MAJOR DEMO UPDATE <3 - WiP: Don't Wake Me Up (with demo)

Oh my gosh. I’m so excited for whatever that could possibly mean. I’m holding you to this!!!

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Holy crap, really? Awwwwwww, Booooooooob! [Hugs Ultimate Top Hat.] . . . . I now feel compelled to draw fanfiction of one of my main OCs with Bob.


Romance Belmund? But…i’m not sure how he’d feel about that… what if it makes him mad…

…then again, what if it doesn’t…but what if it does…

…i won’t take the risk. If he got angry, i could only imagine what he’d do…

Wait…shouldn’t that be backwards?

I’M bonded to the Top Hat forever, and I love IT more than life itself?

At least, that’s what seems to have happened to me…


You are both bonded and love each other more than life itself. Also the top hat is polyarmorous and thinks you deserve sapient companionship along with it.


You know, some chickens use their beaks to play the piano. :wink:

Rest up and take care.

Now, admittedly at least 90% of your references are beyond me. Does that make me a bad person? I’d like to think so. Does this mean I enjoy it any less? Of course not. Unless…I’m not oohing and ahhing enough in places due to my ignoble ignorance. Which means I shall have to simply make up for it by tapping my chin and nodding alot.

Still, I’ve been set upon a mission, (eight bits every hour), to be more in the gaming know–for it just might save my lives one day.

Finally, while the story path does seem very limiting, the joy that radiates through your work keeps me hopeful to play some more in this world of dreams.

(As an expected side effect, I developed a wave of pity for the rapiers of the world because they’ll never grow up to be top hats.)


^^when attempting to fix railroading in my game.
I’ll admit it’s more linear than some, although I’ve really worked hard to make the most important choices matter.
@quaintrelle Glad you somehow liked the game despite it practically being one big memefest. Some of the testers have told me I overdid the reference balances in the first chapter.


Railroading = Plot. As long as the plot’s good, we get some decisions (which cute guy to romance, for example), and maybe get a few different endings, I certainly wouldn’t mind. :tophat:


Thanks for the vote of confidence. There’s certainly that and a few more alternative approaches to take through chapters, and the entire game diverges at chapter 4. And, as I’ve said before, above all, the romance choices are given their own specific chapter and endings.
I rarely actually replay games (sue me I know) so I don’t want people to feel hard done by if they choose only to play once.


Or ultimate magical Top Hat.

It depends on what game it is if I replay. In regular games ng+ strongly encourages me, and here it depends if it feels more like a game or a story to me.


Wow! I must say I’ve really fallen in love with this concept. I’ve been a fan of CoG games for awhile now but not really active in the forums, but this project has lured me out of my lurker shell with its brilliance. I love choice - based games (why else would I be here) and would like to see an interactive novel about video game tropes. Best of luck, and don’t worry about railroading. It reminds me of the many video games that offer choices in different ways- some promise free will but it’s a cattle run until the very end and others diverge a lot more depending on choices. I can honestly see Don’t Wake Me Up as in the latter group, but I understand it is difficult to make choices meaningful in the beginning because entire scenes have to be rewritten and it is time consuming. Also it’s hard to tell from just one chapter where the plot is being established. I honestly don’t mind railroading as long as the game is honest about being more linear. I would like to see this come to fruition and if published on Hosted Games I feel like it would do well. Very few people can do satire well, but I feel like this game can accomplish it.


@Lemon thank you so much for your kind words. I really aspire to finish it and get it up on Hosted Games (although I’m still struggling with my hand injury so that’s an unexpected, unfortunate delay).

Satire’s always been my thing. I think I may have mentioned once that I originally planned DWMU to be a serious, existential drama, but after only a few days of planning I realised how much easier it would be if I gave in and crammed it full of nerdiness along the way.


I’ve drawn crappy fanart of my PC marrying Bob, the Ultimate Tophat. What should I do? Other than continue to draw up my crappy fanart?


Of course you must post it here!


Post ALL your crappy fanart


Love your game and will certainly love to playtest your more advanced demo

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I’ll keep that in mind. A lot of the work is currently on hold because of my dumb injury, so I may get back to you later.

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Well sucks but hope u get well soon

Bear with me guys I’m having issues with Dropbox the demo is gonna be down for a while

@dashingdon’s site is a good alternative to dropbox.

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