I’m very sorry if this is not the correct forum to post in.
I remember a few years ago, playing one of these games that I had accidentally stumbled upon while on the internet. It was this same format, reading a chapter, then waiting a couple of hours for the next one to unlock.
You arrive in a big city and meet up with a new friend. It was the choice of a few different characters, I chose the bubbly young socialite. You meet a woman that runs a local speakeasy (if I remember correctly). You can choose to work at her establishment as either a singer, bartender or something else. The police are interested in her business and you can choose to give up information about her or stay loyal.
I’m sorry the details are so vague, I don’t remember a lot more.
If this sounds familiar to anyone, please let me know. I really want to play this game again.
Thank you.
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