My Best Friend (Updated 27/02/25)

As a game, it’s basically an emotion sim, where you’re trying to keep the 7 yr old MC’s Fear, Anger, Jealousy and Sadness under control, while also keeping the other characters happy. If Emotions go over 100 or below 0, you lose choices, while NPCs being too unhappy similarly limits your interaction with them. You can also choose clothes/costumes for the MC, and this has some effect on the story.

As a story, it’s about exploration and coping with difficult anxieties (fear of the future/growing up, a loved one leaving, being ignored or forgotten), then ultimately finding your way “home”, with elements of magical realism. Think Katie Morag meets Inside Out meets Hayao Miyazaki, with a focus on friendship and community.

I’m looking for feedback (including negative), but if you’d prefer not to post, there are polls here, or you can send me a message. Thanks!

If you want some guidelines for feedback/things to focus on:
  1. Pronoun errors or bugs. With typos, it’s tricky because the MC is prone to mistakes in their speech and narration, but if you see any that you think are unintentional or break the flow too much, please let me know.

  2. Places where the story loses you

  3. Did you get what you were expecting from playing/reading? Is there anything you were expecting to happen but didn’t? Is there anything you wish the MC could do/say, that isn’t there?

  4. Is the branching and the consequences of choices signposted ok? Are there any stats you didn’t understand the purpose of? I’ve had trouble with Jealousy in particular.

  5. What did you think of Chapter 4 in particular? Is it too long? Too angsty?

  6. Is the pacing ok? Too many clicks or too much scrolling?

Word count:

Chapter 1 - 5.8k
Chapter 2 - 4.4k
Chapter 3 - 19k
Chapter 4 - 41.7k
Chapter 5 - 18.5k
Chapter 6 - 1k

PLAYTEST (27/02/25)


I’d be interested in playing, but I’m curious why a private demo for just one chapter of the story? Why not make it public for everyone on the forum? It could help peek people’s interest.


I would like to play

1 Like

Would be into checking this out.
Should make it public though since it’s only one chapter and you’ll get more feedback.


I’d like to, but why don’t make it public? It would be more easier to obtain feedback.

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I might eventually, but right now I feel…kind of protective of it? Like it’s a baby that’s just been born.


I am interested (20 characters)

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I will love to try it out. The story sounds interesting.

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I would be interested in playing this.

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I’m also interested.
Can’t wait demo !

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I’m not sure about the first person perspective(as in I often don’t tend to like these games), but I really like the premise :slight_smile: so would like to try it please.


Seems like a interesting idea i would like to play


I would like to try the demo

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I would like to try it

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I would be interested in trying it

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Seems interesting, guess i’m in

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I would like to try it out too^^

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This topic was automatically closed 60 days after the last reply. If you want to reopen your WiP, contact the moderators.

What do you think?

  • I like it.
  • As a game, it needs work.
  • The writing is hard to follow.
  • Not my cup of tea.

0 voters

If you don’t like it, then why not?

  • No romance.
  • Preset protagonist.
  • First person perspective.
  • Not enough choices.
  • Not enough stats.
  • Just not my cup of tea.

0 voters

Who are your favourite characters?

  • The MC
  • Charlie
  • Amy and Ro (the parents)
  • Granny
  • Woof
  • Billy the Beggar
  • The Reverend
  • Fred the shopkeeper
  • Alice
  • Mr Skinner
  • Joe McGlan and Kel
  • Mrs June and Tabby
  • Mrs Lune
  • The Watsons
  • Miss Munsen
  • Miss Murgiffins
  • Miss Honey and Charlotte
  • Dunk
  • Emma and Chloe
  • Claude Rains (the stranger)

0 voters