keep postponing it any longer. The demo has now over 14,000 words. As always, please let me know if you find any grammar mistakes or bugs. And I’d love to know what you think about it.


I feel personally attacked! I may or may not have (I totally did) named my childhood teddy bear Beary. :joy: I love the story, btw!

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Ngl this story is exactly my type haha. I really hope to continue playing this and i am always to replay it because i enjoy it so much


Could you put some info on what the game is about on the thread

@_Ashley Lol sorry, I did something similar too. I’m happy you like the story so far. Thanks!

@Kanri I’m glad you get to replay and enjoy the little variations, and don’t worry I’m working on the update slowly but steadily.

@Tempted_MCC Oh, my. I hadn’t realized how vague the first summary was! LOL sorry, I tried to explain a little more now. I hope it helps to give you a better idea of what the story is about.


I’m not sure if you still work on this cute story, @Red but I give your sweet little story a small push xD


Just found this story and I really enjoyed what you have so far. It’s exactly my cup of tea.


Oops, sorry about the long wait. I don’t want to bore you with excuses about the delay. It’s a short update. But I’m so happy the first chapter is finally done. Thank Heavens. And thank you guys for being patient.

@Queen_Zelda Yes, I’m still working on it, albeit rather slowly :face_with_peeking_eye: Thanks for commenting I really hope you enjoy the update.

@CelticWolfCub Oh, thanks so much :blush: If you’re interested you can check out my Tumblr I have more content there.

Enjoy the updated demo. And as always let me know if something’s off.


I really liked the update, especially because I like our best friend (even when he/she ‘betrays’ us and we walk through this party alone) hopefully it won’t be too disastrous :laughing: